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FM: My heart?

Feng Ming can’t help but covered his chest with his hands. Dong Fan is famous for their spiritual incantation and he had taste a bit of what Lu Dan can do. He knows that this beautiful person who seem beautiful and gentle has in fact done outrageous things so he needs to be on full alert.

LD: Duke Ming has misunderstood. (Lu Dan laughed) What Lu Dan mean is we hope Duke Ming will submit to Dong Fan. When Xi Lei King was alive, Lu Dan would have never thought about this. However, I will not lie to Duke Ming, Lu Dan had already decided that no matter the outcome, after completely making use of Duke Ming, I was planning on killing you immediately.

Seeing that Fend Ming’s face twitched, Lu Dan’s tone of voice soften.

LD: As of now, Xi Lei King is no more. This world is huge, but Duke Ming no longer has a place to return to. Lu Dan is willing to give all of Dong Fan’s power, in order for Duke Ming to stay beside the Great King and advise him. With the eleven kingdoms still standing, who else is like Dong Fan King, able to give Duke Ming a high position that no one is able to reach for, just like when you were in Xi Lei?

FM: I thought…awhile ago I was still a prisoner with a crime, having the whole Dong Fan royalty look down upon, even Advisor came to mock me. So why do you change your mind now?

LD: That banquet was just for show. I just wanted Duke Ming to understand that after the priestesses are destroyed, the fight and court battles within Dong Fan is no difference than all the other kingdoms. The position of the Great King is not really secure, if Duke Ming wants to survive here, you cannot just rely on me, for even the Great King cannot fully protect your safety. Duke Mng has to learn how to protect yourself, you have to use your strength to stay beside the Great King and protect him, just like how you have protected the Xi Lei King, help him become a truly Great King that the history books will mention about him for 1000 of years to come, someone to idolize.

Feng Ming lowered his eyes and did not answer.  Lu Dan looked at him for awhile and then continued.

LD: Duke Ming’s silence has only let me know what you are currently thinking inside.

He stood up and walked over in front of Feng Ming, bow down and examined his facial expression.

LD: Could it be that Duke Ming still holds a slight hope that Xi Lei King is still alive; therefore, you do not want to think about Lu Dan’s offer, is that right?

Feng Ming could not hide what he was thinking inside, he raised his eyebrows and looked up at Lu Dan.

LD: That day, when we received the news, I have sent people to investigate and they have finally come back now. Duke Ming should not torture yourself anymore, Xi Lei really did have a change of ruler, the current king is now Great King Rong Tong. He had brought gifts here in response to my help, causing Rong Tian’s mind to be distracted and allowing this change in outcome and Rong Tian’s defeat. The gift that Xi Lei had brought here from afar, does Duke Ming have the interest in finding out what it is?

Without waiting for Feng Ming to answer, Lu Dan coughed and clapped his hands, after those signals finished, two maids came inside, in their hands they were holding an item case, covered by a yellow cloth in which Feng Ming could not figure out what it was.

The maids placed the item case on the table and excused themselves.

Lu Dan came in front of the item case and pulled off the cloth that was covering it.

On the table were precious jewels and jades shining brightly blurring one’s eyes, but Feng Ming was not interested in them, his eyes glanced over and focused on one item, his whole body in shock. Lu Dan followed his eyes, he held up an item from the jewelry around, a extraordinary jaded ring.

LD: This…is it something that Rong Tian usually wears?

FM: Rong Tian is a Great King, every day his daily wears are plentiful, one or two items being discovered outside, what is there to be surprised about? What if he awarded his people?

Lu Dan lowered his eyes and chuckled.

LD:  Then, I invite Duke Ming to examine that item over there.

Feng Ming stared at the item case covered with a yellow cloth on the opposite side. He knew that the item inside is something that he did not want to see. Clenching his teeth, uncovering the yellow cloth with his own hands, examining closely, he trembled and inhaled a large breath of air, his eyes widened like they were about to fall out.

LD: How is it? This item can’t be something that can easily leave the Xi Lei palace and wanders outside, right? Xi Lei already have a change of ruler, Duke Ming cannot keep believing it isn’t so.

Every finger of Feng Ming trembled, grabbing hold of the cold table like ice.  If they were not the ruler of Xi Lei, then they would never gift this item. If Rong Tian was still alive, he would never give this item to Dong Fan.

Unparallel sword, one of the precious items of Xi Lei, the kingdom’s most valued treasure since the beginning of Xi Lei’s royal existence. When Xi Lei was first established, long ago, it was because of this unparallel sword.

