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                          FUSION-PC UTILITIES

The file ROMUTIL.HQX is a uuencoded StuffIt archive containing the
file 'ROMUTIL'.  ROMUTIL is a Macintosh application.  When you run
it on a real Macintosh, will extract the contents of the machine's
ROM and save it as a file.

Please consult the documentation for compatible ROM types.

Also included in this directory is an imager file (UTILS.HDF) that
is a copy of a Macintosh formatted disk.  On this disk are the files
ROMUTIL and TRANSFUSE.  To create a the Macintosh disk, insert a
blank disk into your A: floppy drive and type the following:


This will use the IMAGER program to format, write, and verify the
disk image.  After this is complete, you will be able to insert this
disk into a Macintosh and copy the ROMUTIL file from the floppy to
your hard drive.

ROMUTIL is required to capture the ROM from a real Macintosh.
Double-click on the ROMUTIL icon.  A dialog box will be displayed with
information about the ROM and the option to save the image to a disk
file.  This program is included with the demo release.

TRANSFUSE is a Macintosh application that requires v2.0 or later of
FUSION to work.  You will need to copy TRANSFUSE from the floppy
you created to your emulation's hard drive.  FUSION can read and write
real Macintosh formatted disks, so just insert the disk into the drive
and copy the file by dragging the TRANSFUSE icon to the desktop.
Double-click on the TRANSFUSE icon to start it.  TRANSFUSE allows you
to copy files to and from the PC from the Macintosh emulation.
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