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June 2019
Volume 15 • Issue 167
International Edition
electronic magazine
for railroad enthusiasts
in the scale 1:220
and Prototype
German Magazine for Z Gauge
Published monthly
no guarantee
ISSN 2512-8035
On the siding
Helpful for Zed Heads
Large fan meeting
German Magazine for Z Gauge
International Edition
Dear Readers,
Also this month we are quite late with the current release, but we made up for lost
time last month. I don't have to have a guilty conscience, because I was able to
experience how you patiently wait for the new issue.
Some readers were worried in May, which impressed me. The fact that we took a
little more time in June, contrary to the plan, is (again) due to my person: In my
hometown Dortmund the German Protestant Church Congress took place until the
last weekend.
Holger Späing
Together with many other helpers from all over the Federal Republic of Germany, I took care of the
emergency services for the hundreds of thousands of visitors. For more than twenty years I have
voluntarily served a Christian order of knights in this function.
Such events are places of contact. Where people meet, pray or celebrate together and inform, many
different points of view, groups and even cultures collide. I have enjoyed it and got to know people who
live where my hobby has occasionally led me.
One such meeting place is Sindelfingen, where a large group of model railroaders meet every two years
to exchange and present their own works. Stephan Fuchs reports today about the youngest of these
regulars' tables.
We will also continue with our focus for the year, as Ralf Junius presents his competition diorama, with
which he entered a competition last year. Dirk Kuhlmann supports this series with layout suggestions, for
which you may read the first with basic information today.
But our model railway is also always a very up-to-date topic. Therefore not only the part of the letters and
messages to the editor is very large, but we have also included two further reports with which we would
like to introduce new and only recently available products.
Anyone who repairs and maintains his models himself will appreciate a locomotive maintanance pad. If
you don't have one, you'll quickly grasp its benefits and think twice about accessing the new model. I am
very sure of that.
At Microrama we also came across two new tools that sparked our curiosity. The trigger for this was
already the trade fair in Cologne in November 2018, when we experienced a sample in action. Because
we were deeply impressed, it was clear that we wanted to follow up on our reports on grassing and
And as always, there are also two literature suggestions this time, which will certainly serve different
target groups as summer reading. Get through the summer well and stay loyal to us! And now enjoy
reading this edition.
Holger Späing
June 2019
Page 2
German Magazine for Z Gauge
International Edition
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Somewhere in nowhere....................................................................................................................... 4
Currently no items
Forgotten places in decay .................................................................................................................11
Specialists for precision works .........................................................................................................17
Lying patients .....................................................................................................................................24
(not translated - only in German)
For historians and self-made modellers ...........................................................................................30
Rail vehicles from East Germany ......................................................................................................32
South German large fan meeting.......................................................................................................34
Zetties and Trainini in Dialogue .........................................................................................................41
Imprint .................................................................................................................................................54
We thank Ralf Junius for his report and the 1zu220-Shop for samples and photo support.
Date of publication of the German language version of this issue: 26 June 2019
Cover photo:
This work by RZS-Kies has been shut down for several years and is
thus slowly beginning to decay. Due to a derailed bogie, a self-
unloading wagon could not yet be salvaged, nor could a defective
truck trailer. This story of Ralf Junius transformed into a fine
June 2019
Page 3
German Magazine for Z Gauge
International Edition
Landscape & Track (Part 1)
Somewhere in nowhere
Our annual theme for 2019 is “Layout diversity”. In addition to many successful works from our
readership, we would also like to make our own suggestions here. They may serve as inspiration
or a source of creativity for all those who are still undecided, or those who are simply looking for
an inspiring idea. We will be happy to present your results in the magazine as well. Dirk Kuhlmann
explains what he considers to be important and presents a first track plan.
I would like to welcome you to our new report series “Landscape and Track”. In
, we will present
you with track plans as an inspiration or as a replica. It starts with a track diagram at Ellzee, a country
station somewhere in nowhere. But I would like to say a few words to you in advance.
The species of draughtsmen and designers in the model railroading hobby is (unfortunately) extremely
rare in nature, at least, in comparison to the high number, literally whole herds, of collectors and hunters
of pure rolling stock. As a representative of this rather threatened genus, I would like to point out the
important step before it after our annual theme in 2017 “Landscaping”.
If some basic rules are observed, planning and designing a convincing and realistic landscape is not so difficult. Here, the V 100 has
found a perfect home.
June 2019
Page 4
German Magazine for Z Gauge
International Edition
In the last five years, I have been able to see again and again at exhibitions with my exhibits that the
installed track systems met with considerable interest from the public. There was also a great deal of
demand for published articles on the installations here in
or in the print press.
“Their track figures are so very
different from the usual. Will you tell
us the secret?” The same question
was asked by an older (Dutch) couple
in Utrecht on the occasion of the
presentation of Kniephaven at
OnTraXS 2017.
The only correct and true answer is
that each model railroader has his
own unique talents. Once they have
been recognized, the way ahead is
marked out.
As a young person I had the down-
right outrageous luck to be allowed to
look over the shoulder of Rolf Knipper
several times.
His drawings and plans are unrivalled
to this day, and his track plan
booklets also form a wonderful basis
for many model railroaders today.
So my little plan was painted out
according to the rules.
Free drawings are the origin of all
things, followed by detail plans and
already a coming layout, also inde-
pendent of scale, could go into con-
In this phase the so inclined model
railroader should separate himself
from the usual and well-worn out
track figures. Let your imagination
come into play instead!
Exceptions are, of course, track plans
that are drawn up strictly according to
a model: Here, the high art of “omission” and compromising is the order of the day.
Unfortunately, I only have two hands and could not put my quite large pool of track plans into practice in
this life. Therefore, we will present you some of my drawings in the future, which, of course, will be
supplemented with the appropriate “surroundings.”
By the way, you won't find a computer-generated track diagram with landscape here. What counts for me
here is the personal feeling, expressed by hand, with a pencil on a sheet of paper.
June 2019
Page 5
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