Feng Yu Jiu Tian tom 7 Chapter 1.docx

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Chapter 1



Feng Yu Jiu Tian Volume 7



(A Prestigious King’s Mighty Strength)






 The scene of the battlefield suddenly appeared to dramatically changed, not only did Rong Tian dare to easily send a secret coded message within the vicinity of Dong Fan, the most impressive is having Empress Dowager who had hidden within the inner palace comfortably transformed and disguised herself as the Great Master “Sun Zi” with vast knowledge. Although Feng Ming believed that he had trained himself very well mentally ever since arriving to this ancient period, he couldn’t keep his heart from thumping heavily.



Acting out an emotional touching scene between a teacher and a disciple that is so realistic, he could earn an Oscar award.



LD: The Art of War that Master Sun had presented is very astounding. Here, please have a taste of Dong Fan’s excellent tea, and then we will continue listening to your military strategies.



ED: Good. Good. Advisor seems very interested in military strategies, comparing to my disciple who is not willing to improve, you’re a much faster learner.



All of those so called military strategies of hers were taught by Rong Tian who learned it by Feng Ming. After understanding it, because of the urgent change of events, he had to teach it to her. Because Feng Ming was being held hostage, he was force against his will to reveal a bit of the military strategies, so comparing to Empress Dowager who was taught meticulously by Rong Tian, would seem to have more knowledge.



 But that knowledge also has its limits, Lu Dan is not an easy opponent to trick if he continues to ask “Sun Zi” about related military strategies again, and Empress Dowager wouldn’t be able to counter.



LD: I heard Duke Ming said, Master Sun has two different sets of military strategies, one is the “Art of War”, where Duke Ming had used the chained boat fire strategy at Aman River. The other one is “The Exclusive Art of War” which is even more amazing than the first.



Feng Ming was drinking tea and if he wasn’t looking down at that moment, he could have spit his tea onto his “master.”



 Empress Dowager was also surprised. She only learned the Art of War from Rong Tian and



 wasn’t quite familiar with it yet, so where did this other Exclusive Art of War came from? She turned around to glance over at Feng Ming.



Feng Ming was quick witted and immediately stood in front of Empress Dowager, he kneel down and said.



FM: Your disciple is bad; I didn’t listen to your words and carelessly told Advisor about the other military strategy book that you written.



The inner palace is usually the place where people trick and we lie, talking about acting, Empress Dowager’s acting ability compared to Feng Ming was never any lowered. She



 immediately shook her head.



ED: Feng Ming, when you went down the mountains, didn’t you listen carefully to what I have told you?



FM: You have said: “The Exclusive Art of War” compare to the “Art of War” is extremely more powerful. Looking at the level of military strategy from the present kingdoms, using “Art of War” is already enough. At this point, it’s not necessary to use “The Exclusive Art of War”; you have to wait in the future when the all the kingdoms’ military strategies have improve immensely in order to let others know about it.



ED: And you still dare to reveal it? (She pound hard onto the arm of the chair, Lu Dan laughed)



LD: Please Master Sun, don’t blame Duke Ming. It’s because Lu Dan was not good. We were discussing about military strategies and during the point of interest, Duke Ming was careless about it...



While talking for a bit, a servant of Lu Dan lifted the curtains and walked in, “Reporting to Advisor...”



LD: Who told you to come in? Didn’t I tell everyone to leave so that no one can bother my



 conversation with Master Sun and Duke Ming?



“Advisor, please forgive, the military division has urgent matter, Jun Qing wanted to intervene.”



The voice of Jun Qing traveled inside, his footsteps approached nearer. Not long, the curtains were lifted and Jun Qing’s image appeared along with his other tall and strong generals standing behind him.



Lu Dan’s face was a bit pale, but it completely changed when he stood up with a smile of his face.



 LD: Jun Ling Si personally came to this place, Lu Dan is very honored. Jun Ling Si had



 came at the right time, Master Sun who is well-versed in the Art of War is here discussing about military strategies, Jun Ling Si is also familiar with military strategies, would you like to join the discussion? Someone, bring the tea.



JQ: No need. Jun Qing’s reason for coming here is very simple, I would like to request Master Sun to decipher this strange message we have retrieved on a body of a spy from Bei Qi.



“A message?”



JQ: According to Duke Ming, he stated that those who can read it are very few, and Master



 Sun is one of those few people.



Jun Qing turned towards Empress Dowager and glanced at her, seeing that she was a female, he felt very surprised.



JQ: Don’t know if Master Sun is happy to help and come over to the military meeting hall for a bit?



LD: According to Jun Ling Si, what message is it?



Jun Qing glanced over at Lu Dan; his face was serious without much expression.



JQ: Please forgive me Advisor, this is confidential matter related to the military division, only those with high position in the military forces can partic.i.p.ate.



The beautiful face of Lu Dan suddenly reddened; his eyes were filled with evil anger but immediately disappeared. Even though he is filled with intelligence, holding power within Dong Fan’s inner palace, overthrowing the priestesses, but towards military matter, he cannot place his hands in it. The military division in Dong Fan is extremely loyal to the King with great respect towards one’s background and connection, Lu Dan was born from a common family, and never stepped foot on the battlefield, so it’s natural that he won’t receive approval from the generals within the military forces.



 Also, even if Lu Dan had Dong Fan King’s trust and love, he still cannot easily stand in their way. This is the main reason why Lu Dan decided to take advantage of Feng Ming and “The Art of War.” Feng Ming and that book can help Lu Dan receive power within the military division, something that he yearns for.



