Conan d20 1e - The Black Stones of Kovag Re.pdf

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The Black Stones
of Kovag-Re
A Scenario for
The Roleplaying Game
The Black Stones
The Black Stones of
A Cold Morning in Arenjun
Oleska the Stout
Investigations in the City
of Thieves
A Perilous Pursuit
The Challenge of Iovinicus
Treachery in the Mountains
The Blooded Stones
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Studio Manager
Production Director
The Path Through the Peaks 9
The Black Stones
The Adventure in
If Oleksa himself is confronted with any of this information,
he will deny that she left willingly and will inform the
adventurers that she has very likely been taken by a band
of clever outlaws who have lately been raiding caravans and
pilgrims travelling through the Pass of the Goat and have,
thus far, evaded capture. Astute observers will see Oleksa
twitch over this and they may guess that he knows more
than he is telling.
The truth is that Juliana has run away from Oleksa, who
she was forced to marry. Her true love, a young man from
Arenjun’s soldiery, called Bogdan, helped her to escape with
some loyal men at his command. Bogdan and his men
were too honest for the corrupt bureaucracy of Arenjun and
fled the city two months previously, turning to banditry to
survive. They have raided a couple of caravans belonging
to Oleksa in the meantime (it is a lie that they have robbed
pilgrims). Juliana told Oleksa that she would never give
herself to him and would be reunited with her lover and
Oleksa is certain that this is what has happened. Naturally,
he will not tell the adventurers this; in fact, he has no
intention of letting anyone who knows about this abduction
live, let alone pay them a reward.
The adventurers should attempt to track the ‘kidnappers’.
Asking questions of the palace guard and the watchmen, it
will be relatively simple to discover that a lone rider, carrying
a woman, raced out of one of the gates last night. The road
from that gate does indeed lead up into the mountains and
towards the lofty Pass of the Goat.
A skilled tracker would be useful at this point. The
adventure diverges here, dependant upon the characters’
success at tracking. If the party have a capable scout, he
may be able to find the trail of a single horseman leaving
the road some miles outside of Arenjun and heading up into
the hills. If the tracks are followed, the adventurer will have
to cross dangerous terrain, encountering some of the local
wildlife and a couple of surprises that Bogdan has left for
any who follow him.
If the adventurers are unable to follow Bogdan’s tracks,
they will need to travel on up the road and look for further
clues. They will come to a small village at the entrance of
the Pass of the Goat where they may ask questions. The
locals will be more-than-usually nervous around strangers
and will suggest, at best, that they may be able to assist
the adventurers but that they are somewhat troubled by
problems of their own. It is at this point that Iovinicus, the
village’s newly acquired bully, swaggers out of a nearby hut
and begins to make trouble. He will demand to know what
the adventurers are doing in his village and will, eventually,
challenge one of them to a wrestling match.
Should a brave adventurer defeat Iovinicus in this brawl
he will slink away, allowing the villagers to assist the
adventurers. They can always dispose of him in another
fashion, of course, but he is a dangerous man and will not
hesitate to draw his sword if threatened seriously. The
villagers know that the bandits have made their camp up in
the hills and can give suitable directions on how to approach
the place by little-known paths. Following this route, the
adventurers will avoid the traps set by Bogdan but may
encounter similar problems with local beasts.
The adventure will come back onto the same route at this
point. Having survived Bogdan’s traps or negotiated a
successful outcome in the village, the adventurers will find
themselves travelling through the peaks along an old path
that leads up along the spine of the mountains into desolate
and broken land away from the Pass of the Goat. At some
point they will spot something at the foot of a dangerous
slope below the path. An agile climber can find his way
down to find some wooden timbers, an old and rusted iron
cage containing many bones and a couple of other skeletons,
each wrapped in fragments of black and red robes. This is
all that remains of a slave caravan that tumbled from the
path on the way to the temple of Kovag-Re; a scholar or
historian may be able to identify some of the items in the
When the adventurers reach the bandit lair, they again have
a number of options: negotiation, scouting, all-out attack,
etc. Their own agenda will also come into play at this point
– do they want to return Juliana for the reward? Allow her
and her lover to escape? Kidnap her and ransom her for
even more money? In an ideal world they will, perhaps,
recognise that the bandits are not bad men and will at least
talk to them.
Regardless of the decisions of the players, some short time
into the proceedings, Oleksa and his guard (who have been
following the players) will arrive to deal with the problem
in a terminal fashion. Oleksa has no intention of paying
for the return of his wife and will be aiming to kill the
adventurers after they have taken the bandits out and are
In all likelihood the adventurers and bandits will join forces.
The battle will go against them, however, as the campsite
is surrounded by archers. Fortunately, nearby, there are
some cave entrances that the bandits know lead into tunnels
that will be very defensible. Bogdan, Juliana and any
surviving men will retreat to the nearby caves and the
adventurers would be wise to join them. The ensuing
combat should be entertaining as the adventurers
and surviving bandits get pushed down deeper into
the caves.
Eventually, the players will arrive in
the ancient temple to the forgotten
The Black Stones
The Black Stones
A Cold Morning in
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