Don Beck and WIE - Spiral Dynamics.pdf

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Magazine Reprint Series
The Never-Ending
Upward Quest
by Jessica Roemischer
Issue 22
Fall/Winter 2002
© 2005 EnlightenNext Media
PO Box 2360, Lenox, MA 01240 USA
The Mission of
What Is Enlightenment?
What Is Enlightenment?
is dedicated to a revolution in human
consciousness and human culture. Guided by the always-
evolving vision of founder Andrew Cohen, whose tireless
passion for spiritual inquiry continues to push the edge of
contemporary thinking, we are in search of a radical new
moral and philosophical architecture for twenty-first-century
society. We believe that finding this framework for transfor-
mation—rooted in the timeless revelation of enlightenment,
reaching toward a truly coherent ethics for the postmodern
world—is imperative, not only for the evolution of our spe-
cies, but for our very survival. By asking the hard questions
of the new science and the ancient traditions, of art and cul-
ture, of business and politics,
What Is Enlightenment?
to create a dynamic context for conscious engagement with
the greatest challenges of our times, a groundwork for the
ongoing liberation of human potential.
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Don Edward Beck, Ph.D.,
has, for almost thirty
years, helped worldwide governments, corporations,
and communities transform themselves, utilizing a
unique values-based model called Spiral Dynamics.
This bio-psycho-social-spiritual map of living sys-
tems charts the evolution and emergence of human
development, both individually and collectively, and
provides a comprehensive global overview that helps
to explain the perplexing and daunting predicaments
that we human beings currently find ourselves in.
In his role that extends far beyond that of mapmaker
Beck shows
the way toward macro-scale geopolitical transformation, offering integral solutions
that are ecological, systemic, life-affirming, and elegantly logical. He played a major
role behind the scenes in the design of post apartheid South Africa, and is currently
guiding creative solutions in other hot spots around the globe.
Beck is the founder and owner of both the international Institute of Values and
Culture and The Spiral Dynamics Group. He is a professor at the Adizes Graduate
School in California, a founding associate of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, and
an adjunct with the Arlington Institute. He is also a member of the American
Psychological Association, the American Society for Training and Development,
the International Paleopsychology Project, and a fellow at the George Gallup
Institute at Princeton.
For more information about Spiral Dynamics Integral:
Dr. Don Beck is coauthor of
Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and
(Blackwell, 1996), available on Amazon.
The Spiral Dynamics Group, PO Box 797, Denton, TX 76202, USA
Tel. 940.383.1209 Fax 940.382.4597
What Is Enlightenment?
is an award-winning quarterly magazine committed to
the emergence of a new consciousness, culture, and philosophical framework for
twenty-first century society. Founded and guided by philosopher and teacher
Andrew Cohen, its editorial aim is to provide a platform for evolutionary thinkers
and activists who share a sense of urgency about the need for human beings to
evolve, spiritually and ethically, in order to change the world. Through in-depth
interviews, investigative reporting, and cultural critique,
What Is Enlightenment?
is forging a coherent spiritual foundation for an increasingly chaotic world.
For more information about
What Is Enlightenment?
or call 800.376.3210 or 413.637.6000
The Never-Ending
Upward Quest
Editor Encounters
the Practical and Spiritual Wisdom of
Spiral Dynamics
An interview with
Dr. Don Beck
Interview and Narrative by Jessica Roemischer
Section 3
the dynamics of transformation
as colors! Having just
immersed myself for the past three months in Spiral Dynamics
incisive and far-reaching theory of human development
I can say
without exaggeration that Spiral Dynamics is, indeed, one of the
major breakthroughs in mapping and managing complexity
complexity being us. Our diverse worldviews, our beliefs, our very
identities, represented by eight “memes,” or value systems, which
apply as much to individuals as to entire cultures. And, as I am
discovering, this dynamic spiral-shaped model of human conscious-
ness, with its hierarchy of color-coded memes, is literally coloring
my perception.
I was at a friend’s wedding and suddenly realized that I was see-
ing the
(absolutist) meme in the conservatively-dressed woman
wearing a crucifix, the
(achievist) meme in the young go-
getter with the Rolex, the
(egalitarian) meme in the aging
bearded hippie. And not only that
I’m beginning to see just how
” I am, with my longing for communal living and acceptance,
my strong bias against corporations and political conservatives, and
my passion for environmental causes, even though I am, admit-
tedly, attached to driving my Audi
, fast (
Should I be worried? Am I typecasting other people, and myself,
with these apparently broad-brushed, color-coded characterizations
called “memes”? Is the Spiral Dynamics model, comprised of these
memes, simply a convenient way to avoid having to grapple with
the complexity and diversity of human beings and the challenge
to discern who we really are? On the contrary, I have been finding
that, rather than a cold analytical detachment or one-dimensional
perspective, Spiral Dynamics is giving rise to a profound clarity of
insight into the sweeping patterns of human psychologies, beliefs,
and values (including my own) that are, often unconsciously, guid-
ing our choices and shaping our very identities. Spiral Dynamics is
also resulting in an unexpected and liberating objectivity because
it places my own experience in the context of the entire history of
human psychological development, the totality of which is present
in each of us
from the most primitive survivalist instincts
evolved spiritual aspirations
, with, in my case, a good
dose of righteous eco-egalitarianism
thrown in!
But why a spiral, you might ask? Spirals are a dynamic expres-
sion of natural and cosmic forces, a “dominant universal fractal”
evident in everything from our DNA code to the spiraling galaxies
that inhabit the universe. Spiral Dynamics posits that the evolution
of human consciousness can best be represented in this way: by a
dynamic, upward spiraling structure that charts our evolving think-
ing systems as they arc higher and higher through levels of increas-
ing complexity. Certainly, human consciousness has dramatically
increased in complexity over the span of millennia, as evidenced by
our fast-paced highly interactive world. But, despite any illusions I
may have about how far up the spiral I am in my technology-rich
What Is Enlightenment?
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