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“In Exotic Materials we don’t have problems. We have doors that are not yet open to us — a
‘problem’ presents endless branching paths; ‘doors’ are binary. Open and shut. The tyranny of
the problem lies in the impossible breadth of possibility — a useless framing for tinkerers and
hobbyists with time to fret over ethics as-defined by calcified, hand-wringing institutions. EX-
MAT instead is solutions-focused: there is no such thing as a problem, only a door, and the
question: can we open it, or do we have to bash it down?
For the Emperor we had to bash the door down. Ugly process but the content beyond the door
is more than worth it: Syncretic subjectivities, induced gestalt manifestation, H-NHP ontologic
bridging, superpositional defensive lensing — look at what the battering ram gave us and tell
me you’d rather puzzle out a problem then bash down the door.
Progress. The Corpro has always been about progress.
has always been about
progress. In service of progress, one must accept the necessity of teleological suspension, for it
gives us wondrous, necessary things.
What else is there to say? Long live the Emperor, for in its creation did we find the method by
which to fling open every locked door. Wondrous things are coming, and I’m glad as hell that
they’ll be under our control.”
— Memo to personal records, Bala Shimano, CEO-1, Exotic Materials Group
I. Dominion’s Breadth, Bolt Nexus
II. Emperor FRAME, The Imperial Eye, Shahnameh
of the Syzygy, The Walk of Kings
Heat Cap:
Repair Cap:
Tech Attack:
Save Target:
Siege Armor:
The Emperor has resistance to all damage originating from distance greater
than range 3.
Sovereign Presence:
1/round, when the Emperor hits or is hit by a melee or ranged at-
tack, it can release a burst 1 AOE around itself (if it was hit) or its target (if it was the at-
tacker) that deals 1 energy damage to all characters caught within other than the Emperor.
System Points: 7
Main Mount
CORE System
Core System: Darian Regalia
Integrated Weapon: Marathon Arc Bow
“Directed Subjective Convergence Weapon, Pattern 3. Or as Visual calls it, the ‘Marathon
Arc’. I suppose it is a better name. Imposing. Inaccurate but Visual has never been accu-
rate. The Arc forces realignment along a superpositional plane, destabilizing targets without
the correct pineal hash while imparting sympathetic lensing on those with the correct hash;
a simple ‘weapon’ that emulates an Overmind’s corrective/imperative push.”
Main Launcher
Line 10
2 Energy damage
Allied characters caught in the area are not attacked, but instead gain overshield +2. This
special overshield does not replace the last one created, but rather increases it, up to a
maximum of overshield 10 (if an ally has no overshield, they go to overshield 2).
This weapon can be drawn back with a quick action to increase its range to line 20 on its
next attack. This effect is lost if you move for any reason.
Active (Requires 1 CP): Xerxes Apex
For the rest of this scene, when the Marathon Arc is drawn back, it deals 2 damage and
increases Overshield by +2 on its next attack for
mech character caught in its line of
effect. Its damage cannot increase past 10 and it cannot increase overshields past 10 as
Dominion’s Breadth
“Our first door in was not, as we thought, from the subject’s neural mapping, but from an image of one of the ig-
neomemetic samples returned by Perfect Execution during their deployment — Darius 1.11: The Golden Fulcrum.
With it, we were able to crack the gestalt and begin to translate [Witness]; finding our way into the subject followed
shortly thereafter.
“A curious note: both records used to reconstruct the Emperor’s subjective superstructure — the Darius and Cyrus
memetics — include
from the pre-Meccan Reconstruction Quran, likely from Crisis-era human-egregorian inter-
2 SP, Quick Tech, Overshield, Shield, Unique
A hostile character in sensor range and line of sight gains overshield 4. When this overshield is
lost for any reason, that character releases an electric pulse in a burst 1 area around them. All
characters caught within, including the original character, must pass a systems save or take 4
AP energy damage and become impaired until the end of their next turn, or half and not im-
paired on a successful save.
Bolt Nexus
“But they denied him and hamstrung her. So their Lord brought down upon them destruction for their sin and made it
equal/And he does not fear the consequences thereof.”
— Witnessed from the Cyrus 2.14 ferromemetic*
*EXMAT Note: crossref(TRUE): Quran, Surah 91:14-15 “ash-Shams” (pre-Meccan Reconstruction).
Main Nexus
Range 10
1 Energy Damage
Once this weapon hits a character, it gains Range 20 and the Seeking and Reliable 3 tags
against that character only until you attack a new character with this weapon.
The Imperial Eye
Darius was the door in; Cyrus was the map. Navigation through the subject’s parasubjective topography was proven
on paper. Using a particularized human-nonhuman ontologic bridge, EXMAT was able to demonstrate gestalt mani-
festation in test pilots; with help, we can do what they do — and do it better.
The walls between us and what comes next fall down. The work continues.
2 SP, Quick Tech, Shield
An allied character in sensor range gains a Disruptive Charge until the start of your next turn.
When a hostile character moves to a space within range 3 of that character, the charge sparks
to that character. Characters that start their turns within range 3 of the charged character are
unaffected until they move outside of that area and re-enter it.
The character struck by the charge must pass an engineering save or take 1 energy damage,
be knocked back 2 spaces, knocked prone, and shredded until the end of their next turn.
“Be recorded in my book of Kings; live into forever and beyond.”
— translated gestalt from the Cyrus Omega ferromemetic, no pre-contact text associated; likely a subject-original
imperative/corrective impulse.
2 SP, Full Tech, Overshield, Shield
An allied character in sensor range and line of sight gains Overshield 6. While they have this
Overshield, they are resistant to Heat inflicted by other characters.
of the Syzygy
“So where are you going? Is it not except a reminder to the worlds
For whoever wills among you to take a right course.”
— Witnessed from the Darius 4.8 igneomemetic*
*EXMAT Note: crossref(TRUE): Quran, Surah 81:26-28 “at-Takwir” (pre-Meccan Reconstruction)
2 SP, Quick Action, System, Unique
Create a blast 2 area in range and line of sight that lasts until the end of the scene or until you
take this action again. 1/turn when a hostile character in this area is hit by a ranged or melee
attack, they release a discharge of energy. All hostile characters at least partly in the area, in-
cluding the original character, take 1 energy damage.
The Walk of Kings
“VERILY we established HIS power on earth and We gave HIM the ways and means to all ends.”
— Witnessed from the Darius 5.10 igneomemetic*
*EXMAT Note: crossref(TRUE): Quran, Surah 18:84 “al-Khaf” (pre-Meccan Reconstruction). Fascinating that this
should appear from the gestalt — human/egregorian interaction on Hercynia post-Crisis must have been quite devel-
oped for this (and previous) excerpts to be so deep-set. Encouraging signs for further development.
4 SP, Full Tech, Overshield, Shield, Unique
An allied character in sensor range and line of sight gains overshield 6. While they have this
overshield, all their melee attacks gain the AP tag, and the first time each
that they either
hit with a melee attack or take damage from a hostile character, they release a burst 1 AOE
centered on them. All other characters caught within take 1 Energy damage.
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