Topher Morrison-5QuestionsNLP.pdf

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5 Questions NLP Schools
Don’t Want You to Ask
Table of Contents
Introduction........................................................………….. 2
Question #1
How long should it take to master NLP?.......................... 3
Question #2
Which certifying body is best?.....................................…. 7
Question #3
What should I look for in a trainer?..............................…. 8
Question #4
What is a fair price to pay for an NLP Training?.........…. 9
Question #5
Why do I want to learn NLP?.......................................… 11
Conclusion .....................................................………….... 13
If you are interested in learning NLP you’ll find no shortage of trainers. Simply
enter “NLP” into any search engine and you will be flooded with options
(1,480,000 available options according to Google’s latest results). The more sites
you click on, the more they’ll all start to look alike. You’ll hear phrases like,
“Identify strategies”, “learn to anchor,” “overcome procrastination”, “gain rapport
with anyone!” and the list goes on and on. You’ll also hear about how the
trainings are certified by various organisations like: the Society of NLP, or
the American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, or
the International Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming and
the Association of Neuro Linguistic Programmers. They will all sound like they
are affiliated with the most prestigious organisations and some will even lead you
to believe that their organisation is the only legitimate organisation out there. No
doubt about it, the more you research NLP schools, most likely, the more
confused you will become.
This booklet was created to help clear the waters. It won’t tell you who to learn
from. That’s for you to decide. But it will give you some ideas, a guideline if you
will, that will help you to make the most educated decision when you finally
decide to register with whatever organisation you choose. It will provide you with
5 basic questions you should have answered before you enrol into any Training,
but in actuality, it will give you over fifty questions to ask yourself or the NLP
school you are interviewing. Ask them all and good luck in your pursuit of
personal evolution!
Question #1
How long should it take to master NLP?
Quite simply? A lifetime. But how long should you expect to sit in a class and
learn from a qualified instructor in order to walk out of the room and competently
serve yourself and your potential clients is another question.
Before we answer this, we should first explain the various levels of NLP:
NLP Practitioner Certification
As a practitioner of NLP, you will receive the first half of the entire body of
knowledge. You will have a basic understanding of human behaviour,
how to identify behavioural patterns and establish rapport. You will be trained on
increasing your level of sensory awareness to notice non-verbal cues in others
most people overlook. You will practice the skills of stimulus response and learn
how to create emotional triggers in yourself and others. With most schools, you
will walk away with a solution to the age-old problem of what to do when, “a part
of you is in conflict.” And you will learn how to structure your language in more
effective ways so that your words create the thoughts within others and yourself
that are supportive of where you or your clients want to go in life.
It is important to remember that if you truly want to master the art and science of
NLP you will also want to complete your NLP Master Practitioner training so that
you have the entire body of knowledge at your disposal.
NLP Master Practitioner Certification
As a Master Practitioner you will receive the entire body of knowledge in NLP…
or at least the entire amount as defined by your trainer. While most practitioner
courses teach roughly the same information, the Master Practitioner Course is a
completely different story. In fact, you could quite easily attend several different
Master Practitioner courses and receive copious amounts of new information at
each one. This is because NLP is both an art and a science. If it were just a
science you would learn the same thing at every course. But because it is also
an art, the trainers are allowed to add whatever they like to the curriculum so
long as they meet the standards required within their certifying body. I personally
feel that a course that has also gone outside the walls of NLP to learn new and
exciting forms of change are the best.
NLP Trainers Training
This course certifies you to teach NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner
Courses, but you may not certify your students as trainers of NLP. This can
only be done by a Certified Master Trainer of NLP. It’s been said that if you want
to master something, learn how to teach it. I agree. Even if you do not want to
become an NLP Trainer and offer certifications, the information you will receive
in this course will last you a lifetime, for the topic of NLP is simply what you learn
to teach, you will still walk away with great skills on presenting, provided the
course is one of quality. How to ensure it is one of quality will be discussed
later in this book.
