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Chang Liu hurried back to her room. She told the female attendants to leave while keeping behind her personal maid, Shi Min, who had loyally followed her for many years.

After ensuring the doors were shut, she couldn’t hold back her tears as she burst out crying on her bed.

Shi Min has been serving the Princess since she had still been a young child in Zhao Bei. Sometimes, she feels like Chang Liu is her own little sister. Standing next to her and seeing her cry made her feel sad, so she kindly tried to comfort her, “Crying will only worsen your health, Princess has to take good care of herself.”

Chang Liu swallowed her tears and replied, “Why should I take good care of myself? In this world, is there truly anyone who cares for and respects me? My father forced me to marry into the Tong Kingdom because he wanted our two nations to form an alliance, wishing to protect his kingdom in case of chaos. However, today, Qing Li is acting recklessly, wanting to assassinate Duke Ming no matter what. If somehow he succeeds, as his main wife, how would I not be directly affected? If I’m implicated, it would be difficult for Zhao Bei to avoid a catastrophe. Are the forces behind Duke Ming easy to offend?”

Shi Min understood why Chang Liu was constantly worried. While wiping her tears, she softly spoke, “Princess is right. Even though His Highness has moments of nonsense, he isn’t without reason, why is he stubborn this time and won’t heed to your words?”

“It’s all because of that vile woman next to him!” Chang Liu turned around to sit up, while wiping her tears with a handkerchief, her eyes revealed a glimpse of disheartenment, “From the moment that woman of unknown origin appeared, Qing Li became more imposing, domineering, arrogant and refuses to listen to anyone’s words. He just wholeheartedly favors her.”

“That woman’s origin is not as simple as it seems, not only does she seduces him, but also gives him some sort of pill. It’s definitely nothing good. Haven’t Princess noticed His Highness’s appearance and physique, it’s worse than before.”

Chang Liu’s eyes were still red as she sneered, “Well, serves him right.”

Shi Min sighed, “At this time Princess still holds a grudge? Everything is because of that vixen next to him. It seems we must get rid of her as soon as possible.”

“That woman acts with extreme caution. It has been three months since her appearance, but she has not once left her Quarters. She also has medical knowledge, it will be very difficult to deal with her. However, Qing Li will not listen, despite advisement, he still won’t believe it and will constantly say that that lowly woman gave him health supplements.”

Chang Liu thought back about all the occasions she had met Qing Li in the past. All of them had been unpleasant experiences and had given her a feeling of withering away. Realizing that she was married to the wrong person, she couldn’t help but shed her tears again.

“Princess.” Shi Min walked towards the windows, checking all four corners. To ensure no one would be eavesdropping, she closed them. Returning back towards the bed, she whispered, “When Princess came here for marriage, it was not your decision. Right now, why don’t you use this opportunity to run back to Zhao Bei? Then, even if Duke Ming is going to be killed by Prince Qing Li, many people would already know that Princess was highly against it.”

Chang Liu’s eyes suddenly brightened, but quickly returned to their dim state, she shook her head in sadness, “Because I am a Zhao Bei Citizen, therefore, I was sent here for marriage. If I abandon my husband now at this crucial time, it will damage the reputation of Zhao Bei royalties and also make it difficult for my father to explain the situation to Tong Kingdom. The most frightening thing is if Qing Li is successful and ascends the throne, wouldn’t it be making another enemy for Zhao Bei? Even if the person who ascends the throne will be Qing Zhang, for the sake of Tong Kingdom King’s reputation, he would not easily forgive Zhao Bei.”

Shi Min thought a bit about it and figured this one suggestion was not feasible. She knitted her eyebrows, “How about…Princess write a letter right now and have someone quickly send it out to His Majesty, requesting for his assistance?”

“It’s too late. From Tong Ze to Zhao Bei and back would take a long time. Also my father is faraway and with Qing Li taking pills to the point of unclear thoughts, this plan won’t be useful.”


“I will not allow Qing Li to succeed.”

Shi Min saw how determined Chang Liu was, therefore she also gave in, “What will Princess do?”

Chang Liu sneered, “I’ll personally write a letter and have it be secretly sent to Duke Ming. I’ll write down all Qing Li’s plan so that he will know. Not only will I tell him Qing Li’s plan to kill him, but I will also act as his spy and investigate Qing Li’s plan for him.”

She bit her lower lips, looking over at Shi Min, a helpless smile appeared across Chang Liu’s face, “I heard Xi Lei Duke Ming holds a person’s affection in high regards. If he receives a personal favor from someone, he would most definitely return the favor. If that is true, no matter how complex the situation is, as long as this ill fated life of mine can have a worthy ally to rely on in Tong Kingdom.”




