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Moment of Truth
Everything you do could affect the future. For all you know, the fact that you saved that one guy
that one time means that now the future is full of pterodactyls. The connections, the ripples,
they’re always so hard to track, and you’re still not sure if you’ve helped or hurt—not really. Until
now. Now, in this moment, it’s all clear. You can see the course of events laid out before you like
a river, and you know exactly what you have to do here, now, to ensure the future outcome you
want. You can reshape the future with perfect certainty. Of course, after this, you’ve changed
enough of the timeline to invalidate your prior research—reset all the names in your “Connecting
the dots” section.
ou’re from the future,
and you know how things
turn out. Y came back
with a mission - to make
sure that history changes
for the better.
But things are scrambled.
our memories, not quite
right. Y
ou’re not sure how
this world that you’re
in becomes the one you
remember from the future.
So until you can figure
it out, you might as well
do what good you can,
where you can, all the
while trying to connect
the dots between your
world and this one.
Team Moves
When you
confess to a teammate the difference between what you thought they would be and
what they really are,
add a Team to the pool, and ask them if you represent a future they’d want.
If they say yes, mark potential. If they say no, mark a condition.
When you
share a tale of future loss with someone,
ask them if they think you have the ability
to avert that loss. If they believe you do, mark potential and give them Influence over you. If they
don’t, mark Guilty and shift one Label up and one Label down (your choice).
Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential.
>> >> >> >> >>
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add
+1 to a Label
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Someone permanently loses Influence over you;
add +1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add
+1 to a Label
ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
haunted face, optimistic face, average face, “hyper-evolved human” face
streamlined clothing, “fashion-forward” clothing, simple clothing, casual clothing
high-tech costume, impossible costume, sleek costume, dramatic costume
When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
Unlock your Moment of Truth after you’ve used it
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label and add +1 to a Label of your
Return to the future and accept its new form,
or jump to a different point in the past to begin
your mission anew
You’re from the future, and that has its benefits, like future knowledge (even though your
memories are scrambled). Plus, your powers may have had something to do with how you got
back to the past—er, the present day, that is. “Now,” as the locals call it. Choose one option from
the list below.
super speed
optimized biology
telepathy & telekinesis
teleportation & portals
futuristic gadgets & implants
energy absorption/redirection
(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
Harbinger Moves
(Choose two)
Stick to the mission:
When you
defend someone
or something critically important to the future
(tell us why), you may mark a condition to shift
down one Label and shift up Savior before the
roll. If you do, you cannot choose to clear a
condition for the
Tomorrow’s golden promise:
When you
or support someone
with tales of what you think
their future will be, you may roll + Savior instead
of + Mundane. Mark a condition unless you are
confident the stories are true.
Applied history:
When you
pierce the mask
someone you believe will shape the future, roll +
Savior instead of +Mundane.
You haven’t learned you can do that yet:
you tell a teammate about a new, never-before-
performed trick that they’ve never considered,
spend a Team from the pool to allow them to
unleash their powers, directly engage a threat,
defend someone
using your Superior as if it
was their Label. Any costs or complications from
their move affect you, as well.
I learned the solution in grade school:
When you
unleash your powers
to extend your senses or
overcome an intellectual obstacle, you may roll +
Superior instead of + Freak.
21st century studies:
When you
assess the
you may always ask “what does the
future know about this moment?”, even on a
miss. You take +1 ongoing to act on the answers.
(-2 to directly engage a threat)
(-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
(-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
(-2 to unleash your powers)
(-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)
How did you travel from the future to the present day?
What keeps you from returning to the future?
Why don’t you have perfect recollection of the future?
What is the most important part of your future that you want to avert?
Why must you join this team specifically to achieve your mission’s goals?
Connecting the Dots
You’re from the future, but your knowledge of the past is spotty, intermittent, confused, jumbled.
You’re doing your best to put together the clues and your broken memories, though, so you can
figure out how this world and its people become the ones you know.
When you push yourself to remember the version of someone that exists in your future,
a condition and roll + Memories. On a hit, you connect who they are now to who they are in the
future; choose the role that they fulfill in the future, and the GM will tell you about their future self.
On a 10+, ask a follow-up question. On a miss, they’re not at all who you thought they would be; the
GM will choose their role, or tell you that as far as you know, they don’t exist in the future.
Monster: _____________________________
Traitor: ______________________________
Corruptor: ____________________________
Martyr: ______________________________
Builder: ____________________________
Leader: _____________________________
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then
determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships between you and
your teammates, and who has Influence over you.
When our team first came together...
We averted a disaster from the future’s history books. What was the disaster? What effect do we
hope it had on the timeline?
Your Memories score starts at -1, and goes up by 1 (to a maximum of +3) for each name above.
When you write a name above,
they gain Influence over you if they did not already have it.
At the start of each session,
roll + Savior to find out how your investigations into the timeline
have been going. On a 10+, you found a strong lead; choose one figure noted above or one aspect
of the future world you can remember, and the GM will reveal to you clear detail on the path that
leads to their future form. On a 7-9, you found a lead; choose one figure above or one aspect of the
future world and the GM will tell you what lead you have to learn more about their path. On a miss,
you’re lost in the present; the GM will tell you how things are so different here, and shift your Labels
according to how it makes you feel.
____________________ turns away from the hero’s path, according to your history books. You
have to prevent that from happening.
You’ve always looked up to ____________________, but it’s too awkward to admit it to them
now that you’ve met them in real life. Keep it cool, keep it cool.
Every member of your team has the power to change the future—your future. Give everyone
influence over you.
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