Unparallel sword, a paired sword, no one can separate. If separated, two people will hold onto one, if one met with unexpected disaster, he will commit suicide; the person left will also perish.

That paired sword carried a curse from the blood of the first King that established the kingdom. Rong Tian also used it to express his affection to Feng Ming, but because of the bad omen, after Feng Ming returned to the palace, he had brought the item back to the enshrined area in the back of Xi Lei’s palace.

That day when Official Xia explained the origin of the unparallel sword to him, it was still fresh in his mind.

Official Xia is dead, and … what about Rong Tian?

FM: Xi Lei…really have a change of ruler? The present king of Xi Lei is Tong Er? No matter how Rong Tian is, he will never hand over the unparallel sword to other people, the item of affection between him and Feng Ming.

LD:  Yes.  The new prime minister is also from the Tong family.

Lu Dan slowly walked next to Feng Ming, using his fingers he gently stroked the ice cold face of Feng Ming and harshly sighed.

LD: Seeing Duke Ming suffer like this, Lu Dan feels deeply guilty, can’t Duke Ming realize that Lu Dan also act in unpredictable ways, what I’m thinking is hard to grasp? So today, Lu Dan will not beat around the bush with Duke Ming anymore. I want to talk directly to Duke Ming about one condition.

A gentle smile appeared on his beautiful face with a bit of seriousness.

Feng Ming was still looking at the unparallel sword, he was lost in his thoughts, remembering all the smiles of Rong Tian, all those days and months running around within the Prince’s quarter along with Chiu Lan, Lie Er, and the rest.

Feng Ming is different from Lu Dan, he still believes in Rong Tian, he cannot easily believe that Rong Tian is dead. But…the unparallel sword is here, in front of his eyes, it was telling him the cruel reality, Xi Lei had a major change.

Could it be that while Feng Ming is waiting here in hope for Rong Tian to save him, Rong Tian is also suffering at some unknown place by himself?

FM: What more of me is there for you to take advantage of, for Advisor to use much effort in offering a condition with me?

LD: Why don’t Duke Ming listen to what Lu Dan’s condition is? Not only the status, the power, to conclude it is a position under one person but above thousands next to the Great King, is that something that Duke Ming wish for?

Feng Ming fingers clenched tightly at the unparallel sword, his face turned pale and he responded.

FM: Because of the military strategies, Advisor will not sacrifice a huge price like that. There must be something more to it. If Advisor still does not want to tell me truthfully, how can Feng Ming believe your sincere feelings?

LD: Hearing Feng Ming’s words, I know that you have been moved. It’s only natural, Xi Lei has come to this, if Duke Ming wishes for revenge, you have to control a strong army, Lu Dan’s offer has unintentionally given you the best option.

He slowly walked towards the entrance, looking at the scenery outside.  It was past midnight, the snow started to fall.  Lu Dan suddenly turned around, looking at Feng Ming.

LD: The three things that I want to complete for the Great King, I have  completed two of them. One, to be free of Xi Lei’s threat against Dong Fan, this was completed smoothly that even I couldn’t believe such thing; the second one is to defeat the priestesses. The third one is fix the extreme corruption within Dong Fan. Regain an aristocratic abjection (Feng Ming) to understand the art,  to deal with the royal nobles with evil intentions within the court, help Dong Fan King to eradicate the barriers and using the military strategies to transform the army, increase the strength of Dong Fan, making Dong Fan the prime ruler of all 11 kingdoms.

Feng Ming nodded and sighed.

FM: No wonder Advisor is the main support of Dong Fan. With you beside the Great King, what’s there to be worry about becoming a reputable ruler of the world?

LD: Duke Ming is wrong. The third thing is I need to find someone to replace me, to be beside the Great King, before this body waste away.

It was as if Feng Ming heard the bells of the Gods, he stood frozen in place.

FM: Advisor’s meaning is…

LD: Suffering under the hands of the priestesses for five years, my strength has been greatly diminished. When I was beside the Great King, I didn’t want other people to harm him so in order to clear the shame and dirtied his name, I had to be aware of people, hurt people, and create schemes without a day of rest. A light that had long been put out, how can it continue running nonstop? Out of all the people I have met, only Duke Ming is the one that I respect to a certain point, Duke Ming is special than other people, who isn’t someone who use tricks to purposely harm people, but yet hard to defeat. With you beside the Great King, I would be very reassured.

