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Peruvian Military Build-Up
The Ecuadorean Military
Peruvian Combat Operations, July 1941
Peruvian Combat Operations from August 1941 until the end of
the conflict
About the Author
anti-aircraft artillery
air base
Aviación Militar Ecuatoriana
Military Aviation)
Ecuadorean Navy Vessel
Peruvian Navy Vessel
Naval Air Corps (Peru)
Comandancia General de Aeronáutica
General Air Command)
commanding officer
Light Division (Peru)
Aviation Squadron
Bombardment Squadron
Fighter Squadron
Strategic Reconnaissance and Attack Squadron
Reconnaissance Squadron of Naval Aviation
Escuadrón de Observación y Bombardeo
(Observation & Bomber Squadron)
Army of Peru
Air Group
Navy (Peru)
Navy and Aviation Ministry (Peru)
Army Air Service (Peru)
Northern Operational Theatre (Peru)
North-Eastern Operational Theatre (Peru)
uring most of the last 200 years, Ecuador and Peru have fought
a series of wars over essentially the same issue: the question of
the mutual border between the Andes mountain range and the
Maranon River (a main tributary of the Amazon), including a part of
the Amazonian basin. The conflict erupted almost as soon as Spain’s
colonial territories in South America declared their independence
in 1810, and resulted in what was the longest-running international
armed conflict in the Western Hemisphere. Air power began to play a
role in the 1930s when, following the so-called Leticia Indecent, Peru
found itself in possession of strong armed forces that had nothing to
throughout the year. This is further moderated by winds blowing from
the cool offshore current known as the Peru, or Humboldt, Current.
Nevertheless, the coast receives relatively little rain, largely because the
area is dominated by the eastern trade winds. The
region is
extremely hot and humid: the prevailing easterly winds blowing across
that region gather moisture that is later deposited in the
Peru’s climate periodically experiences a weather pattern known as
El Niño:
this occurs every three to seven years when unusually warm
ocean conditions appear along the western coast. During
El Niño,
the wet weather moves from the western Pacific to the east, bringing
heavy rains that frequently cause extensive flooding.
Land of Hidden Treasures
The territory of modern-day Peru can be divided into three main
topographical regions: the coastal plain, the sierra and the
The coastal plain is an elongated stretch of land extending the entire
length of the country, to the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, with
few ports and oases in between. The desert plain is so dry that only 10
of the 52 rivers descending the Andean slopes to the Pacific Ocean have
sufficient volume to maintain their flow across the desert to the ocean.
The sierra, which covers some 30 per cent of the country’s territory, is
dominated by the towering mountain ranges of the Andes (including
some of the highest peaks in the world), lofty plateaus, deep gorges
and valleys, with an average elevation of 3,660m (about 12,000ft).
In the north-east, the sierra slopes downward to a vast, flat tropical
jungle, the
extending to the Brazilian border and forming part
of the Amazon Basin. The forested slopes and a less elevated region
are collectively designated the
covered with thick tropical
forests in the west and with dense tropical vegetation in the centre and
the east, this area constitutes about 60 per cent of the Peruvian land
area: isolated from the rest of the country, this region remains largely
unexplored and underdeveloped to this today.
The climate of Peru is as diverse as its topography, ranging from
tropical in the
to arctic in the Andes, but the temperature
in the coastal plain is normally equable, averaging about 20°C
Children of the Sun
The earliest traces of human presence on the territory nowadays
within the borders of Peru have been dated to approximately 9,000
BC, when Andean societies based on agriculture – and already using
irrigation and terracing – emerged. The oldest known complex society
was the Norte Chico civilisation, which flourished along the coast of
the Pacific Ocean between 3,000 and 1,000 BC. This was followed by
a series of localised and specialised cultures that rose and fell – like
the Chavin culture, from 1500–300 BC, and the Cupisnique culture
that flourished from around 1000–200 BC, followed by the Paracas,
Nazca, Wari and the more outstanding Chimo and Mochica – both on
the coast and in the highlands. The outstanding among them were the
Mochica, renowned for their irrigation system, and the Chimu, who
were great city builders and lived in a loose confederation scattered
along the northern coast and into what is nowadays southern Ecuador.
Further inland, the Tiahuanaco culture developed near Lake Titicaca,
while the Wari culture developed large urban settlements and wide-
ranging state systems between AD 500 and 1000.
