1915 The Pale Battalions (The First World War Day-By-Day Book 2).pdf

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The First World War Day-By-Day
by Matt Kersley
1915: The Pale Battalions
Copyright 2016 Matt Kersley
Table of Contents
Copyright Page
1915: The Pale Battalions (The First World War Day-By-Day, #2)
The World in 1915
The pale battalions
January 1915: The Somme Public Baths
February 1915: Snow Covered Hills
March 1915: A-Learning of Our Work
April 1915: Fumbling Towards Agony
May 1915: The Definition of Madness
June 1915: The Summertime Blues
July 1915: Grasping the Nettle
August 1915: The Days of the Donkeys
September 1915: War on the Cheap
October 1915: The Painful Reality
November 1915: The Hardening Hearts
December 1915: Bravely running away
1915: the end of the year
To Sarah, who helped me work out who I am
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