DTCA3DOC-096 apple 3 IC location.pdf

(387 KB) Pobierz
Apple III Computer Information
Doc # 096
Apple III Motherboard IC Locations
“_56.PICT” 235 KB 2001-08-13 dpi: 300h x 300v pix: 2226h x 2953v
Source: David T. Craig
Page 0001 of 0003
Apple III Computer Information
Doc # 096
Apple III Motherboard IC Locations
“_57.PICT” 286 KB 2001-08-13 dpi: 300h x 300v pix: 2302h x 3155v
Source: David T. Craig
Page 0002 of 0003
Apple III Computer Information
Doc # 096
Apple III Motherboard IC Locations
“_58.PICT” 246 KB 2001-08-13 dpi: 300h x 300v pix: 2308h x 3089v
Source: David T. Craig
Page 0003 of 0003
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