“Royal Uncle has come back?” A low bassed feminine tone sounded out like a musical instrument.

QZ: I have met with Duke Ming.

After a moment of silence, a sweet female voice exclaimed, “Oh!”

QZ: Just like my lady says, he is very gullible. During the banquet, I kept on praising him on the various achievements he made and repeatedly told him that I won’t let Qing Li harm him. He must have felt that I will not harm him at all. Before leaving, he even agreed to travel with me to Tong Ze.

Qing Zhang’s ears burned red as if someone blew a heavenly breath behind his ears. He reached back and suddenly was overjoyed when catching the soft hand of his lady.

This beauty’s trick was very ambiguous, she made him believe that she loved him, but yet always refused to let him easily touch her. Tonight, she agreed to give him the upper hand, of course to reward him for his diligent efforts.

“Royal Uncle must remember, once you reach Tong Ze, you need him to meet with Qing Li first. You must never let him be suspicious of you at all.”

Qing Zhang gently played with her soft hand, filled with confidence he said, “Lady Qian Qian, please rest assured. I’m not the type of person to reveal any flaws. Duke Ming is a naive brat, even if there are ten of him, they would not be my opponents. Also, this time, I have brought along Imperial General Zhuang Pu. This person has no clue about my plan and even believes that I’m protecting Duke Ming in order to stabilize the peace within Tong Kingdom, so he will certainly protect him safely. With him to cover up, no matter how clever Duke Ming’s bodyguards are, they won’t see anything out of place.”

QZ: After traveling for more than 10 days from Fang Di to Tong Ze, they will soon believe I have no ill intentions towards Duke Ming. Just like that, once we reach Tong Ze, I will arrange a meeting between Qing Li and Duke Ming. Their attention will then be completely focused on Qing Li.

The woman sarcastically answered, “Congratulations, Royal Uncle. If this plan succeeds, the one sitting on the throne of Tong Kingdom will be you, Royal Uncle.”

QZ: I actually have to congratulate My Lady instead, your son will now have a chance to inherit the Xiao Family business. Isn’t this even larger than the small throne of Tong Kingdom? Hopefully, once this plan is successful, My Lady won’t forget your promise to me.

The soft hand he was playing with suddenly withdrew. Qing Zhang was not annoyed, instead he licked his lips and said, “There are rumors that not just Xi Lei’s Great King fancy Duke Ming, but the Li King is also captivated by him as well. In my opinion, Duke Ming is very pleasing to the eyes, but the most beautiful is a young wife who can satisfy, flirt and be charming like you…”

LQQ: Once Royal Uncle successfully gets rid of that little bastard, then you can think about these things. Right now, I’m only worried about that useless Qing Li. We have painstakingly created all sorts of advantages for him, and even formed a scheme to lure that kid away from the two layers of bodyguards. I’m just afraid he might miss this opportunity to kill him. This useless trash is always doing things without definite assertiveness and if he starts hesitating before taking action, therefore missing the golden opportunity, our plan will immediately fall short.

QZ: That is not possible. He is currently under Shang Yi’s spell to the point that he lost all awareness. He has been drugged by the medicine she gave him. Right now, as long as Shang Yi tells him something, even if it’s to jump into the sea, this foolish kid will follow through with it. Not to mention, you just want him to avenge his father. Naturally, after avenging his father, we need his little life to compensate in the future. Ha ha ha! After I execute him to relieve the pain of Xi Lei King and Xiao Family, I will find him a good burial place to express the sorrow as a Royal Uncle.


Tong Kingdom’s capital, Tong Ze.

Tong An Quarter – Prince Qing Li’s residence was located less than ten miles east of the Tong Palace. This place was quite large with tall red walls and a great variety of rare plants planted inside the luxurious interior. This was the generation of Tong Kingdom monarch’s bestowment to their eldest sons, also known as the Royal Prince’s quarter.

Qing Li’s chamber was also the most spacious room within the “Royal Prince’s quarter.” The North Xiu Chamber was connected to the Royal Prince’s bedroom, very convenient to move between the rooms. That room would be renovated every three months so that Shang Yi, the beloved beauty of the Prince, could reside in it.

That one afternoon, Qing Li was still nestling inside the bedroom with Shang Yi.

SY: Hush, let me concentrate.

QL: Alright, alright. I won’t argue with you.