Seeing Feng Ming’s wide eyes, Lu Dan chuckled and continued.

LD: Comparing to Lu Dan, Duke Ming can easily allow others to like you. Even though Lu Dan is beautiful, I know that my temperment is very cold, those who have been with me for a long time will feel scare to the depths of their hearts, except for the Great King…he never hold anything against me.

Feng Ming saw Lu Dan coming closer to him, his beautiful face like a painting, an undescrible beauty with a man’s fragrance scent blewing into Feng Ming’s face, causing Feng Ming’s heart to beat uncontrollably. He couldn’t help but thought about him and Rong Tian.

If he was going to die, would he be kind enough to find another person to be beside Rong Tian, to replace himself?

His heart was filled with pain and bitterness that he can’t speak of, Feng Ming closed his eyes and looked away.

FM: Advisor speak as if it’s very simple, replacing your position, is that something that can be easily done?

LD: As long as Duke Ming agrees, Lu Dan will have a method for this plan to succeed. As for the Great King, I will slowly persuade him. As for the court, I will slowly hand over the power to Duke Ming. As for Duke Ming… (Lu Dan glanced over at Feng Ming with hidden intentions) I will definitely have a method for Duke Ming to wholehearted protect the Great King. (talking midway, Lu Dan straightened himself up) Tonight I will only speak up to here. Duke Ming please quickly rest. Lu Dan has already prepared my best guards to stay here and protect you, I guarantee that no one will be able to bother Duke Ming.

FM: Those gifts that Xi Lei had brought…

LD: I gift them back to Duke Ming.

Feng Ming suddenly held onto the unparallel sword and shouted out wile running towards the entrance to call out to Lu Dan.

FM: Why is there only one sword?

LD: The other sword of course resides with the Great King. If Duke Ming agrees with Lu Dan’s condition, then please wear the unparallel sword on you. When the owner of the unparallel sword wears it on him, then the spell will be effective. Only when the two people both agrees to toss away the paired swords will the curse will disappear. Duke Ming, please rethink clearly.

And so Lu Dan left, the snow outside continued to fall heavily.

That night, Feng Ming did not sleep, he was spinning the jaded ring of Rong Tian on the item case, and thinking about each words of Lu Dan.

Perhaps the person that has extraordinary knowledge of military strategies in this world is not Rong Tian, is not Ruo Yan, and is not him, not Feng Ming, but instead is Lu Dan. Lu Dan seems to act erratically, but no one can predict his ulterior motives and also, he is always taking little steps to use Feng Ming, in order to achieve his desired purpose.

Though there were certain events out of his expectations, but in the end, Lu Dan was still the winner.

And yet that kind of person, can become a fire that is put out, a bright light that can blurred one’s eyes and yet there would be a day for that person to disappear.

FM: Rong Tian, what should I do?

Feng Ming leaned against the window, looking out at the snow fall.

FM: I don’t believe that you have left me. I must survive…

Xi Lei, perhaps is filled with reign of terror. If I want to help you, I have to become stronger.

A sudden pain was felt, Feng Ming looked down and noticed blood coming from a wound where he held the unparallel sword tightly.

Rong Tian, what is your condition right now?

FM: I have never been a strong person. I was never capable of fighting the internal chaos within the palace…But…if I can control the forces of Dong Fan in my hands, then at the appropriate time, I will be able to help you, right?

That, was Lu Dan’s trap.

It was so clear in front of his eyes, but how can he not jump into it. Feng Ming wiped his tears and silently held onto the unparallel sword.

In a blink of an eye, it seems that he had returned to the Crown Prince’s quarter, recalling those times when he was still within Xi Lei’s inner palace, playing around and arguing with Rong Tian each day.

The words of Official Xia still rang in his ears.

“The Unparallel Sword is the only one in the world, but is a pair of swords. According to historical records, the An Brothers protected one area and became enemies with this monster. The battle between them lasted for years, and the brothers tried many different methods but could not defeat the monster and so they decided to use their last resort…The two brothers used magic spells, they took about ten years, using their blood to create a pair of swords under a peerless spell. When the An Brothers created the swords, they placed a spell on the unparallel swords with the following: This sword despite being a pair, but their fate entwines with the owner. Those that hold the sword, if one dies, then the other will perish. The unparallel sword went through much effort in order to reach the monster’s hands, the other sword was kept by the older brother. When the older brother committed suicide, the monster also died. The younger brother that survived conquered that area, and soon that place populated and became Xi Lei, that person was the first Great King of Xi Lei. The unparallel sword returned to the hands of the Great King and was enshrined within the inner palace, never to appear again.”

