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Cathar Castles
Fortresses of the Albigensian Crusade
First published in 2006 by Osprey Publishing
Midland House, West Way, Botley, Oxford OX2 OPH, UK
443 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10016, USA
In memory of my father, Christopher Pennington Cowper
(19 June 1936-15 September 2005).
© 2006 Osprey Publishing Limited
All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study,
research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents
Act, 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical,
optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressed t o the Publishers.
ISBN 10: I 84603 066 8
ISBN 13: 978 I 84603 066 6
I would like to acknowledge the help of the following people
and institutions in obtaining images for this publication: Nikolai
Bogdanovic; Xavier Beaujard, Charge de Communication of the
Communaute de Communes de la Piege et du Lauragais;
AKG-images; and the British Library. I am also very grateful
to Peter Dennis for painting the wonderful artwork plates that
adorn this title, Richard and Hazel Watson of The Map Studio for
creating the maps, and John Richards for drawing the line artwork.
I would like to thank Anita Canonica-Battaglino and Jean-Louis
Cousin of Le Relais Occitan (
index.htm) for their hospitality in the Languedoc.
Finally, I would like to thank my wife Jo for her editorial expertise
and support.
Design: Ken Vail Graphic Design, Cambridge, UK
Typeset in Monotype Gill Sans and ITC Stone Serif
Cartography: Map Studio, Romsey, UK/John Richards
Index by Alison Worthington
Originated by United Graphics, Singapore
Printed in China through Bookbuilders
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
Artist's note
Readers may care to note that the original paintings from which
the colour plates in this book were prepared are available for
private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever is retained
by the Publishers. All enquiries should be addressed to:
Peter Dennis, Fieldhead,The Park, Mansfield, NOTTS NG18 2AT
The Publishers regret that they can enter into no correspondence
upon this matter.
Osprey Direct, c/o Random House Distribution Center, 400 Hahn Road,
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The Fortress Study Group (FSG)
The object of the FSG is to advance the education of the public
in the study of all aspects of fortifications and their armaments,
especially works constructed to mount or resist artillery.The FSG
holds an annual conference in September over a long weekend
with visits and evening lectures, an annual tour abroad lasting
about eight days, and an annual Members' Day.
The FSG journal
is published annually, and its newsletter
is published three times a year. Membership is
international. For further details, please contact:
The Secretary, c/o 6 Lanark Place, London W 9 IBS, UK
A brief history of the Languedoc • The lords of the south • The Cathar heresy • The Catholic Church's response
Design and development
Gallo-Roman sites • The medieval
• The royal fortifications of the Languedoc
Tour of the sites
Carcassonne • Peyrepertuse • Queribus • Cabaret (Lastours) • Montsegur • Other sites of interest
lords and crusader knights
The sites at war
Beziers, 1209 • Carcassone • Minerve, 1210 • Termes, 1210 • Lavaur, 1211 • Toulouse • Montsegur, 1243-44
Visiting the sites today
Further reading
In the early 13th century, the north of what is now France went to war with
the south in a bloody crusade that lasted for the best part of half a century. It
pitted Christian against Christian in a bitter conflict that saw gross excesses on
both sides.
The ostensible reason for the crusade was to exterminate a heretical sect
known as the Cathars that had grown strong in the south and permeated every
level of society. By the end of the conflict, what had been an independent area
was subsumed under the royal authority of the Capetian kings of France, who
vastly extended their direct authority over the area. A whole way of life had been
destroyed, along with the prosperity of one of the richest regions of the country.
As was the case with most medieval conflicts, pitched battles were rare. The
Albigensian Crusade, as it came to be known, was characterized by small-scale
skirmishes, vicious guerrilla actions and the besieging of the innumerable
fortified sites that dotted the landscape of the south during this period, from
the extensive Gallo-Roman fortifications of the great centres such as Toulouse,
Narbonne and Carcassonne, through to the isolated hilltop fortifications that
proliferated in the countryside. All these defences needed to be reduced - many
of them more than once - and the remains of many of them still exist to this
day, known somewhat inaccurately as 'Cathar Castles'.
