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Update v1.5.8:
Sobra has received a new texture with significantly less ocean
The Nakalim Protector class hull now has more hybrid slots to allow using additional support modules
Added relic rewards to several quest chapters
Adjusted effects of Temples of the Lost
Reduce FIDS by 50% rather than setting it to 0
Generate +10 Influence per Population
Increased the speed of the Academy Master Fleet by 10 to improve utility on large galaxies
Nakalim Peace and Prayer Act now reduces conversion cost by 50% instead of setting it to 0
Reduced power of Academy Attack Fleet and Insignia Ships in the early game
Improved scaling of relic spawns with Galaxy size
Lowered the objective of the Pacifist ?Invigorate? quest of the Nakalim faction Quest Chapter 4 Part 1A (Convert 14 systems -> Convert 7 systems)
Relics on owned colonies can now be collected through a system improvement
Empire Relic slots now require 2 temples to unlock but provide a 15% bonus (up from 10%)
Lowered cost of Librarian questions by 25%
The Diplomacy screen shows a temple icon for systems with temples
Reenabled rotation of main menu scene

Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite pending turn when the Academy tries to colonize a system that already contains an outpost.
Fixed some causes of ?Pending? turn and ?in talks? issues
Fixed the game freezing due to an interaction between Fold singularities and Temples of the Lost under construction
Diplomatic terms should no longer vanish
AI empires will now value the Master of Dust?s Academy Grants
Laws unlocked through the Vault Keeper now show on the law screen regardless of number of empty law slots
Academy systems no longer block trade routes unless you are at war with the Academy
Systems converted to the Academy now properly supply strategic and luxury resources to the player
?Laying Down the Law? Achievement should now only unlock under the listed conditions
?Not for Profit? achievement tracks only Dust granted during a single match, as per the description
?Making Amends? achievement now accumulates progress over multiple payments rather than requiring a single reparation payment.
Fixed glitches in hero relic assignment interface
Relics are now unassigned from Empire slots by click rather than ctrl-click
Laws unlocked by the Vault Keeper role will now display even if no empty law slots remain
Fixed heroes not displaying their skills when viewed from the marketplace menu
Nakalim Explorers properly receive an additional Support Slot when researching Adaptive Colonies
System output shown on the empire screen now refreshes immediately as relics are assigned/unassigned
Riftborn Explorers will now properly save modules placed in the top support slot
Clarified effect of the ?Cannot declare war? diplomatic pressure demand
Clarified conversion requirements in the Temple of the Lost tooltip
Academy Diplomacy screen will no longer briefly show the diplomatic relations screen behind it on opening
Converting a minor faction to the Academy will no longer state Isyander assimilated that faction
Master of Dust text will no longer overlap with the Diplomacy button in non-English languages
Vaulters receive only the Vaulters-specific New Colony Rule from the Vaulter Keeper role
Unfallen can vine Academy systems when allied to the Academy
Player names no longer overflow role cards
Happy Augurs population trait can no longer be selected without the Nakalim affinity
Improved Lost Templar AI economy management
Fleet Accelerator Tooltip now uses the hero icon
?Tools and Fools? Hissho law now displays properly in the keii tooltip
Clarified tooltips of the Revive and Rebuild tactic, ?Stop Peaceful Conversion? Accept choice, and Negative Anomalies
Clarified tooltip about metaplot finale blocking hero healing and recruitment
Clarified hacking tooltips to indicate that losing the starting node will cancel the hack
Clarified the cost reduction in the description of Democracy governments
Removed erroneous line from the description of The Last Empire affinity
Nakalim no longer start predominantly scientific in their home system
Added a notification when the loss of a temple locks an Empire Relic slot
Nakalim Relic skills for fleets now work and display properly
Nakalim are properly considered humanoids for the purposes of the Celestial Worlds quest now
Nakalim faction Quest Chapter 4 Part 2B now counts only terraformed planets
FIDSI bonuses from the Cathedral of the Lost are now marked as such rather than ?Percentage Bonus?
Academy Systems will no longer construct copies of improvements
The Academy will now abort ground invasions after reparations have been paid
Academy systems generate resources when pillaged
The Academy will no longer settle on Sanctuaries
Xirmisala troops properly display in ground battles
The ?Academy Ally? assimilation trait no longer appears twice in the list of traits and displays its value
The Academy no longer delays reparations for obliterating a system during a request phase until the next request phase
Added art for the ?Empire Relic Slot Locked? notification
Propitious Season and Long Season are now mutually exclusive
Nakalim Carrier default design no longer places a defense module in a support slot
Librarian answers no longer display half a line of text when folded
The tooltip for Academy requests is positioned properly now
The tooltip for the Academy?s relations to other empires now correctly refers to them instead of you
The Academy fleet uses the correct wireframes on the galaxy map even if not including a carrier now
Improved subtitle timing for Nakalim outro
?Relic Reliquary? quest reward now shows its correct category (Empire, not hero)
Improved tooltip of ?Relic Reliquary? quest reward
Fixed minor graphical issues with Xirmisala hero portrait
Properly position Nakalim leader in ?Diplomatic relationship changed? notification
Fixed vfx issues with the Nakalim carrier
Fixed shaking of the Nakalim carrier
Nakalim system defense station properly shows during battles
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