(125 KB) Pobierz
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                  4-CD-Rom Collection by Gryzor in May '96

                  = M A I N    D O C U M E N T A T I O N =

                  Welcome, dear Music and Modules lovers!

          Thank you for choosing this wonderful MOD's collection,

    you will not be disappointed at all with your purchase, believe me!

Here is the table of contents:

        1. About this CD-Rom set.

        2. For beginners, what is a "module"?

        3. History of this collection.

                3.1. The very beginning.
                3.2. The collection grows.
                3.3. The last seven months.

        4. Permission asked to the authors.

        5. Contents of each CD.

                5.1. The Root of each CD.
                5.2. The Modules (of course:).
                5.3. The Lists   (of modules).
                5.4. The Tools   (players, trackers, for each computer).
                5.5. The In-Use  directory (Amiga only).

        6. Hints and tips (for a better use).

        7. Acknowledgements - Special Thanks.

        8. The future - Projects (?)

        9. Signing off.

Special Note:
        Some modules have been removed from the collection to avoid some
        copyright problems (adaptations, conversions, covers...).
        Even if these mods were made 'just for fun'.
        The 'fun' is not very well appreciated, sometimes...


1. About this CD-Rom set.

  . The author of this huge collection is Nicolas FRANCK (it's me! :) also
    known as Gryzor, French Amiga Musician and Programmer since early 1988.

      I won't tell you anything more about me for now, just look in my own
      directory on CD-2 ('Mods-2:Modules/Authors.G-Q/Gryzor/Docs/') and read
      the file 'Gryzor.DOC' for further details.

  . The collection was edited and manufactured by Stefan OSSOWSKI and his
    company (Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe, Gesellschaft fuer Software mbH)
    located in Germany.

  . Here is the company profile of Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe:
|   Company Profile - Schatztruhe
|   Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe (Treasure Chest) was formed in the autumn
|   of 1986.  Being one of the first distributors of freely distributable
|   (FD) software in Germany, Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe ensured the
|   popularity of FD software in that country.
|   1989 marked the expansion of operations into the publication of
|   commercial software for the Amiga.  Since that time, the Schatztruhe
|   label has been associated with the publication of several high-ranking
|   software titles for the Amiga, and the distribution of numerous
|   reputable software products in Germany: TurboCalc, DiskExpander,
|   DiskSalv 3, Directory Opus 5, Wordworth 5 and CD-Write to name just
|   a few.
|   In 1993, Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe was amongst one of the first Amiga
|   companies to recognize the potential of the CD-ROM.  Not only were
|   popular CD-ROM series such as Fred Fish CDs, Aminet and Meeting Pearls
|   distributed, but full commercial software such as XiPaint, and TurboCalc
|   was produced on CD-ROM.
|   Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe is presently the leading german
|   manufacturer of Amiga Software.  Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe continues
|   to produce software exclusively for the Amiga, despite the crisis
|   confronting the machine.   Many projects are being prepared, to be
|   released during 1996.  A current product overview can be accessed on
|   the Internet at
|   Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe employs five people at its headquarters
|   in Essen, Germany; as well as several dozen programmers throughout
|   the world.
|                      Stefan Ossowskis Schatztruhe
|                     Gesellschaft fuer Software mbH
|                             Veronikastr. 33
|                               45131 Essen
|                                 Germany
|                          Tel: ++49-201-788778
|__                        Fax: ++49-201-798447

  . The Set can be ordered from the following addresses: (credit cards OK)

        Germany: Stefan Ossowski          (English spoken)
                 Tel:   +49-201-788778
                 Fax:   +49-201-798447

                 Price: DM 59

        USA:     Fred Fish
                 Tel:   +1-602-491-0442

                 Price: $44.95

  . The Cover-Pic was created and designed by Nicolas 'Elizium' ARFEUIL,
                                               Copyright ? April 1996.

