11.1 05-1-CISS-Ethical-Hacking-Training-2.0-by-www.SecAcademy.com.pdf.pdf

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are an essential part of security policies
attack is discovered, the easier it is to stop
and (if it has managed to compromise the
system) minimize damage and bring the
system back to functionality
should be designed by the most
experienced administrator and tested by the
least experienced user in a company
Network Load Balancing
improves the
availability and scalability of network services
like web servers, FTP servers, firewalls, proxy
servers and report servers
in this case is running
on more than one computer, meaning there is a
separate launched copy of the service in each
of the hosts
is a function
dividing incoming client requests between the
networked hosts. As a result, each of them
only processes a part of user requests
Network Load Balancing
host may be calibrated (by
doing so you can increase the performance of the
service). Network Load Balancing can direct all
traffic to a single designated host
incoming requests are
automatically passed to the running computers.
Because of this, a single host failure will hurt the
performance of a service, but will keep it from
becoming unavailable
services that are
protected using NLB do not share data. Each host
has its own copy of the data. As a consequence, if
you want to allow users to modify it, it’s
necessary to sync the copies across the
Failover Clusters
(either physical or virtual) is a computer in a cluster
(like a database server) is only running in a single
active node. If the node becomes unavailable, the
service fails over to another (passive) node
are necessary to ensure continuous availability:
one active and one passive node
nodes are only needed if you have more services
running in the cluster
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