Rangers Of Shadow Deep Rules Update.pdf

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Rules Update
Cover Design and Internal Layout: Steven Meyer-Rassow
Rangers of Shadow Deep: Rules Update
is copyright Joseph A. McCullough, except for the illustrations
which are copyright Barrett Stanley. No part of this Book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author and publisher, except
where specifically permitted by law.
The author and publisher give permission for the purchaser of this PDF to print out one copy for
personal use.
Rangers of Shadow Deep
About a year after Rangers of Shadow Deep was released, I had the chance to review the entire game
in order to prepare the Deluxe Edition, published by Modiphius Entertainment. In so doing, I made a
number of changes that my own playtesting had determined could improve the game. Most notably, I
did some work on how the game changes based on the number of players. In games featuring only 1 or 2
players, the rangers have been given a bit more freedom in the movement of their companions. For games
with 3 or 4 players, I have created a ‘Challenge Level’ for each of the scenarios, which ups the difficulty. I
made a few other changes as well, but these are mostly minor. A few of the entries below, are only ‘changes’
in the sense that they have been reworded for clarity.
While I made these changes specifically to include in the Deluxe Edition of the game, it is
important to me that players who have already supported the game (and thus supported me), also have
access to the changes without having to buy a new book. Therefore, I have created this document which
includes all of the changes.
At the end of the day, one of the great things about solo and cooperative wargaming is how easy
it is to change the rules. If you are playing solo, you don’t need to discuss it with anyone else, you just
do it. In co-op, you just have to ask the question – what’s more fun? There is no need to worry about
‘competitive balance’. So, have a look through the changes below, if you like them, add them to your
adventures in the Shadow Deep. If you prefer the original rules, well, it’s your game, so keep using those!
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