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This is a QUICK guid to the first release ,
of MTBox Nokia software.
Please take 10 min to go though it,
this migth save you some time.
When more then one boxes connected, user needs to select with one to use. After a box is selected , it
can't be selected by other executable.
For each box the following information is displayed:
CustomName ( the name that user gave to this box, see bellow on how to do this).
NK – information if the box is in Trial Mode, or unlimited nokia. How many times SW was
started on this box.
SE – same information for SonyEricsson executables.
Note: in case the SW is unable to find a box do the following:
1. Disconnect the box from PC, and remove power .
2. If it was additionally powered by nokia charger disconnect the charger.
3. Close any applications that are using the box.
4. Goto TaskManager, and make remove ( if any ) the applications that are still running
( applications that use MTBOX).
5. Connect the Box to PC.
6. Wait until Windows shows that MT Box is connected to PC.
7. Start SW.
8. Note: initial start of SW may take up to 5 seconds before Interface is shown, so have the
patience to wait.
9. If there still is problem, contact your support site.
This is example of what you should see after choosing the box ( if more then one were connected to
- select DCT4/WD2/BB5 – majority of phones.
Slow DCT4/WD2
– same software support as above, but transmission is in slower speed. Could be
useful in case of unstable phone HW, or bad cable, or some special slow phones.
– changes some controls, in order to implement DCT3 flashing. Selecting this options also
changes the function of “Phone Information”, “Unlock”, “Set Factory Default”
- Lists the known models ( extracted from phoenix.ini, or dct3phone.ini). When model is
selected, the executable will automatically suggest the last used product code for this model.
Because thre are a lot of models of nokia, you are also able to write the nokia number ( public name )
or service name ( like NPE-4) and press down arrow. The application will automatically locate it.
Product Code:
suggest installed product codes for the selected model. When product code is choosen
the files for it are automatically selected. This is not true for some models because the file description
is wrong.
Disable VPP:
In many cases the cable doesn't have VPP, or it doesn't make good contact with the
phone. This option will instruct the Application not to use VPP ( in many cases this will lead to slower
Skip Bluetooth:
In case of damaged bluetooth chip, flashing will fail. So this option let's you flash the
phone without interacting with bluetooth chip.
Factory Settings
: Reset to “Factory Default Settings” after flashing the phone.
When you start flashing:
after phone has entered bootstrap mode, the application will display:
ASIC ID: the ID of the MCU (ASIC ID: 1052 in the example above)
Flash Configuration: Number of flash chips in phone, flash chip Ids, Sector size of flash
chips, most significant byte of the address of the flash.
First 16 bytes of the first flash of the phone.
While erasing: While erasing, there is no indication of the progress of erasing. The only
information you have is how much memory will be erased (15.56 Mega Bytes, in the exaple above). In
case of error while erasing, the address where it couldn't;t erase should be shown. On some phones it is
impossible to show at what address is the error, while erasing with VPP. So if there is error, select
Disable VPP, and flash, in this way you will be able to see the address.
How long it should take to erase: approximately 10 seconds per megabyte ( or less), so it if
takes more then the box couldn't recover from error, disconnect box from PC and application will show
the last known address of erasing.
After flashing is finished, the application will show how much time it took. Beep a sound to alert the
user that operation is finished. If product profile values are know send to phone ( those come with the
product code).
Unlock: press to unlock the phone.
Phone Info: display as much information as possible about the connected phone. This will also
automatically load the model and product code for this phone.
Note: Unlock and PhoneInfo must be clicked only if the phone is connected to box, and powered on.
Extras: Those are useful tools to help service the phones. As those tools are used rare, be default they
are hidden. If you want to use them, select the Extras checkbox. The application window will be
expanded to display the available tools.
On top of the expanded area a list with the available tools will be displayed (combo box
Select the Tool you need and the options for it will be shown.
IMEI FUNCTIONS, ERASE FUNCTION do not work on BB5 and DCT3 phones.
Only Full Factory Set works on DCT3 phones.
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