Conan d20 1e - Hyboria's Fallen Pirates, Thieves & Temptresses.pdf

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Hyboria’ s Fallen
pirates, thieves
Vincent Darlarge
Richard Ford
Cover Art
Chris Quilliams
Interior Artists
Storn C. Cook, Sergio Villa Isaza, Tony Parker,
Chris Quilliams, Chad Sergesketter, Ronald Smith &
Javier Charro Martinez
RPG Manager
Ian Belcher
Production Director
Alexander Fennell
Mark Quennell
Sam Vail, Andre Chabot, Robert Hall, Trevor Kerslake &
Alan Marson
Special Thanks
Thommy Wojciechowski & Fredrik Malmberg at
Conan Properties.
The Temptress
The Fallen of the Land 8
Secrets of the Fallen 40
Fallen Knowledge
Fallen Feats
By Roaring Oceans
By Guile and Grace
By Dark of Night
Hyboria’s Fallen: Pirates, Thieves & Temptresses is © 2005 Conan Properties International LLC. CONAN®, CONAN
THE BARBARIAN® and related logos, character, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Conan
Properties International LLC unless otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Mongoose Publishing Ltd Authorized User.
Conan the Roleplaying Game is released under version 1.0 of the Open Game License. Reproduction of non-Open
Game Content of this work by any means without the written permission of the pulisher is expressly forbidden.
See page 128 for the text of this license. With the exception of the character creation rules detailing the
mechanics of assigning dice roll results to abilities and the advancement of character levels, all game
mechanics and statistics (including the game mechanics of all feats, skills, classes, creatures, spells and
the combat chapter) are declared open content. Printed in China.
Welcome to the Shadows
Pirates. Thieves. Temptresses.
fallen classes of the Hyborian age live amongst the shadows,
lurking and hiding in the dark recesses of every city. Civilised
people often presume rules come from the gods or even from
strange books wherein the ‘Truth’ is written. Actions are
either correct or incorrect and a culture of guilt arises from
violating the tenets laid down by society. Societies who try to
live by those rules breed shadows and these shadows are the
fallen classes, by-products of all the impulses contrary to a
given society’s definitions of truth and order. Some consider
the shadows evil, others see them as a necessity. Many long
to give in to the shadows but pretend to condemn them.
The fiercest; barbarians, nomads and borderers, are forces of
nature impacting upon society. The finest; nobles, scholars
and soldiers, are the creators and maintainers of society
and ‘law’ itself. The fallen represent impulsive temptation;
those who reject the ‘Truth’ insisted upon by the finest and
challenged by the fiercest. To be one of the fallen is to be
hunted by the so-called ‘finest’ elements of society. To be one
of the fallen is to have your deeds and beliefs treated as sinful,
criminal or worse.
The first section of this book reveals a shadow few want to
discuss – the temptress. Although there are males who fit the
role of tempter, the fears of Hyborian society usually
revolve around the women who break society’s rules,
the women who stand up to men, the women who
refuse to give in to the laws dictated to them
by the men who dominate their environment.
They angrily label these women as ‘whores’ but
this is an inaccurate label borne of man’s fears, an
attempt to belittle those who have the strength
to stand up to the establishment.
The second section of this book discusses
how the various cultures of Conan’s age look
at the pirate, thief and temptress classes.
Advice is given on what skills and feats
to emphasise for each culture’s iconic
brand of these three classes, as well
as additional cultural information.
In some cases, variant rules are
offered to better portray
these character classes
in some cultures.
The third section of this book reveals the secrets of the fallen
classes. Information on ability score options, archetypal
roles, new uses for old skills, information on crime families
and thieves’ guilds are presented. Also, new poisons and
rules regarding shock and surprise are given. New combat
manoeuvres also provide for varied combat and character
The fourth section of this book shows how to mix and
match the nine character classes to create new archetypes of
the pirate, the thief and the temptress. Here you will find
nymphs, vamps, sea captains, privateers, crime lords and
many more.
The Temptress
A New Core Class
The Temptress is
a new core class for
Conan the
Roleplaying Game.
Presented in a multitude of examples
found in the writings of Robert E. Howard, the temptress
is a sword & sorcery archetype. Some examples include:
Salome, from
A Witch Shall Be Born;
Tascela, from
and Thalis from
Xuthal of the Dusk.
This class follows
the same basic rules as the other core classes, including
experience point, ability score and feat progressions. It is
a favoured class for females of any civilised race. Although
males can take the class, it is almost never a favoured class
for them (known as Tempters), even if they are Hyborian.
Although there are males who fit the role
of tempter, the fears of any society usually revolve around
the women who break its rules, the women who stand up
to men, the women who refuse to bow to the demands
put on them by the men who dominate their world. The
temptress is a shadow borne of man’s fears and man’s
attempts to dominate women.
The temptress is a shadow of civilisation who uses the
power of sexuality in order to ensnare others. Sexually
insatiable, the temptress is often seen as a vampire, leaching
away the virility and independence of lovers and friends.
Fostering beauty and charm, the temptress uses sensuality
and sexuality as irresistible lures to bring others to their
doom. The Hyborian Age is a time of great opportunity
for temptresses. The world seems to be a place of male
domination, where men wage wars and conduct the
business of the world. However, the temptress is ideally
suited to taking advantage of these men, proving that
beauty is stronger than physical power. They ensure that
the ‘world of men’ is nothing of the sort.