Qing Li leaned back behind Shang Yi, his hands reached forward and were placed on her soft slender waist, admiring the beautiful image of her concentrating.

Shang Yi was in her late teens, around 17 or 18. Her appearance was able to move people, she had a docile personality, could flatter others easily and held some knowledge of medicine and fortune telling. After her parents passed away, she had been sold into Tong An Quarter. Their first meeting left Qing Li stunned by her beauty. He loved her dearly and thought that the heavens were compensating him for the loss of his father by sending her to him.

SY: Your Highness, I’ve made the reading and the outcome looks optimistic.

QL: Oh? How is that?

SY: This appearing fortune is a good omen.

Shang Yi explained softly, a bit playful and fatigued, she fell back into Qing Li’ arms.

SY: Your Highness’s ascension to the throne is Heaven’s will, no one is able to stop you. But…

QL: But what?

SY: But the fortune also states that there will be a hidden obstacle, the ascension would need you to complete an important task.

QL: I thought it was something bad! So that is it. This important task must be to avenge the death of my father. Luckily, you enlightened me that day, or else I would be useless against my Royal Uncle. As long as I kill that Duke Ming or something, one, it will avenge my father; two, it will allow the officials to believe that my father has been murdered; three…

SY: Three, you will receive support from Xi Lei King (Rong Tong). Your Highness is so smart, I don’t know why those officials chose to serve Qing Zhang and not you.

QL: Sooner or later, they will regret it.

In Qing Li’s eyes, a glimpse of vicious light flashed, but it was only for a short while. He started laughing, slipped his fingers through the open slit between Shang Yi’s waistband and the inside of her clothes.

QL: The pills you made last time, do you still have them?

SY: I shouldn’t have made those pills. Each time Your Highness takes them, you become exceptionally aroused, sooner or later, I’ll probably die in your hands.

Making a few complaints, her eyes were filled with flirtatious lust, she removed the sachet hanging on her waistband, took out two dark green pills and handed them to Qing Li.

Qing Li rejoiced, he took the pills and ordered his maids to bring over some water.

Suddenly, a voice reported from outside the door, “Your Highness, Princess Chang Liu is requesting to see you.”

“What is she doing here?” Hearing the news, Qing Li became upset, “I’m currently busy and have no time to see her.”

He turned back to Shang Yi, who had already removed her outside apparel, she was beautiful beyond words, arousing Qing Li’s thirst. He chuckled a few times before taking the jaded cup to drink the medicine, but then the door flung open.

The beautiful sunshine from outside instantly darted against their faces. Shang Yi was startled as she sat up and stared towards the door.

Because the good moment was destroyed, Qing Li was even more furious, he shouted, “Who!”

The neatly clothed person stood in front of him. That person was a beautiful young woman with five maids closely following behind.

He froze a bit before bitterly saying, “So it’s you.”

Shang Yi immediately got out of bed and kneeled down, “Greetings, Princess Consort.”

When Chang Liu stormed into the room, she had a clear picture of the situation. Seeing Shang Yi’s half opened dress skirt, she became even more angry, but her face retained its sense of calmness. Ignoring her greeting, she faced Qing Li and coldly bowed to him, “Greetings Your Highness.”

QL: Are you here to just greet me? I already said that I’m busy and yet you dare to storm in! Does the Princess of Zhao Bei not know any manners?

Qing Li snorted, seeing his beloved Shang Yi kneeling on the ground, he couldn’t help but feel saddened. While helping Shang Yi up, he glared at his wife, “Is there something important for you to impatiently storm in like this?”

Because Princess Chang Liu had long refused to marry him had became a gossip throughout the world, along with Du Feng’s reputation as the “Reluctant King” had spread like wildfire, Qing Li felt extremely humiliated by by this.

Therefore, despite the fact that Chang Liu eventually married to Tong Kingdom, Qing Li has never felt anything towards his principal wife.

CL: I have repeatedly ask for an audience with you, but Your Highness continues to refuse to meet me. I ask Your Highness, the buildings in the back of Tong An Quarter have long been abandoned, but just recently, more and more strangers are frequenting the area. Not just that, they are also carrying weapons on hand, does Your Highness know about this?

QL: I know. Those are some of my highly skilled men. I wanted them to stay there.

CL: What is Your Highness planning on doing with them?

QL: It’s not up to you to interfere.

CL: Are you planning on using them to help you assassinate Xi Lei Duke Ming? What type of person is Xi Lei Duke Ming? He is beloved by the people of Xi Lei and is currently the Young Lord of the Xiao. Does Your Highness ever wonder why he has the courage to openly travel? Because no matter who kills him, no one can escape the retaliation of Rong Tian and the Xiao Family. What you are doing is digging your own grave.