A brief history of the Languedoc
In the early 13th century the area of southern France known as the Languedoc
stretched from the Rhone Valley in the east to the River Garonne in the west,
and from the Auvergne in the north down to where the modern region of
Roussillon begins in the south. This area had a cultural unity that distinguished
it from the north of France - it had different systems of land ownership and
inheritance and even spoke a different language, the
langue d'oc
The Romans had occupied the region following their victory over the
Carthaginians in the Second Punic War and founded the city of Narbo
(modern-day Narbonne). By 70 BC the whole area south of Lyon and Toulouse
was known as Narbonensian Gaul. Further conquests by Julius Caesar and his
imperial successors pacified the rest of Gaul and the Languedoc became an
imperial province in 27 BC, with Narbonne as its capital.
By the 5th century AD the impact of waves of migrant Germanic tribes began
to be felt in the area. First the Vandals passed through, then the Suevi and
finally the Visigoths, who established a kingdom in the area based on the city
of Tolosa (Toulouse). Initially the Roman authorities authorized this kingdom
and the Visigothic king ruled as an imperial governor; however, the region
rapidly became independent of any Roman authority.
In the late 5th and early 6th centuries AD the area was attacked by yet another
wave of Germanic invaders, the Franks under their king Clovis. He defeated the
Visigothic king Alaric II in AD 507 and absorbed much of his kingdom, including
Toulouse itself, though some areas remained independent, such as Carcassonne.
Further invasions came from the south in the 8th century AD, as Arab Muslim
forces destroyed the Visigothic kingdoms both in Spain and across the Pyrenees.
The Frankish leader Charles Martel turned the Muslim conquest back at the
battle of Poitiers in AD 732 and the region was gradually reconquered by
the Franks, first under Pepin the Short and then, decisively, under his more
illustrious son Charlemagne. The region was split between the kingdoms of
Aquitaine, Septimania (so named after the seven cities of Narbonne, Agde,
Beziers, Maguelone, Lodeve, Nimes and Uzes) and the Spanish March, later to
become the county of Barcelona. In order to rule his vast empire, Charlemagne
instituted the comtal system - with appointed officials, counts and viscounts,
possessing land and honours in return for undertaking governmental and
defensive duties. With Charlemagne's death central authority over the counts
grew weaker, and areas on the fringes - such as the county of Barcelona - rapidly
became independent, whilst the appointed officials began to treat their offices as
hereditary possessions, creating a new territorial aristocracy.
The lords of the south
These independent lords became the new masters of the south, creating a
patchwork of territories with complicated ties of allegiance. As a result, no
single central power could dominate the whole of the Languedoc.
The most important single lord in the region was the count of Toulouse,
a hereditary honour held by the St Gilles family. Descended from Fredelon,
appointed by Charles the Bald in AD 849, the family - named after the town
from which they ruled their domains - grew in power throughout the 10th and
11th centuries through a series of prudent marriage alliances until they directly
controlled large areas of the Languedoc. In the late 11th century Raymond IV
of St Gilles became one of the leaders of the First Crusade, dying in the County
of Tripoli in 1105.
The greatest rival of the house of Toulouse for control of the Languedoc was
the house of Barcelona, which acquired the kingship of Aragon in 1137 through
marriage. These two great houses fought for power throughout the 12th century
and the lesser noble families - the counts of Foix, and viscounts of Beziers,
Carcassonne, Narbonne and Montpellier - sought to exploit the conflict by
transferring their allegiances from one lord to another to obtain the maximum
independence for themselves. In 1150 the Trencavel viscount of Beziers and
Carcassonne did homage to the king of Aragon for his territory, as did the count
of Foix the following year. By the time peace was confirmed by the Treaty of
Perpignan in 1198 the house of Toulouse was forced to concede that it had lost
control of a substantial part of its territories - particularly the Trencavel lands,
the county of Foix and the viscounties of Narbonne and Beziers. These lands
passed into the realm of influence of the kings of Aragon and were the reason
The silhouette of the fortress of
Queribus stands out against the
skyline, revealing clearly the three
different levels of fortification.
Although Queribus was largely
rebuilt following the end of the
Albigensian Crusade remnants
remain of the original fortification
dating from the time of the Cathars.
(Author's collection)
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