Geisler & Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.pdf

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“Clear, complete, compelling—this terrific resource will help both Christians and
seekers understand the rational basis for Christianity. I wish it had been available
when I was an atheist—it would have saved a lot of time in my spiritual journey
toward God!”
author of
The Case for Christ
The Case for Faith
“This extremely readable book brilliantly builds the case for Christianity from the
question of truth all the way to the inspiration of the Bible. And the verdict is in:
Christians stand on mounds of solid evidence while skeptics cling to nothing but their
blind, dogmatic faith. If you’re still a skeptic after reading
I Don’t Have Enough Faith
to Be an Atheist,
then I suspect you’re living in denial!”
speaker and author of
Evidence That Demands a Verdict
“It is really true that atheism requires gobs of blind faith while the path of logic and
reason leads straight to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek
convincingly show why.”
Darwin on Trial, Reason in the Balance,
The Wedge of Truth
“I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
will equip, exhort, and encourage you
‘to give the reason for the hope that you have . . . with gentleness and respect.’”
President, The Christian Research Institute, and host of the
Bible Answer
“No amount of evidence can convert an unbeliever to belief. That is solely the work
of God. But what Norm Geisler and Frank Turek have done in this book should
disturb anyone claiming to be an atheist . . . perhaps enough to persuade them to begin
a search for the God who has been there all along.”
Syndicated columnist and host of
After Hours
on the Fox News Channel
“False ideas aimed at undermining and destroying the Christian faith constantly
bombard high school and college students. This book provides an exceptionally good
antidote to these false ideas. Geisler and Turek present the crucial information needed
to avoid being swept away by the onslaughts of secular ideologies that cast science,
philosophy, and biblical studies as enemies of the Christian faith.”
The Design Revolution
“Geisler and Turek have pulled together a wide array of thorny questions and, as
always, have responded with skill and insight. This is a valuable addition to the
contemporary writings on Christian apologetics.”
President, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist
is vintage Norman Geisler—a logical,
rational, and intellectual defense of the Christian faith. This collaboration with Frank
Turek is ‘must reading’ for every professional or armchair philosopher.”
author and host of
The John Ankerberg Show
“Anyone can understand this book’s crystal-clear explanation of how morality itself
points to God. Atheists may believe in moral law, but without God they have no way
to justify their belief.”
former atheist, professor of government and philosophy, University of
Texas at Austin, author,
What We Can’t Not Know
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