Coriolis - Legacy - End Game Handouts.pdf

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The Traitor Role
Core Book
The Elder:
Mark when you depose the
leaders you advise. The GM will say who
else you need to hurt or sacrifice to assert
control. Name who will step in to take over
and purge their weakness.
The Envoy:
Mark when you approach your
most vicious foes with an offering of peace
or alliance... behind your leaders’ back.
Name a rising faction among your foes who
is ready to listen. The GM says who you will
need to betray to seal this deal.
The Firebrand:
Mark when you sacrifice
the oppressed to raise your power across
the Homeland. Name the leaders who come
to listen to your principles. The GM will tell
us about those who have seen through
your actions and vowed bloody vengeance
upon you.
The Hunter:
Mark when you hunt for the
last exemplar of a species. Describe the
trophy you seek and the powers it grants.
The GM will tells us of your quarry’s lair:
pristine, remote, or hostile.
The Machine:
Mark when you embark on a
genocidal crusade. State your target and say
what this awakens in you: hot fury or lethal
The Promethean:
Mark when you decide
to hold the Homeland hostage. Describe
the doomsday weapon you built and make
your demands. The GM will tell us of those
who will rise against you.
The Reaver:
Mark when you purge a
bountiful land of its inhabitants. Say who
in your Family turns a blind eye to your
predations so they can get rich. GM says how
the bloodshed curses the land.
The Remnant:
Mark when you sabotage
the future in the name of a power or
principle from Before. Say whose hopes you
will crush. The GM will lead you to a yet-
undiscovered source of ancient power or
wisdom - your choice.
The Scavenger:
Mark when you hoard
resources others desperately need.
Describe your lair's defences: is it well
hidden, too dangerous, or far out the way?
The GM will say how your hoard beckons to
dark hearts and monstrous foes.
The Seeker:
Mark when you weaponize
one of the wasteland’s grand structures.
Describe the destruction it can unleash.
The GM will tell us what you still need to
operate it safely.
The Sentinel:
Mark when you let the
wolves at the door in. Name the critical
tactical or strategic advantage you get from
your betrayal. The GM will name two things
you hold dear to be ravaged by the attack,
pick one.
The Survivor:
Mark when you steer the
thing you survived towards your foes. Say
how they were never prepared for this. The
GM will tell us how it will rage out of your
The Untamed:
Mark when you bully
the weak and desperate into doing your
bidding. Say how they make you proud
at the eleventh hour. The GM will say how
they became stronger, enough to stand up
for themselves in the future.
The Traitor Role
The Engine of Life
The Beacon:
Mark when you sell out your
artistic vision to suit the tastes of those in
power. Describe the influential patron who
will support and protect you. The GM will
cancel the lasting effects of one of your
Roles, as fans lose faith.
The Historian:
When the lingering effects
of the Fall bring horror and havoc, describe
the Tome that chronicles and explains the
Fall. The GM tells us about the cult that will
do anything for this Tome as soon as it’s
The Matchmaker:
Mark when you see the
tumult a relationship will bring to the world.
Name someone who will help you thwart it.
The GM tells you whose heart they need
to break to follow your plans – and their
inevitable revenge.
The Prodigy:
Mark when you sacrifice a key
to the future or a place of power to banish a
threat. The GM will say how this will greatly
endanger those who believe you can save
the future.
The Saint:
Mark when you take advantage
of a disaster to fight for the future. Tell us of
the timely calamity that will hit your foes.
When you charge into this calamity, you
can gain the benefits of Saint moves even if
your goal isn’t to “save lives”. The GM will tell
us of the calamity’s victims.
The Scout:
Mark when you find a seemingly
-inexhaustible resource. Tell us why locals
haven’t exploited it, and the reason it’s
valuable to you. The GM will describe the
place of solace and beauty you must ravage
to reap these valuables.
The Storyteller:
Mark when you fabricate
a story to demonise and vilify. Tell us
how widespread acceptance of this story
destroys your target. The GM will tell us
what part of your monstrous depiction they
live up to as a result.
End Game
The Foundling:
Mark when you sacrifice
your tribe to save someone else. The GM will
say what crime you must carry out against
your own kind to balance the scales, and
what curse will be introduced to your bond
if you refuse.
The Hellion:
Mark when you invite wicked
things into the Homeland. Tell us who
they will bring ruin to. The GM says what
in them surprises you: their numbers, their
wickedness, their power.
