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OZELLA RELEASE | 16.09.2016 | OZ064CD
LC No.
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Karl Seglem
Nordic Balm
Karl Seglem – Nordic Balm
Whenever people talk or write about Jazz music it never takes very long until someone
mentions the „magic“ between the musicians. If you never really understood what it
meant but were afraid to ask, let Karl Seglem explain. For almost a decade the Norwegian
saxophonist with a fable for all types of goat horns has been playing together with the
Acoustic Quartet, three younger musicians. Together they translate into music the true
meaning of „magic“ in Jazz: discipline and freedom, trust and risk, feeling and energy.
Plus: a lot of fun.
Following „Norskjazz.no“ (2009) und „NyeSongar.no“ (2012) the new album „Nordic
Balm“ is the third studio album of this formation with Karl Seglem, pianist Andreas Ulvo,
bass player Sigurd Hole and Jonas Howden Sjøvaag on drums. Thanks to constant touring
since 2008 the four are more than well-rehearsed, they form a unity – a real band. This
process in itself is important to Karl Seglem, he describes the three albums as a trilogy
and regards „Nordic Balm“ as the strongest and most important so far. But of course that
is also due to the fact that „the most recent album is always the most important“.
All the elements that made Karl Seglem’s music so popular and successful come together
on „Nordic Balm“: strong roots in Skandinavian Folk and World Music, a perfect balance of
composition and improvisation, extremely skilled musicians and excellent sound quality.
Yet there is also a pure joy of playing that urges through the cracks of this foundation and
sometimes takes control over the band, for example on the manic goat horn heavy
„Fjordskimmr“. From more measured songs like „Lys i glaset“ to up-tempo tracks like
„Eidblome“ and the groove based „Ned Dalen“, that came to Karl Seglem on a hike in the
Norwegian mountains, this sheer lust of playing carries the album and pushes it forward.
Even „Balsam“, a song for Karl Seglems brother who is fighting cancer, never turns into a
lament but instead celebrates his positive energy and will to live.
„We just make sounds and happen to sound like no other Jazz band in the world.“ Karl
Seglem hits the nail on the head. Though it doesn’t usually make you that happy listening
to other people „making sounds“.
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