EC_B1P - End-of-Year Test A.docx

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End-of-Year Test A                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Units 1-9


Name:  _______________________________________  Class:  ______

              English Class B1+ © Pearson Central Europe 2018                   PHOTOCOPIABLE               5



1              [Track 11] You will hear three short dialogues about work and jobs. Listen and choose the correct answers to the questions – A, B or C.

Dialogue 1

1               What’s Eve doing today?

              A               going shopping

              B               looking for work

              C               working in a shop

2               What are Rob’s holiday plans?

              A               He’s going on holiday with his family.

              B               He hasn’t got any plans.

              C               His French cousins are coming to visit.

Dialogue 2

3               What advice does Mike give Julia about body language?

              A               It’s not as important as answering difficult questions.

              B               She must look at the interviewer when she responds.

              C               She should stand up straight.

4               Where did Julia find out about the job?

              A               online

              B               from a friend

              C               in a magazine

Dialogue 3

5               What does the man want the woman to do first?

              A               explain why she wants the job

              B               talk about her past work experience.

              C               describe herself

6               Why does the woman talk about the school prom?

              A               to show how she can keep calm in difficult situations

              B               to show that she has worked before

              C               to show she is an organised person

______ / 12



2               Choose the correct answers.

0               Ellie lowered her ___ so nobody could hear her.

              A head                                                        B voice                                          C eyebrows                            D shoulders

1               I just need to finish writing this ___ of my new book.
A character                                          B chapter                            C novel                                          D cover

2               Gemma has got ___ ears.
A painted                                          B dyed                                          C ringed                                          D pierced

3               The doctor ___ him some tablets to help the pain.
A wrote                                          B prescribed                    C signed                                             D advised

4               I’m afraid I got ___ from my job yesterday.
A fired                                                        B promoted                            C unemployed              D contracted

5               Patrick is a news ___ on the local radio station.
A author                                          B reporter                            C designer                            D paparazzi

______ / 5

3               Choose the correct options.

              Our teacher has just 0 appeared / come / seen in the news because she’s written a 1 novel / biography / poem of Charles Dickens. It’s 2 given / been / taken her ten years to write because she’s a full-time teacher. The 3 reviews / report / critics of her book are excellent and people are saying it could be a 4 broadsheet / bestseller / tabloid. We hope she doesn’t stop teaching because she’s great at helping students with 5 asthma / insomnia / dyslexia to read.

______ / 5


4               Complete the text using the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

Yesterday my friend and I 0 were told (tell) to see the head teacher. She told us that she
1 ____________________ (choose) us to represent the school in a spelling competition in Manchester.

When I started school, I 2____________________ (not/can) spell very well and now I’m one of the best in the school. I 3 ____________________ (not/be) interested in books until my English teacher 4 ____________________ (manage/find) something that interested me. If I hadn’t started reading,
I 5 ____________________ (not/become) a better speller. If we do well in the competition, we
6 ____________________ (win) some money for the school and some books for us.

______ / 6

5               Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. Use the word in capital letters.

0               She can’t see him until Monday. ABLE
She isn’t able to see him until Monday.

1               It was necessary for her to leave early. HAD
She ______________________________________________ early.

2               No one has given me the password yet. BEEN
The password ______________________________________________ yet.

3               My advice is: don’t tell him about it. WERE             
If I ______________________________________________ him about it.

4               I started work here ten years ago.  FOR
I ______________________________________________ ten years.

______ / 4


6              Complete the email with one word in each gap.

Hi, Josh,

how are you 0 doing? I’ve finished the book you asked me to read 1 ____________ last. I apologise 2 ____________ taking so long. I really enjoyed it and would certainly 3 ____________ it to anyone. The plot’s really exciting and the characters are great. I think this is 4 ____________ of the best books I’ve ever read!

By the way, I can’t come to your house this weekend. My sister and I are 5 ____________ trouble with Mum for not helping in the house, so we can’t go out, but you can come here on Sunday afternoon.

Let me know if you can come,


______ / 5

7               Complete the dialogue with the phrases from the box. There is one extra phrase.

              concerned     for example     I can see     one     personally     you’re right     you suggest

A:                                           Which magazine are you going to buy?

B:                                           This 0one, I think. It’s got all the celebrity gossip.

A:                                           Those are terrible magazines, Ana. You need to read something which has more news in it.

B:                                           What do 1 _________________?

A:                             Well there are quite a few good news magazines especially for teenagers. This one, 2 _________________.

B:                                           As far as 3 _________________, this is really boring, Dan. There’s nothing that interests me in it.

A:                                           Well, in my opinion, your magazines are rubbish. You should read magazines to learn more about the world. Not what famous people wear and eat.

B:                                           4 _________________, I buy magazines to relax. Not to study.

A:                                           I think we should agree to disagree.

B:                                           Maybe 5 _________________. We don’t want to break up our friendship over magazines!

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8               Read the text and complete the sentences. Write up to 3 words in each gap.

0                             Today, there can be a mix of cultures where we live and work.

1               Maria couldn’t ____________________________ well when she arrived in the UK.

2               Maria ...

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