QL: What do you know? You ignorant woman! A Prince’s affairs are not for someone like you to meddle in!

Chang Liu was a Princess married into the Tong Kingdom, even though she didn’t have Qing Li’s love, she was still his main wife and had never received such a heavy scolding by Qing Li like this. She was shocked, but she never blamed her husband. Diverting her attention, she stared at Shang Yi who was standing to the side, seemingly fragile.

CL: This is all because of this vile woman influencing Your Highness, isn’t it? What audacity! You dare to seduce His Highness…

QL: You’re the outrageous one!

Qing Li grabbed Shang Yi, noticing that she was trembling, he became more furious and pointed at Chang Liu.

QL: Get out! You’re not only vicious, but a jealous woman without a cure! Someone! Drag her out for me!

Hearing his shout, the guards rushed in from outside and made their way towards Chang Liu.

A popping sound was heard when Chang Liu slapped one of the nearest guards across the face. Proudly standing in one place, an awe-inspiring inviolable view. She stared at Qing Li for a long while before opening her trembling pale lips, “No need to get involved, the Princess Consort will leave on her own.”

The Princess harshly glared at Shang Yi once more before turning around and walking out.

Several maids behind her quickly followed after her.

Seeing her image fade from view, Qing Li didn’t feel his anger subside yet, he faced the guards and shouted, “Get out!” He kicked the door and suddenly losing balance, he waddled back a bit.

“Your Highness!” Shang Yi was by his side in time to hold him up from behind, she gently said, “Your Highness mustn’t be angry and injure your body.”

Qing Li turned around, seeing the face of his beloved, his mood became slightly better. He allowed Shang Yi to help him return to bed.

QL: I just don’t understand why my father chose a hateful wife like her. In the future, if I ascend the throne, I will dispose of her and crown you my Queen.

SY: Shang Yi does not wish to be Queen. I just hope that Your Highness will soon avenge the Great King and kill Duke Ming. As long as Your Highness becomes Tong Kingdom’s Great King, this would be a blessing to the people of Tong Kingdom.

QL: That is most certain.

Hearing the words of his beloved made Qing Li relieved. His heartbeat quickened as her small soft hand was placed on top of his chest. An indecent smile slowly formed on his face, “Ah? Where did those two pills roll off to? Tell the maids to find them and then we’ll have a good time…”




Obviously, Qing Zhang didn’t have plans to kill Feng Ming inside the carriage.

He didn’t hide any assassins or weapons inside the carriage. He didn’t object to allowing the maids serving them. After boarding the carriage, he was very pleased and enjoyed the special tea from Yong Yin.

Sitting face to face with Qing Zhang, Feng Ming was full of curiosity about this Royal Uncle who had taken over most of his Older Brother’s power, therefore he couldn’t resist to ask, “Royal Uncle must be very busy, so why did you not hesitate to leave the capital of Tong Kingdom to meet up with me?”

QZ: If I didn’t personally came here today, I would be very worried.

FM: Ah? Why do you say that?

QZ: Hasn’t Duke Ming heard of the bad unaccounted news regarding Tong Kingdom’s Great King?

FM: I heard some.

QZ: Well, Tong Kingdom’s Prince Qing Li suspects Duke Ming of killing his father. He vowed that if Duke Ming dares to come to Tong Kingdom, he will make Duke Ming pay in blood. Duke Ming must have heard more or less of it, right?

Ever since Feng Ming set foot on Tong Kingdom, he had seen Tong soldiers with sharp gleaming spears in their hands; therefore, his acting skills couldn’t be rough to give them a reason to train their weapons handling.

He thought about how his success or failure would affect Rong Tian, Lie Zhong Liu, everyone in the Xiao Family, etc… even if his acting skills were not top notch, he would definitely have to force himself to reach its pinnacle.

After hearing Qing Zhang’s words, Feng Ming immediately answered with a dissatisfied tone, “Could it be that Royal Uncle also believes in those rumors? If I did murder Tong Kingdom’s Great King, would I dare to step foot onto the Tong territory? There is no such fool who is not afraid of death, right? I believe that Prince Qing Li is being confused by a troublesome person. I am confident that he will soon be aware of this…” As long as the head in Rong Hu’s possession was not discovered by him…

Seeing him speak in a serious tone, Qing Zhang laughed and waved his hand, “I certainly don’t believe that Duke Ming would be heartless to do such a thing. Also, I don’t believe that my Royal Brother is dead…”

Feng Ming silently thought, of course he doesn’t believe because if he did believe that Qing Ding is dead, then his nephew would ascend the throne as King, taking away the power in his hands.