  . Here is a little summary of the main characteristics of the collection:

 --------------------=(  M O D S   A N T H O L O G Y  )=--------------------

        - 4 CD-ROMs - 18000+ mods - Permission asked to the authors -
 - Multiplatform product (readable under ms-dos, win, mac, unix, AmigaDOS) -
     - All mods sorted by composers in priority, then groups and kinds -
           - MODs - FT1 - S3M - XM - MTM - IT - Amiga Synthetics -
        - Many informations about the authors (info-file, picture!) -
     - Many previously unreleased mods from the most famous composers -
  - 6 years of hard collecting - 6 months of hard 'author-contacting' ;) -
           - Many players and trackers included for each machine -
                 - All modules stored in uncompressed form -
                       - Long filenames! (not "8+3") -

 --------------------=(  M O D S   A N T H O L O G Y  )=--------------------

  . This is, as far as I know, the biggest Mods' Collection to date!
    This is also the cheapest around!

    My only leitmotiv when doing this collection was:  P-A-S-S-I-O-N !

    This has leaded to a high-quality database made, above all, for YOU!
    Not to make money, like it was the case, too often, for the previously
    released Mods' Collections.

    It's a tribute to all the composers, from the old legendary ones till
    the newest appeared in "the scene" of computer music and demos.

    I have only one thing in mind when it comes to Mods:    R-E-S-P-E-C-T
                                                          of the composers.

    That's why (to repeat some of the characteristics) I made my very best
    to contact a maximum of composers, and ask their authorization
    to include their work in this collection. It was OBLIGATORY for me!

    And I'm glad to see that so many agreed, so happy that, finally, someone
    asked them their permission before releasing their work! Yes, many of
    them told me so...  Thanks to all of you, guys! :)

  . Well, "18000+" modules... Maybe you think "Gosh!! How will I be able to
    listen to this all!?" Hehe.. yes, you will need SOME months if you plan
    to listen to ALL the mods one after the other ;-)

    But the most important is to own this Set... Now take your time,
    listen carefully to the mods, you will discover some masterpieces!

    And about the total number of mods, there are exactly -18096- modules!
    Here is the repartition over the 4 CD-ROMs:

       |                                                               |
       |    (CD-1)      Mods/Authors(A-F) :  2719 modules ( 438MB).    |
       |    (CD-2)      Mods/Authors(G-Q) :  3417 modules ( 574MB).    |
       |    (CD-3)      Mods/Authors(R-Z) :  2263 modules ( 371MB).    |
       |    (CD-3)      Mods/Groups       :  1458 modules ( 194MB).    |
       |    (CD-4)      Mods/Misc (Kinds) :  2857 modules ( 497MB).    |
       |                                    _____                      |
       |                                                               |
       |                Sub-Total         : 12714 modules (2074MB).    |
       |                                                               |
       |    (CD-4)    + Mods/Synth        :  5382 modules (  74MB).    |
       |                                                               |
       |                Total -ALL- Mods  : 18096 modules (2148MB).    |

      (Refer to section "5.2" for further details about the repartition).

  . As stated in the characteristics, all these mods are UNCOMPRESSED.
    This is why they take more than 2 Gigabytes of disk-space.

    But this choice allows you to listen to the mods with nearly all kinds
    of computers, and accessing to the mods will also be faster; no need to
    depack any file.

    Indeed, talking about the 'multi-platform' aspect of the collection,
    it is of course readable on Amiga (I'm an Amiga user! :) but it's also
    readable under MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, Unix, Mac-OS, etc...

    BUT! - Important "but!" - It was out of question for me to truncate
    all the filenames to this archaic "8+3" limitation! Absolutely not...
    But don't worry, MS-DOS users, your DOS is able to read the files
    anyway, it will truncate the filenames itself...
                                ...or just upgrade to Win or somethin' =)

    Special Note:

        MS-DOS is able to truncate UNIQUE long...
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