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A+ 220-1002
Domain 1.0
Operating Systems
1.0 Operating Systems
Compare and contrast common operating system types and their purposes
Compare and contrast features of Microsoft Windows versions
Summarize general OS installation considerations and upgrade methods
Given a scenario, use appropriate Microsoft command line tools
Given a scenario, use Microsoft operating system features and tools
Given a scenario, use Microsoft Windows Control Panel utilities
Summarize application installation and configuration concepts
Given a scenario, configure Microsoft Windows networking on a
Given a scenario, use features and tools of the Mac OS and Linux
client/desktop operating systems
Domain 1.1
Compare and contrast common operating system types and their purposes
Domain 1.1
32 bit vs 64 bit
Workstation Operating Systems
Cellphone and Tablet Operating Systems
Vendor-specific Limitations
Compatibility concerns between operating systems
32-bit vs 64-bit
Think of lanes on a highway allowing vehicles to travel
More lanes > more cars > more traffic
RAM Limitations
32 bit has address space of up to 4GB
64 bit has address space over 4GB
Depends on the operating system
For example Windows 2016 datacenter can support 24 TB but Windows 7 Enterprise
supports 192 GB
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