The Herald:
The Villain. Shift to this role
when someone needs to be brought to
heel. When your methods appal your
Family, add +1 to any two stats. The GM will
tell us about the innocents who embraced
your wicked ways for good.
The Martyr:
Mark when you meet the
greatest tormentor of this Age. To win their
heart and soul you must give yourself fully
to them. Say if it’s a lesson you must learn
or must teach.
The Road Warrior:
Mark when you
abandon those who love you for a hopeless
cause. Tell us about the path of terror you
carve among your foes. The GM will say
which loved one followed in secret amidst
the carnage.
The Warlock:
Mark when the lack of
unity takes the homeland to the edge of
precipice. Forge unseen bounds to enslave
their leaders to your will. Name the token
they will carry as a sign of your control.
The GM will say how the tokens make you
Quick Character
You’re a supporting character: here to assist the party, flesh out the family and give you a voice in the fiction. If you
survive this mission, pass this sheet to the family’s player for use in later scenes.
Split +1, 0, 0, -1 between your stats.
Masculine, feminine, concealed,
Add your family bonus to 1.
Trusting face, scowling face, angular
face, worried face.
Sibling, child, cousin, aunt, rival, Rebellious eyes, squinting eyes,
protege or peer
of the family’s main
calculating eyes, wise eyes.
Muscular body, bony body, heavyset
body, graceful body.
Ada, Anders, Angel, Brigit, Buffalo,
Cant, Cato, Cloud, Elijah, Erwin, Eva,
Firestone, Flame, Gil, Hive, Isis, It, Leo,
Lin, Longshot, Louis, Lux, Makoto,
Masud, Max, Moon, Nemo, Nora,
Rebar, Silver, Sky, Smoke, Tadpole,
Taliha, Wither, Xu.
Role Moves:
When you train a group for a few days,
hold 3.
When they do what you trained them for,
hold 1-for-1 to add
to their roll’s result or take
any consequences they suffer onto yourself.
When you die,
gain 3 more hold. Spend it
when you wish to give another character’s roll
advantage. Each beneficiary says how your
memory inspires them.
You have strange abilities. Pick a stat: you can
take 1 harm to roll it with advantage. Describe
how side effects twist the area or your body.
When you die,
terrible energies plague the
area. Those that brave the maelstrom can find a
Device on your body.
Say a narrow field you’re an expert in: scavenging,
diplomacy, hunting, etc.
When you use your
reveal a secret about the situation and get
fleeting advantage acting on it.
When you die,
reveal your mission’s final
step. If the party does it, the mission succeeds.
When someone acts in a way contrary to
your Family's Doctrine,
ask the GM how it'll
bring them ill fortune. When you act on this
information, roll with Advantage.
When you die, name a Faction you preached
to. That Faction will honour your Doctrine above
all others from here on out.
When you break your family’s code,
On a hit they have higher priorities than
punishing you. On a 10+ get fleeting advantage
when you socialise with their rivals or enemies.
When you die,
your Family finally respects your
outlook. Say a way they change in your honour.
When you betray kith and kin,
hold 3. Spend hold
to gain access to: a critical location, secret lore,
a device that can be weaponised, or a leader
in their moment of weakness. It must always
belong to your sworn allies, but for the last hold,
to be spent on your truest nemesis.
When you die,
name an enemy that will relent
on their aggression thanks to your influence. Tell
the backstory behind this.
Inherited move:
Hurt (-1 to a stat)
Mangled (-1 to every stat)
Gear and Notes
Quick Character
You’re a supporting character: here to assist the party, flesh out the family and give you a voice in the fiction. If you
survive this mission, pass this sheet to the family’s player for use in later scenes.
Split +1, 0, 0, -1 between your stats.
Masculine, feminine, concealed,
Add your family bonus to 1.
Trusting face, scowling face, angular
face, worried face.
Sibling, child, cousin, aunt, rival, Rebellious eyes, squinting eyes,
protege or peer
of the family’s main
calculating eyes, wise eyes.
Muscular body, bony body, heavyset
body, graceful body.
Ada, Anders, Angel, Brigit, Buffalo,
Cant, Cato, Cloud, Elijah, Erwin, Eva,
Firestone, Flame, Gil, Hive, Isis, It, Leo,
Lin, Longshot, Louis, Lux, Makoto,
Masud, Max, Moon, Nemo, Nora,
Rebar, Silver, Sky, Smoke, Tadpole,
Taliha, Wither, Xu.
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