Feng Yu Jiu Tian.eng t. 15 - Chapter 8.5.docx

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Feng Yu Jiu Tian - Volume 15 - Chapter 8.5

Edited by : Minak Amie. Thank you for your hard work! Any donation will be appreciated. TQ



The princess was, of course, also sitting in a seat reserved for those of importance. However, she was not together with Qing Li. She sat alone without any guards positioned behind her. There were only four maids present to serve her, including her most trusted confidante, Shi Min, who had just returned with good news.


The agreement between Shi Min and Duke Ming, as well as her encounter with a certain individual on the way back, had all been clearly reported to Princess Zhang Liu. The one thing that concerned her was a third party’s discovery of the meeting between Shi Min and the Duke. This person was He Di.


Whether He Di planned on leaking the information or not and if his alliance with Duke Ming was true would indirectly affect a crucial aspect that determines Zhang Liu’s life and safety.


Although Shi Min had repeatedly assured her that He Di did not lie, Zhang Liu still would find an opportunity to verify the authenticity of the alliance.


Zhang Liu gently put forward her question while her beautiful eyes tried to communicate with Feng Ming with a friendly glance in a manner that said she was on his side.


Alas, Feng Ming, this dense fool, had completely misunderstood the meaningful glance. He felt his scalp go numb as he whispered to Rong Hu, “I am finished. She must be expecting the Wen Lan flower that I promised her. What should I do? My mother refused to give me one. Where do I go to find one? Rong Hu, closely watch her. I have not come up with a solution yet, so do not let her come close to me. I do not know how I will answer if she later brings it up. Ai… I really will not have any face left to meet with Du Feng.”

[TLN : 胡涂虫 ( tu chóng) – blunderer or 胡涂 – muddleheaded/stupid  - insect]


Even so, due to the bad blood between Qing Li and Feng Ming, as well as the Prince’s dislike for Princess Zhang Liu, it would be a ridiculous notion for the both of them to speak in private.


“Crown Princess has taken my words too seriously, of course the banquet is more important. The matter of the peace treaty and the emissary were only said in passing.” In regards to Zhang Liu’s motives, He Di had already understood. In his eyes, the woman who dared to secretly collude with Duke Ming behind her husband’s back probably had more brains than the drug addicted Qing Li. He bluntly answered, “The contents of the treaty Princess is asking about are quite simple. Duke Ming, as a representative for Xi Lei, has signed an agreement to negotiate a trading route for the dual luminous sand in Dan Lin. It is nothing more than a means for the both of us to earn a little more gold.”

[TN: The text actually stated Wang Zi( Prince) Fei (Imperial concubine/Prince’s Wife), but since Qing Li is crown Prince so I think Crown Princess would suit Zhang Liu most since she either a concubine and wife of prince.]


With He Di’s status as prince of a kingdom, a peace treaty such as this would surely become an important topic. Soon, the guests’ curiosities were aroused.


“Dual luminous sand?”


“Is that not the raw material that is used to make the sharpest type of weapons?”


“If Xi Lei gains the rights to such a trading route, then our Tong Kingdom…”


“Prince He Di and our prince’s relationship has always been good. Even if he has an agreement with Duke Ming, would Dan Lin not guarantee the same share of sand to our Tong annually?”


The officials seated on the outer rings forgot to eat and drink, unable to cease their whispering with one another.


Within the inner circle, their faces could be seen clearly as they calmly sat in front of the table full of delicacies with a varied amount of expressions.


For Hao Yuan Jiang, even though he did not have much ability, his experience made up for what he lacked. He knew of the complexity of the situation, as if it were an assembly of tigers and snakes, and acting presumptuously would not be good. 


However, at his side was someone who had just been assigned by Rong Tong an important task to go on a diplomatic mission in Tong. His outfit was selected specially in an attempt to show off his elegant appearance during such an important occasion. Su Jin Chao, unable to hold back, arrogantly laughed, and looking for a fight, said in a mocking tone, “How amusing. I had heard that at tonight’s banquet there would be someone identifying himself as the Xiao Family’s young Lord and was wondering who it could be. Turns out it was a person who escaped Xi Lei under a conviction of treason. Humph, in no way would our king consent to Duke Ming’s representing of our kingdom, so you better use your identity as the young Lord of the Xiao Family and nothing else. But you dared to ostentatiously use Xi Lei’s name to deceive Dan Lin’s royal family. What peace treaty—”


“I would like to ask the assistant,” Rong Hu who had mingled in Xi Lei’s court for years, knew of Su Jin Chao and could not stand his vile character, so he coldly cut off his absurd ranting, “Your claims of Duke Ming acting ostentatiously and trying to deceive… what do you mean by these words?”


“Of course, it is because he is a traitor of Xi Lei!” Su Jin Chao said hatefully. “Who is this Feng Ming? What qualifications does he have to sign a peace treaty under Xi Lei’s name? Hahaha simply ridiculous!”


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