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Inscription of Nebuchadnezzar
Text Source:
Library collection: "World's Greatest Literature"
Published work: "Babylonian and Assyrian Literature"
Translator: Rev. J. M. Rodwell, M.A.
Publisher: P. F. Collier & Son, New York
Copyright: Colonial Press, 1901
Notes - (Page 250)
Babylonian inscriptions are by no means so replete with interest as the Assyrian. The
latter embrace the various expeditions in which the Assyrian monarchs were engaged,
and bring us into contact with the names and locality of rivers, cities, and mountain-
ranges, with contemporary princes in Judea and elsewhere, and abound in details as to
domestic habits, civil usages, and the implements and modes of warfare. But the
Babylonian inscriptions refer mainly to the construction of temples, palaces, and other
public buildings, and at the same time present especial difficulties in their numerous
architectural terms which it is often impossible to translate with any certainty. They are,
however, interesting as records of the piety and religious feelings of the sovereigns of
Babylon, and as affording numerous topographical notices of that famous city; while the
boastful language of the inscription will often remind the reader of Nebuchadnezzar's
words in Dan. iv. 30: "Is not this great Babylon, that I have built for the house of the
kingdom, by the might of my power, and for the honor of my majesty?" Compare column
vii, line 32.
The reign of Nebuchadnezzar extended from B.C. 604 to 561. In B.C. 598 he laid siege to
Jerusalem (2 Kings xxiv.) and made Jehoiachin prisoner, and in 588 again captured the
city, and carried Zedekiah, who had rebelled against him, captive to Babylon (2 Kings
xxv.). Josephus gives an account of his expeditions against Tyre and Egypt, which are
also mentioned with many details in Ezek. xxvii.-xxix.
The name Nebuchadnezzar, or more accurately Nebuchadrezzar (Jer. xxi. 2, 7, etc.), is
derived from the Jewish Scriptures. But in the inscriptions it reads Nebo-kudurri-ussur,
"may Nebo protect the crown"; a name analogous to that of his father Nebo(Nabu)-
habal-ussur. ("Nebo protect the son") and to that of Belshazzar,
"Bel protect the
prince." The phonetic writing of Nebuchadnezzar is "An-pa-sa-du-sis," each of which
syllables has been identified through the syllabaries. The word "kudurri" is probably the
(Hebrew - KeTeR) of (Page 251) Esther vi. 8, and the (Greek - kidaris) of the Greeks.
The inscriptions of which a translation follows was found at Babylon by Sir Harford
Jones Bridges, and now forms part of the India House Collection. It is engraved on a
short column of black basalt, and is divided into ten columns, containing 619 lines.
It may be worth while to remark that in the name given to the prophet Daniel,
Balat-su-ussur ("preserve thou his life"), and in Abednego ("servant of
Nebo"), we have two of the component parts of the name of Nebuchadnezzar himself.
Text of Nebuchadnezzar's Inscription
(Pages 251-266)
Column 1
[1.1] Nebuchadnezzar
[1.2] King of Babylon,
[1.3] glorious Prince,
[1.4] worshipper of Marduk,
[1.5] adorer of the lofty one,
[1.6] glorifier of Nabu,
[1.7] the exalted, the possessor of intelligence,
[1.8] who the processions of their divinities
[1.9] hath increased;
[1.10] a worshipper of their Lordships,
[1.11] firm, not to be destroyed;
[1.12] who for the embellishment
[1.13] of Bit-Saggatu and Bit-Zida
[1.14] appointed days hath set apart, and
[1.15] the shrines of Babylon
[1.16] and of Borsippa
[1.17] hath steadily increased;
[1.18] exalted Chief, Lord of peace,
[1.19] embellisher of Bit-Saggatu and Bit-Zida,
[1.20] the valiant son
[1.21] of Nabopolassar
[1.22] King of Babylon am I.
[1.23] When he, the Lord god my maker made me,
[1.24] the god Merodach, he deposited
[1.25] my germ in my mother's (womb):
[1.26] then being conceived
[1.27] I was made.
