Construction of a Pourbaix Diagram.pdf

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Construction of a Pourbaix Diagram
A Pourbaix diagram plots the equilibrium potential (E
e :
) between a metal and its various
oxidised species as a function of pH.
The extent of half-cell reactions that describe the dissolution of metal
M = M
+ ze
depend on various factors, including the potential,
pH and the concentration of the oxidised
species, M
. The Pourbaix diagram can be thought of as analogous to a phase diagram of an
alloy, which plots the lines of equilibrium between different phases as temperature and
composition are varied.
To plot a Pourbaix diagram the relevant Nernst equations are used. As the Nernst equation is
derived entirely from thermodynamics, the Pourbaix diagram can be used to determine which
species is
stable at a given
and pH. It gives no information about
of the corrosion process.
Constructing a Pourbaix Diagram :
The following steps illustrates how a Pourbaix diagram is constructed from first principles, using
the example of Zinc.
Step 1 :
Step 2 :
Step 3 :
Step 4 :
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7 :
Step 8:
Source :
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