In the 15th Century, the Incas – originally one of the small and
relatively minor ethnic groups – began to expand and incorporate
their neighbours: over the following 100 years they formed by far the
largest empire in pre-Columbian America. Under the rule of Emperor
Pachacuti (considered to be the ‘child of the sun’) and his son, Topa
Francisco Pizarro’s attack on Atahualpa in Cajamarca, on 16 November 1532. (Oil by Juan Lepiani)
Inca Yupanqui, they controlled a population of up to 16 million
inhabitants, mostly in the Andean region, and a state ruled with the
help of a comprehensive code of laws. Using a variety of methods
– from conquest to peaceful assimilation – between 1438 and 1533
the Incas brought under their control all of western South America
between the Patía River, nowadays in southern Colombia, and the
Maule River in what is today Chile.
The Spanish Conquest
The Spanish made their first contact with the Inca Empire in 1526,
when soldiers and
under Francisco Pizzaro and Diego
de Almagro began reconnoitring the northernmost Inca strongholds
along the coast. In 1528, the Inca Emperor Huayna Capaca died from
Spanish-introduced smallpox: the empire was subsequently devastated
– and decimated – by this disease and by a civil war between his sons,
Atahualpa and Huáscar. While Huáscar proclaimed himself Sapa Inca
(‘Only Emperor’) in Cuzco, the army declared loyalty to Atahualpa,
who was closer to, and had better relations with, its leading generals.
After being granted the licence to conquer the land the Spanish
called ‘Peru’ (a word that may be an Indo-Hispanic hybrid) from the
Queen of Spain in 1529, Pizarro launched his first expedition, leading
168 men on foot and 62 on horses, three years later. After four long
expeditions he established the first Spanish settlement in northern
Peru, calling it San Miguel de Piura. Preoccupied with fighting the
war against Huáscar, Atahualpa was slow in reacting to the Spanish
appearance. Furthermore, many of his followers considered the
Spanish to be ‘gods’: they were tall, had their bodies fully wrapped
in clothing, were armed with swords and firearms, and riding horses
– animals unknown in Southern America. Although concluding
that Pizarro and his troops were no gods after all, Atahualpa and his
lieutenants decided to negotiate. However, Spanish insistence that the
Inca emperor convert to Christianity, and communication problems
then resulted in the Battle of Cajamarca, fought on 16 November 1532,
in the course of which the Spaniards unleashed volleys of gunfire and
cavalry charges at the mass of about 6,000 unarmed and shocked Incas,
massacring up to 2,000 of them. Although greatly outnumbered, the
Spanish captured Atahualpa, and during his captivity, they forced him
to order his generals to back down by threatening to kill him if he
did not. In return, Atahualpa offered to fill a large room with gold
and promised the Spanish twice that amount in silver. Eager to obtain
such a treasure, Pizarro had no intention of releasing the Inca chief.
Instead, he held him in order to influence Atahualpa’s generals and
the population to maintain peace – while waiting for reinforcements.
In February 1533, Almagro had joined him in Cajamarca with
an additional 150 men and 50 horses. Although the treasure was
delivered from Cuzco and continued flowing steadily from then on,
and Atahualpa eventually converted to Christianity, he was garrotted
on 29 August 1533.
In November of that year, Pizarro dispatched an expedition of
140 foot soldiers led by Benalcázar, one of his lieutenants, to conquer
Quito. Benalcázar defeated the forces of the great Inca warrior
Rumiñawi in a battle near the modern city of Riobamba (in Ecuador)
and – reinforced by 500 gold-greedy men led by Guatemalan Governor
Pedro de Alvarado – continued his advance. However, by the time
he reached the abandoned fortress, it was empty of its treasures.
Meanwhile, facing growing dissent, Pizarro installed successive
puppet Inca rulers. However, this was to no avail, as Atahualpa’s death
meant there were no hostage left to deter the generals of the Incan
army or prevent a popular uprising. By February 1536, the Spanish in
Cuzco were under siege and four relief columns were wiped out.
This Inca success proved only temporary as the combination of
superior Spanish weapons and internal disagreements collapsed
Inca morale, and the army withdrew, never to return. Manco Inca
did manage to establish a small state in the mountainous region of
Vilacabamba, where he and his successors held power for few decades
Despite the demise of the Inca Empire, the creation of the
(Royal Court) and the foundation of the City of Lima in 1535,
Peru subsequently experienced outright catastrophe. A struggle for
power between Pizarro and de Almagro resulted in a long civil war,
which continued even after the latter was killed. Indeed, Almagro’s
descendants avenged his death by killing Pizarro in 1541. In 1572,
Viceroy Francisco de Toledo arrived to destroy the Neo-Inca state: the
last Inca ruler, Túpac Amaru, was murdered by the Spanish the same
year and the Viceroyalty of Peru was established. The Inca civilisation
– including all of its treasures and the unique indigenous road and
communication systems – was subsequently completely destroyed,
as all that mattered to the Spanish was gold. Worse still, infectious
diseases wiped out up to 50 per cent of the native population, large
parts of which were enslaved as servants and concubines, while those
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