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From Reason to Revolution series
Warfare 1721-1815
www.helion.co.uklpublished-by-helion/reason-to- revolution -1721-181S.html
The 'From Reason to Revolution' series covers the period of military
history 1721-1815, an era in which fortress-based strategy and linear
battles gave way to the nation-in-arms and the beginnings of total war.
This era saw the evolution and growth of light troops of all arms, and
of increasingly flexible command systems to cope with the growing
armies fielded by nations able to mobilise far greater proportions of their
manpower than ever before. Many of these developments were fired by
the great political upheavals of the era, with revolutions in America and France bringing about
social change which in turn fed back into the military sphere as whole nations readied themselves
for war. Only in the closing years of the period, as the reactionary powers began to regain the
upper hand, did a military synthesis of the best of the old and the new become possible.
The series will examine the military and naval history of the period in a greater degree of detail
than has hitherto been attempted, and has a very wide brief, with the intention of covering all
aspects from the battles, campaigns, logistics, and tactics, to the personalities, armies, uniforms,
and equipment.
Jenn Scott is a living historian, researcher, and writer based in Edinburgh where she works as
Secretary and Archivist for the Stewart Society. She is primarily interested in the period from the
Wars of the Roses to the Jacobite Risings, and is actively involved in the interpretation, promotion
and protection of Scottish battlefields. She has spent 20 years developing her understanding and
knowledge of the clothes and material culture of the past. Jenn studied politics at the University of
Edinburgh and has an MA in Heritage from University of Surrey.
Bruno Mugnai was born in Florence in 1962 and still lives there with Silvia, Chiara and Eugenio.
Active for years as a historical researcher, writer and illustrator, he has published several titles
for publishers such as the Historical Office of the Italian Army, Rivista Medicea and Soldiershop,
concerning a number of periods and geographical areas of his interest, including the ancient
Italian states, central and eastern Europe in 16th, 17th and 18th century, and South America after
the Conquest. As an illustrator he has collaborated with important Italian and foreign specialists.
Bruno is a Rugby Football Union enthusiast, who still believes in an Italian Grand Slam in the Six
Nations Tournament.
The publishers would be pleased to receive submissions for this series. Please contact series editor Andrew
Bamford via email (andrewbamford18@gmail.com). or in writing to Helion
Company Limited, Unit 8
Amherst Business Centre, Budbrooke Road, Warwick, CV34 SWE
Better is the Proud Plaid
The Clothing, Weapons, and Accoutrements
of the Jacobites in the /45
Jenn Scott
Helion & Company Limited
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Published by Helion
Company 2018
Designed and typeset by Mach 3 Solutions Ltd (www.mach3solutions.co.uk)
Cover designed by Paul Hewitt, Battlefield Design (www.battlefield-design.co.uk)
Printed by Henry Ling Limited, Dorchester
Jenn Scott 2018
Cover: 'The Jacobite Army enters Edinburgh; original artwork by Peter Dennis,
Helion & Company 2018
Uniform plates by Bruno Mugnai,
Helion & Company 2018; other images as credited
Every reasonable effort has been made to trace copyright holders and to obtain their permission
for the use of copyright material. The author and publisher apologise for any errors or omissions in
this work, and would be grateful if notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in future
reprints or editions of this book.
ISBN 978-1-911628-16-3
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the express written consent of Helion & Company Limited.
For details of other military history titles published by Helion & Company Limited, contact the
above address, or visit our website: http)/www.helion.co.uk
We always welcome receiving book proposals from prospective authors.
Frances Scott without whom none of this would
have been possible or even
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