[1.28] Under the inspection of Assur my judge
[1.29] the processions of the god I enlarged,
[1.30] (namely) of Merodach great Lord, the god my maker.
[1.31] His skilful works
[1.32] highly have I glorified;
[1.33] and of Nebo his eldest son
[1.34] exalter of My Royalty
[1.35] the processions (in honor of) his exalted deity
[1.36] I firmly established.
[1.37] With all my heart firmly
[1.38] (in) worship of their deities I uprose
[1.39] in reverence for Nebo their Lord.
[1.40] Whereas Merodach, great Lord,
[1.41] the head of My ancient Royalty,
[1.42] hath empowered me over multitudes of men,
[1.43] and (whereas) Nebo bestower of thrones in heaven and earth,
[1.44] for the sustentation of men,
[1.45] a sceptre of righteousness
[1.46] hath caused my hand to hold;
[1.47] now I, that sacred way
[1.48] for the resting-place of their divinities,
[1.49] for a memorial of all their names,
[1.50] as a worshipper of Nebo, Yav and Istar,
[1.51] for Merodach my Lord I strengthened.
[1.52] Its threshold I firmly laid, and
[1.53] my devotion of heart he accepted, and
[1.54] him did I proclaim
[1.55] . . . Lord of all beings, and
[1.56] as Prince of the lofty house, and
[1.57] thou, (O Nebuchadnezzar) hast proclaimed the name of him
[1.58] who has been beneficent unto thee.
[1.59] His name, (O god,) thou wilt preserve,
[1.60] the path of righteousness thou hast prescribed to him.
[1.61] I, a Prince, and thy worshipper
[1.62] am the work of thy hand;
[1.63] thou hast created me, and
[1.64] the empire over multitudes of men
[1.65] thou hast assigned me,
[1.66] according to thy favor, O Lord,
[1.67] which thou hast accorded
[1.68] to them all.
[1.69] May thy lofty Lordship be exalted!
[1.70] in the worship of thy divinity
[1.71] may it subsist! in my heart
[1.72] may it continue, and my life which to thee is devoted
on Column 2)
Column 2
[2.1] mayest thou bless!
[2.2] He, the Chief, the honorable,
[2.3] the Prince of the gods, the great Merodach,
[2.4] my gracious Lord, heard
[2.5] and received my prayer;
[2.6] he favored it, and by his exalted power,
[2.7] reverence for his deity
[2.8] placed he in my heart:
[2.9] to bear his tabernacle
[2.10] he hath made my heart firm,
[2.11] with reverence for thy power,
[2.12] for exalted service,
[2.13] greatly and eternally.
[2.14] The foundation of his temple it was
[2.15] which from the upper waters
[2.16] to the lower waters
[2.17] in a remote way,
[2.18] in a spot exposed to winds,
[2.19] in a place whose pavements had been broken,
[2.20] low, dried up,
[2.21] a rugged way,
[2.22] a difficult path,
[2.23] I extended.
[2.24] The disobedient I stirred up,
[2.25] and I collected the poor and
[2.26] gave full directions (for the work) and
[2.27] in numbers I supported them.
[2.28] Wares and ornaments
[2.29] for the women I brought forth,
[2.30] silver, molten gold, precious stones,
[2.31] metal,
and cedar woods,
[2.32] (however their names be written)
[2.33] a splendid abundance,
[2.34] the produce of mountains,
[2.35] sea clay,
[2.36] beautiful things in abundance,
[2.37] riches and sources of joy,
[2.38] for my city Babylon,
[2.39] into his presence have I brought
[2.40] for Bit-Saggatu
[2.41] the temple of his power,
[2.42] ornaments for Dakan
[2.43] Bit-Kua, the shrine
[2.44] of Merodach, Lord of the house of the gods,
[2.45] I have made conspicuous with fine linen
[2.46] and its seats
[2.47] with splendid gold,
[2.48] as for royalty and deity,
[2.49] with lapis lazuli and alabaster blocks
[2.50] I carefully covered them over;
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