Those swords established the kingdom Xi Lei.

Rong Tian, I am not only your Feng Ming, but I am also Duke Ming of Xi Lei.

If Lu Dan can pour his whole heart and soul because of Dong Fan King, then I, how can I be useless to the point that is not even worth in comparison to the unparallel sword?

Holding onto the sword within his embrace, his hand dripped with blood.

He opened up the windows and shouted loudly. The snow outside found its way inside. 




That night, the inner palace of Dong Fan was lit up brightly, and very boisterous.

Everywhere was bright with lights, wine bottles were poured, and all the beautiful maids were walking back and forth, carrying a tray in hand filled with lots of fruits, wine, and delicious foods inside the noisy banquet hall.

The nobles of the Dong Fan royal family had to bow down and follow orders of the Priestesses, but now they were laughing and were holding beautiful women in their arms and wine in another.

The one with the most towering presence was the one who came from Xi Lei, the handsome Duke Ming.

Behind the curtains of celebration, only Feng Ming was the one with a sullen face. Dong Fan King sat on the highest level, Lu Dan sat on the right and Feng Ming sat on the left. Those are the three main focus of the event, so even if Feng Ming wore a heavy mask, everyone would still notice. But it’s strange, even if he were to sat in a corner, no one would ignore a well known figure like him.

Once the dance finished, the dancing female performers would step down. All the unfamiliar faces kept crowding in front of him, 9 out of 10 of them had ill intentions.

“Duke Ming, here, please allow me to offer you a cup of wine. Your greatness had used the powers of the Gods and punished those rude priestesses, allowing us to breathe a breath of fresh air.”

“That’s right, tonight if we’re not drunk, we won’t come home!”

“I have heard of Xi Lei Duke Ming’s reputation for some time and now I have a chance to meet, you are definitely a rare beauty.”

After a huge argument with Lu Dan, Feng Ming was carried by two guards and confined into a dark room for that afternoon, the anger was only barely subdue down. Just thinking that Lu Dan was actually not a good person and wasting his (FM) good intentions made him even more frustrated. The thought of Rong Tian and Xi Lei continued to relentlessly torment him inside. Finally, he decided to give himself a lesson: since he is a (hero) then he should not deterred from the hardship in front of him.

He cannot sit idled and wait for outside help, Xi Lei Duke Ming has to stand up and save himself.

If he wants to runaway, he needs to find a method; against a stronger enemy it would be unwise to continue arguing.

Closing his eyes, he tried to erase all the terrified screams he heard inside the Heaven and Earth palace. Because of Xi Lei, no matter how much he suffered, he needed to endure it.

Because of that, he endured showing up for the event that night with the royalties of Dong Fan.

Although he secretly tried to tell himself to endure it, Feng Ming was still far from the successful Rong Tian. His mood was still not any better even staring at the beautiful women.

“Drink up.”

“Oh, here, here. With Duke Ming’s attitude like this, seem like he doesn’t like your face, Dong Ying Hou.”

“Hehe, this wine is very exquisite, how come Duke Ming don’t know how to enjoy it?”

That moment even if Feng Ming was angry, it was useless. He decided to not care much about it, he coldly rolled his eyes at all the cups of wine that were placed next to his lips and said: “I don’t want to drink.”

Seeing Feng Ming’s face and attitude, their faces slightly changed.

Xi Lei is in a turmoil, Rong Tian is missing, and the high ranking Duke Ming who was showered with love by him is now wandering within the Dong Fan inner palace. To make it simple, he is just a prisoner who they can tease as they like.

“Today is a joyous day for Dong Fan, drinking one cup is not a problem, right?” Dong Ying Hou giggled: “According to Dong Fan’s custom, refusing a person’s cup of invitation is already impolite. If an ordinary person were to be impolite to noble, then they will be punished.”

Feng Ming had heard all sorts of shameless debauchery within the palace, everyday he heard Lie Er reminded him, about how those noble, important people would wine, dine, and fondle both maids and male servants during banquets, which is nothing to be surprised about. However, those high nobility beauties who are met with trouble usually are treated the worst. Glancing around, all the dancers and musicians have stepped away. As of now, only Feng Ming is the limelight of everyone’s eyes.

Though Feng Ming is not well versed as Rong Tian in reading people, but the ill intentions appeared in the eyes of all those male aristocrats looking at him, just glancing one round and it’s understood. At that instance, he trembled.