Jun Qing patiently waited for Empress Dowager’s answer. Feng Ming’s palms were filled with sweat. He had carelessly stated that the message, “Sun Zi” could understand it and never would have thought a hundred times that “Sun Zi” would actually appear.



Well, isn’t it great, now they have caught him red-handed.



 If Empress Dowager took a look at the message and couldn’t explain it, then that means



 Feng Ming was lying, and Jun Qing might use this excuse to behead him. If she can explain it, then what kind of “news the G.o.ds would send to the mortals”?



“I am near you, wait for me.”



Thinking about the message Rong Tian sent, he felt happy and in a slight moment, he almost formed a smile on his face. Feng Ming quickly clenched his teeth and lowered his head, what the heck was he doing? Thinking about that at that moment was a bit unnecessary.



 “Master Sun, please.” One of Jun Qing’s men lifted the curtains.



Empress Dowager was not clear about the whole story, but seeing Feng Ming’s face, how can she easily leave with someone else. She lightly pushed the tea cup and didn’t say a single word.



JQ: (walked forward a few steps) Master Sun, the time is urgent, please come.



Lu Dan was angry at Jun Qing’s rudeness, seeing the way “Master Sun” ignored Jun Qing, it could be said that she kind of help him, so he smiled coldly and said.



LD: Jun Ling Si, Master Sun is a special guest that I have invited; she is not one of your subordinate. Whether Master Sun wants to go to the military meeting hall or not, it would be best for her to decide.



Jun Qing paused a bit, but he wasn’t angry. He looked over at Feng Ming.



JQ: Duke Ming also knows how urgent this matter is, request Duke Ming to persuade your Master to come this once, in order to avoid disappointing the trust of the Great King towards Duke Ming.



Just like that, Feng Ming couldn’t just cross his arms and stand there. He softly spoke to Empress Dowager.



 FM: Master, Jun Ling Si received a message/letter from a Bei Qi spy, the message on it had a similar writing to what master had talked about how the G.o.ds communicate with the mortals. I was bold enough to tell Jun Ling Si that master could read this type of writing. Jun Ling Si wishes very much to decipher the meaning within it and wishes you to take this trip, don’t know what your decision is?



ED: So that’s it. You’ve continued to get involved.



FM: Yes, yes. Your disciple has been rash.



ED: This matter... (She looked over at Lu Dan) What does Advisor think?



 Lu Dan saw that “Master Sun” asked for his opinion, giving him some respect, so his mood



 lighten up a bit. However, he was understanding, of course he wouldn’t say the words: “Master, you should not go.”



LD: Lu Dan will respect any decision that Master Sun make.



Empress Dowager pretended to think it over for a bit and then replied to Jun Qing.



ED: I won’t lie to Jun Ling Si. I have decided long ago that I won’t meddle into court affairs anymore, however, my disciple Feng Ming revealed everything, and made Jun Ling Si personally come here to ask. In order to repay Advisor’s hospitality, I felt it’s only right to do something for Dong Fan. Alright, I will help Jun Ling Si with this matter, but...I’m old and



 can’t easily move around freely and would rather if Jun Ling Si asks right here related to your military division. Please forgive me for not being able to take the trip.



In the beginning, Jun Qing had no intention of discussing the matter in front of Lu Dan, but since “Master Sun” didn’t want to follow him to the meeting hall, he didn’t want to delay the urgent matter so he pulled out the letter and hand it to “Master Sun.”



Empress Dowager took the letter and opened it up.



ED: Ha? The writing in this letter is really what the G.o.ds have used, where did you find it?



JQ: We got it from a spy that we’ve caught. Master, we would like to request if you can decipher the hidden message?



Feng Ming was like an ant crawling on a hot wok.



Empress Dowager, you must definitely come up with a good lie to trick Lu Dan and Jun Qing, even if it’s not easy.



Empress Dowager was not a bit hesitant, holding the letter and looking from left to right, her mouth mumbled some words, closed her eyes and lost in thoughts. After everyone around was waiting with tired necks for her translation, she wrinkled her brows and looked over at



 Jun Qing.



ED: I also don’t know what the hidden message is.



FM: What?



JQ: What? (shocked and disappointed with a bit of suspicion) Empress Dowager placed the letter on the table and slowly said.



ED: It’s because this letter is not complete. The writing of the G.o.ds compared with regular writing is complicated a thousand times. If the letter is not complete, how can I translate the



 hidden message inside? It’s just like a military map with only one piece of it, so how can we



 know where the beginning is?



Feng Ming’s two eyes widened, he wanted so badly to just kiss Empress Dowager, using this excuse was very ingenious!



The older they are the wiser they are.



JQ: What Master said is that this letter has another part to it? ED: Absolutely correct.



 JQ: How is this possible?



ED: How can it not be possible? (looked towards Lu Dan) Right now, 11 kingdoms are at war, every kingdom wants to use all sort of method to protect their confidential information. The method of separating the message into different pieces to different people, Advisor must have heard of it before?



LD: That’s right. Everyone different will hold a piece, and then handed altogether to receiver, and the receiver will place them together to form one piece. By doing so, they won’t have to worry if one of the people is caught and the secret is reveal.



This type of sending message, Jun Qing has also heard of.



Unfortunately, Bei Qi is their dangerous neighboring kingdom of Dong Fan and have been making continuous movements, causing generals of Jun Qing to be anxious, and now they discovered a spy, afraid that a spy had infiltrated their troops and this mysterious letter made all of them anxious to know everything.



Jun Qing already had his suspicion about Feng Ming, but he couldn’t guess why Feng Ming would want to lie to him. If “Master Sun” were to state the hidden message, then he could figure out whether it was true or not. He just can’t believe she would pull out an excuse that the message was not complete.



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