Also make sure when you enrol in an NLP Certified Trainer’s Training that it is a
real certification and that your certification is attainable if you attend the training
and complete the examination. There are some organisations that will enrol you
in a “Certified” NLP Trainer’s Training and it is only after you pay a considerable
amount of money and attend the training that you find out that you will not be
eligible for certification until you do x, y & z, which could translate to much more
time and money invested in assisting at their trainings &/or taking or assisting at
additional trainings. In fact there are some NLP organisations that are proud of
the fact that they only ‘certify’ a few NLP Trainers each year from a whole class.
I’m not sure why you would choose an organisation that has limited views on
their students abilities as it is their responsibility to teach you everything in the
training so you are competent to be an NLP Trainer. So it is best to find an
organisation that is willing to do everything it takes to guarantee that with their
training and resources you will attain all the knowledge, skills and confidence in
NLP and that you will be eligible for Certification.
The length of this training is also important if you compare an NLP Trainer’s
Training that is 7 days and another that is 14 days there will be a substantial
amount of difference in your training experience. A shorter NLP Trainer’s training
should be an indication of the quality of the training as you do need the extra time
to absorb the skills taught and have sufficient time for all the exercises so the
behaviours you learn become unconscious and you are left with real confidence
of all the material and for you to become the best trainer/presenter you can be.
NLP Master Trainer Certification
This course is sadly very subjective. There are only a few institutions that are
offering the Master Trainer Certification, and in most cases it is not determined
by your level of skill so much as the relationship you have established with the
Master Trainer. This has both positive and negative consequences. Generally
speaking, this program is more of an apprenticeship than a seminar. And the
standard that has been set in the NLP community is to have 2 Master Trainers
agree for the award of the title. The positives with this program are that you can
directly be mentored by an individual considered among their peers as
the best of the best. The downside is that it leaves for an almost ‘nepotitious’
style of promotion. If you are to train under a certified Master Trainer, ask them
how many years they studied for the certificate under the individuals who certified
them. If it is anything under 2 years, then most likely the certificate was awarded
through friendship, not through hard work.
Having discussed the various levels of NLP training, let’s talk about the
styles in which these courses are taught:
There are basically two styles of learning with regard to NLP:
The first style
of learning is spread out over a long period of time. Usually 1
evening a week for 6 months, up to one year or one weekend a month for 6
months up to one year. This type of schooling will assure that you learn the
information at a pace where you are certain to understand it. There are however,
three major challenges with this style of education.
Most people drop out before they ever finish because it takes so long.
It’s very difficult to make sure you attend every single course, so you may end up
with ‘holes’ in your education. And
You spend a major portion of every training backtracking what you learned at the
previous training.
You see, despite what you may believe about your ability to learn, unconscious
minds don’t like to learn slowly, they respond better to quick learning. Here’s a
great analogy. I’m sure you’ve seen those cartoon books where if you thumb
through the pages at a fast rate the images on each page culminate in a moving
cartoon. Imagine though, looking at one page each day for 365 days in a row. By
the end of the year, will you be able to remember what you actually saw? Most
likely not, at best you will remember the major characters but not remember what
they started doing so long ago. This is very much how the unconscious mind
learns, if you go so slow, it may not recognise the shifts taking place, it doesn’t
mean they aren’t there, but the level of conscious integration may not be as high.
The second style
of learning is commonly referred to as the accelerated
learning program or ‘immersion technology’. This is where you take anywhere
from a week to 21 days out of your life and immerse yourself in the knowledge.
Like the previous style, this too has some advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages
are that you tend to learn the information much more
effectively. You can expect a higher level of knowledge, but you may not walk
away with as high level of comprehension as the slower courses. This does not
seem to be a factor in long term success however. The key is to immediately
start to apply the knowledge you have learned, and in a very short time, you can
expect to have your comprehension catch up with you.
The downside
here is that if you have signed on with and NLP school that has
poor follow-up support, you may not be able to get the answers you need. Make
sure that before you enrol into a course you ask the school what type of follow up
support they offer. Do they charge for it? Is there a limit to what type of support
you receive? Do they offer unlimited telephone and email support? These are all
important questions to ask, and most of all, before you ask these questions, get
names and numbers of people who have attended the training so that you can
contact them and ask them about the follow-up support they have received.
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