Temptresses use their bodies and their
seduction techniques to further their own ends. Their
charm is used to get men and women to do their bidding,
their sexuality is as honed as a weapon, as keen and deadly
as any sword. Like a noble, the temptress favours brain
over brawn – and knows full well that sexuality can
overcome both the mind and strength of her enemies.
Temptresses usually follow the religion of their
native land, although they can choose the most provocative
of the available gods and goddesses of that land.
Rufia came from a race of women
accustomed to swaying thrones with their
beauty and wit. She scarcely remembered
her native Ophir from which she had been
stolen by Kothian slavers. The Argossean
magnate who had bought her and raised her for his
household had fallen in battle with the Shemites,
and as a supple girl of fourteen Rufia had passed
into the hands of a prince of Stygia, a languorous,
effeminate youth whom she came to twist around
her pink fingers... Because she came from a race
whose women were rulers of men, Rufia neither
perished nor became a whimpering toy.
Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp,
Hawks Over Shem
The Temptress
Temptresses usually come from urban
settings, although some archetypes are more rural. In any
case, the culture around them must oppress women in
some manner, pigeon-holing them into some role. It is
this limitation and oppression that births the temptress.
She is a shadow cast by these cultural rules.
Game Rule
Charisma, Wisdom and Intelligence are all
crucial to the temptress. She must be able to slip past
the resistance of others to see her will done. She is
cunning, manipulative and ambitious, traits requiring
Charisma, Wisdom and Intelligence. Furthermore, she
should cultivate her Dexterity if she plans to be lithe and
quick; Constitution to ensure she can endure as long
as possible; and Strength so that she is not unduly
Hit Die:
Class Skills
The Temptress
The temptress’s class skills (and the key ability for each
skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Craft
(Herbalism) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha),
Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information
(Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (nobility) (Int), Listen
(Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession
(Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand
(Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope
Skill Points at 1
(8 + Int modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level:
8 + Int modifier.
It is very hard to embarrass the temptress, for she can turn
even a fall into an elegant dance. Anytime she fails badly at
something she can make a Bluff skill check as a free action
to mitigate the failure and make it look intentional. The
DC depends on the nature of what she has done wrong
but it is usually 15 or 20. The higher the result, the better
her reaction to failure appears.
As a free action, the temptress may make a Diplomacy
check to oppose anyone trying to embarrass her, even if
she is unaware of what is going on. The Games Master
can make the roll for her.
Seductive Art:
A temptress gains an inherent
understanding of sexuality as it pertains to social situations.
She gains a +1 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Gather
Information, Intimidate, Perform (any) and Sense Motive
checks at 2
level. This increases to +2 at 6
level and
+3 at 10
level and so on. Further, the temptress relishes
the conquest over new types of people. Whenever the
temptress successfully seduces a person who is of a race
and class combination not previously seduced by her, she
receives a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls and
saving throws for the whole of the next day. She also has a
+2 bonus to Reputation for the next week.
Dance of Desire:
A temptress with five or more ranks
in Perform (dance) can, with a successful skill check,
cause all those within 30 feet of her who are attracted
to her gender (and not otherwise distracted, such as in
combat) to become fascinated with her. The targets to
be fascinated are allowed a Will save (DC equals 10 +
her Perform (dance) skill modifier). Those fascinated
receive a –4 penalty to Listen and Spot checks so long
as she keeps dancing. Should a target make its save, she
cannot attempt to fascinate that same target again for 24
hours. If she has 10 or more ranks in Perform (Dance),
the fascinated audience’s penalty to Listen and Spot checks
is further increased to –6; if she has 15 or more ranks in
Perform (dance) the fascinated audience’s penalty to Listen
and Spot checks is further increased to –8. The temptress
must be wearing no armour to use dance of desire. At 2
level, she can use this ability once per day; this increases
to twice per day at 6
, three times at 10
, four times at
and five times at 19
level. This is an extraordinary
Sneak Attack:
From 3
level onwards, at any time when
the temptress’s target can neither dodge nor parry or when
the temptress flanks the target, the temptress’s attack deals
extra damage. The extra damage is +1d6 at 3
level and
an additional 1d6 every three levels thereafter. Should the
temptress score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra
damage is not multiplied.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the temptress.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency:
A temptress is
proficient with all simple weapons and whips. Note that
armour check penalties for wearing medium or heavy
armour apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist,
Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand and Tumble.
Also, Swim checks suffer a –1 penalty for every 5 pounds
of armour and equipment carried.
A temptress takes a pride in her appearance
and is naturally well-dressed and groomed. She also has
an exceptionally well-formed body. She receives a +2
circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based skill checks in
situations where her appearance might play a part. This is
an extraordinary ability.
The temptress has a certain flair, dashing
style, élan or bravura that marks her as someone special.
Everything she does is performed with style, whether it
be entering a room and turning heads, carving her initials
into a tapestry with her rapier, or even savouring a meal at
a banquet to impress her host.
She can intentionally attempt to impress others with her
style in any task. The temptress may make any required
checks normally but if her result is five or more higher
than the required DC to succeed at the task, she has
performed the deed with stunning flair. The Games
Master is free to dictate any rules effects from this
but possible outcomes could be that she gain an
initiative bonus on successive actions or a bonus
to her Charisma-based skills to further
impress those who witnessed the
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