“….Qing Li is still young, he can be easily vulnerable to other people’s persuasion. I feared that during his moments of confusion, he would do something stupid and rashly ambush Duke Ming. Therefore, after receiving news of Duke Ming reaching the borders of Tong Kingdom, I immediately rushed over here, in order to meet Duke Ming upon your first arrival in Tong Kingdom and to ensure your safety. First reason is to protect Duke Ming. Second, is for the sake of my naive nephew – if he would really kill Duke Ming, how could we face the Xiao Family and Xi Lei’s King? Ah, ever since Royal Brother’s whereabouts are unknown, Qing Li’s temper has become worse each day. Even towards his Royal Uncle, he has become very disrespectful. However, he is still the only flesh and blood of my brother, if I would allow him to commit a huge mistake and my Royal Brother comes back, how am I to explain everything to my brother?”

Speaking sensible words this time along with the helpless look on his face made a very convincing act. (This time speaking sensible words, combined with a helpless look on his face, he was very convincing.)

Feng Ming was very cooperative and gazed at him with grateful eyes.

“Duke Ming,” Qing Zhang said, “I have a favor to ask of you, hopefully Duke Ming can agree.”

Feng Ming slightly trembled inside, he said, “Please ask, Royal Uncle.”

QZ: Qing Li holds a grudge against Duke Ming, but that is because of trickery by others. I urge Duke Ming not to be resentful about this….

FM: Of course.

QZ: ….I also urge Duke Ming that once we reach the capital Tong Ze, you promise to meet with Qing Li, remove all misunderstandings and shake hands.

FM: This…

QZ: Safety is absolutely not a problem. The troops inside Tong Ze are within my control. I would use my head to guarantee Duke Ming’s safety. With me by your side, Qing Li will not dare to touch a single hair of Duke Ming. As long as Duke Ming has the courage to meet with Qing Li just once, it will be enough for those around Qing Li to believe that Duke Ming is innocent. Afterwards, Qing Li won’t be able to do much by himself. Even if he doesn’t come to his senses, he will have no way to cause you much harm.

Feng Ming silently thought about the situation and relations within.

Qing Li wanted to kill him in order to use his life as announcement of the death of Qing Ding, thus, to ascend the throne. For that very same reason, Qing Zhang would absolutely not allow Qing Li to succeed. Therefore, Qing Zhang should be highly interested in Feng Ming’s safety, wasn’t that right?

Moreover, without taking the accuser Qing Li into consideration, why should Qing Zhang want to harm him?

Why should he dare to offend Rong Tian and the Xiao Family for no reason?

Argh! Even though this man’s words were not entirely genuine, but they were partially stating the truth.

Cautious, Feng Ming tried to find out the reason, while answering in a flustered manner, “Royal Uncle’s kindness, Feng Ming doesn’t know how to repay it.”

Qing Zhang’s lips suddenly curved in a strange arc, he chuckled, “Repayment is not as simple. As long as Duke Ming agrees with my two requests, then my kindness would be repaid.”

“Ah?” Feng Ming was dumbfounded at this moment.

Is this a mistake?

This old man was too straightforward.

QZ: It’s just two small requests, I guarantee Duke Ming will complete them without much difficulty.

FM: Uh… what are those two small requests?

QZ: The first one…I hope Duke Ming can switch Fen Cheng port exchange with Fang Di port instead in the future.

Seeing Qing Zhang’s true greed, Feng Ming quickly understood the situation.

The Xiao Family was the world’s largest shipping business and Fen Cheng the biggest pier used. All of the cargo shipped in and out required to pay the local government’s taxes. If all items exchanged at Fen Cheng city were instead from now on shipped to Fang Di, then Tong Kingdom would gain a lot of taxes from the Xiao Family every year.

This was nothing more than wanting a huge bribery because pier taxes were due every year.

This Qing Zhang actually wanted to overtake Yong Yin’s tax business. His reaction was very fast! He must have received news regarding Tai Can - the official in charge of Fen Cheng port, who had disappeared, and guessing that Fen Cheng port’s operation was unstable, he thought changing ports wouldn’t do much harm to the Xiao Family, but the interest would be in his favor. Therefore, he tried to find a method ensuring Feng Ming to agree to this request.

Excellent! If this man was born in modern times, he would definitely be a top businessman.

QZ: In fact, Fang Di is not a bad ...

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