Feng Ming bit his lips, his pupils wavered, and quickly glanced over at the person who is also witnessing the scenario, Lu Dan. Feng Ming stood up from the table, facing toward the center, he bowed and said: “If Feng Ming is now a prisoner, then I request Your Majesty to send Feng Ming to the prison.”

LD: Dong Ying Hou is imprudent.

Lu Dan did not wait for Dong Fan King to have a change of expression and had already answered to stop him first. A charming smile appeared on his beautiful face. He motioned Dong Ying Hou to pull back, held up a cup of wine, and walked in front of Feng Ming.

LD: Causing Duke Ming to be scared, allow Lu Dan to drink one cup to apologize. (He tilted his head and drank the whole cup in a beautiful way, and then lowered his voice) Lu Dan will use everything in my power to protect Duke Ming. But the main point: the priestesses have finally been defeated, however those royal aristocrats are becoming more fidgety. If Duke Ming wants to survive in the present situation, you will need to show a bit of your talent/ability.

How could Feng Ming not understand his meaning…with the present situation, even if he were to grit his teeth in anger, he could only pretend to be good and bad.

FM: The military strategies of Sun Zi, I will slowly let you know; however, the Art of War (of the Master Sun Zi ..different than the other one) I have not understand it all, only my master understands. If you have the ability then please request my master (Sun Zi) from the mountains and you’ll have it.

LD: Then that master…

FM: I can definitely tell you where my master is residing at. (Feng Ming quickly spurred out a random location. Either way, Lu Dan wasn't a good person and this was considered a pay back, tricking him one time so he’ll know for once.)

Both of them held their own intentions inside, looking at each other and grinning deeply.

With Lu Dan holding his back (supporting him), no one dared to bother Feng Ming, the dancing continued again.

Inside Feng Ming, he knew clearly that if there was a day when Lu Dan no longer sees the value of him, he will immediately toss him to those hungry salvages to play around with.

Beauty is definitely a poisonous snake, Rong Tian was right.

Oh Rong Tian…

The banquet was over, Feng Ming thought that he would be escorted back to the room this afternoon. He was followed by guards and while escorting halfway, Feng Ming finally noticed that in front of him was a place that was rather tucked away from the inner palace of Dong Fan.

Stepping inside the quarter, hanging mantle everywhere, incense scent lingering throughout the room. Four to five maids of extraordinary appearances appeared in front of him. “Duke Ming welcome.”

It was apparent that these maids were specially ordered and trained by their masters, even their smiles were bright to the point of moving a person’s heart.

Feng Ming was shocked, he turned to look at the guards that escorted him, their faces were emotionless, and their hands placed on their swords that were handing around their waist.

 “The Great King had ordered, the maids will attend to Duke Ming’s needs. The water has been prepared, request Duke Ming to wash up.”

From the confinement room on the boat, to the ominous prison of the priestess’s shrine, to the scary dark room that Lu Dan temporary lock him up, this time he was upgraded to a high class inner quarter that was warm and comfortable, causing Feng Ming to wonder non-stop.

“Advisor has said to make Duke Ming feel at home.”

Following the maids into the bath house, it was cleared that a large tub of warm water had been prepared. Though Feng Ming was used to being served, but removing his clothes in front of the female attendants still cause him to blush. Embarrassed he covered his lower half and subserviently entered the tub.

“Hehe, Duke Ming is shy.”

“Duke Ming’s skin is very white.”

After entering the tub, the maids took turn to pour water and massage him. In Xi Lei, Rong Tian had the sole privilege of washing him so there was no chance of Chiu Yue or the others being involved in that.

After half an hour in the tub, Feng Ming got out and they dressed him up in a simple but beautiful outfit, different from the extravagant outfit of Xi Lei.

While relaxing himself in the living room, he again saw Lu Dan in front of his eyes.  (Feng Ming is probably thinking..give me a break!)

LD: I have come to bother Duke Ming again.

FM: Back to a comfortable place and also finally got to take a relaxing bath. (Feng Ming motioned Lu Dan to sit down and continued) When the person’s mind is at ease, it is also the best time to ask questions. If Advisor did not come by this time to disturb me then you are not the Advisor that I know.

Hearing those words, Lu Dan couldn't help but blushed a little; he suddenly chuckled and shook his head.

LD: Duke Ming, oh Duke Ming, what can Lu Dan do for you so it’s all good? (He sat down naturally) To kill, but someone this clever, I don’t have the heart to do it. To imprison, for a per...

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