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Moment of Truth
You basically exist with one foot out the door, ready to leave this place, to go back out into the
wide expanse of the universe. You’ve never fully committed. That is, until today. Until right now.
Now, you pour everything you have and everything you are into this moment. You pull off tricks
no one from this planet has ever seen before. You use your tools in ways no one here could have
ever imagined. You devote yourself, here and now, to a cause, and you achieve your goal in ways
that you never could’ve if you’d only stayed home. Of course, now you’ve proved to everyone that
you really don’t belong here, and the very skills that let you succeed are the ones you earned from
out there...
Team Moves
When you share a triumphant celebration with someone, ask them what they admire about you.
The GM will shift one of your Labels up and one down based on what they say.
When you share a vulnerability or weakness with someone, mark a condition, give them Influence
over you, and mark potential.
Maybe one time you had
a home. A life with a
schedule. people who took
care of you. But if you
did, that was ages ago.
ou’ve been on your own,
bouncing around space,
time, and everything in
between, for years now
ou’ve seen things that
even the adults could
never imagine.
Except now you’ve left
those farscapes and come
back to Earth. And let-
ting other people into
your life is way harder
than traveling to other
dimensions ever was.
Every time you roll a miss on a move, mark potential.
>> >> >> >> >>
When you fill your potential track, you advance. Choose from the list below.
Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take another move from your playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Take a move from another playbook
Unlock your Moment of Truth
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add
+1 to a Label
Rearrange your Labels as you choose, and add
+1 to a Label
When you’ve taken five advances from the top list, you can take advances from the list below.
Unlock your Moment of Truth after you’ve used it
Change playbooks
Take an adult move
Take an adult move
Lock a Label and add +1 to a Label of your
Depart for reaches unknown, never to return
ambiguous, man, shifting, transgressing, woman
Asian or South Asian, Black, Hispanic/Latino, Indigenous, Middle Eastern, White
average body, compact body, modified body, sculpted body, wiry body
traveling clothing, garish clothing, extraterrestrial clothing, unassuming clothing
weird jewelry, strange greatcoat, eccentric boots, unusual gloves, uncanny belt
Other Moves
You’ve seen space, time, and everything in between. One might say you’ve seen it all. Besides your
tremendous knowledge, experience, and haphazard on-the-job training, you picked up some neat
toys on your travels. Pick two of your most important.
rift generator
anti-grav pack
forcefield projectors
cloaking rig
modular blaster
wearable ultraprocessor
(at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
Nomad Moves
(Choose two)
No good at being a kid:
When you clear a
condition, you can shift Labels, your choice.
Watched C-beams glitter:
When you make
a claim about a strange situation or
phenomenon based on your experience, roll +
Freak. On a hit, you were right; the GM will tell
you what opportunity your knowledge grants
to you. On a 7-9, your claim is incomplete,
flawed, or tangential; the GM will tell you
how. On a miss, your experiences are deeply
incomplete; the GM will tell you what mistake
your flawed understanding leads you to.
I hate calling the cavalry:
When you call the allies
you made beyond this world to ask them for help,
mark a condition and roll + Superior. On a hit,
someone shows up to lend you a hand. On a 7-9,
they’re dragging their own problems. On a miss,
your call reaches someone you wish it hadn’t.
The littlest space bandit:
When you
engage a threat
that underestimates you, roll +
Superior instead of + Danger.
Out of this world:
When you plug into the cosmic
aether and tune out of this world, roll + Freak. On
a hit, you come to a new, interesting insight about
your current problems and situation; the GM
will tell you what. On a 10+, you can also shift
your own Labels according to match your new
understanding. On a miss, you realize something
dangerous or terrible; the GM will tell you what,
and shift your Labels accordingly.
Sharpened eyes
When you
assess the situation,
you may always ask one of the following
questions, even on a miss:
- What’s my best way out/way in/way past?
- What here would be handy to grab?
- Who here is susceptible to my words?
(-2 to directly engage a threat)
(-2 to comfort or support or pierce the mask)
(-2 to provoke someone or assess the situation)
(-2 to unleash your powers)
(-2 to defend someone or reject others’ influence)
Who took you from the Earth when you were younger?
What farscapes did you explore?
Who was your favorite traveling companion?
What brought you back to stay (for now)?
Why do you care about the team?
Putting Down Roots
You’re here, but not, and it shows. Over time, you may be able to commit to this place, and find out
why it is that some people choose to invest in others.
Adults do not have Influence over you by default.
No one does.
You can only give out a total of
6 Influence.
During play, you can only give out Influence by
revealing a vulnerability or weakness
to someone. You can still give out Influence through the end of session move. You cannot give
Influence to somebody who already has Influence over you.
Others cannot take Influence over you;
if they would, instead they can mark potential or inflict
a condition on you, their choice.
You reject Influence at -2 by default, instead of +0.
someone takes
advantage of their Influence over you,
they can choose two options from the list.
At the end of every session,
you can take back 1 Influence from someone of your choice.
If you have given out 0-Influence,
you cannot
comfort or support
anyone. If you would trigger
that move, instead mark a condition as you say exactly the wrong thing. If you have given out
0-Influence and someone tries to
comfort or support
you, you cannot open up to them.
You gain benefits based on how much Influence you have given out. These benefits stack.
1-2 Influence:
When you
defend someone
who has Influence over you, you can ignore the Insecure condition.
When you
directly engage
someone who has Influence over you, you can ignore the Afraid condition.
3 Influence:
When you
take a powerful blow
from someone with Influence over you, take -2 to the roll.
4 Influence:
When you
pierce the mask
of someone who has Influence over you, you can always ask them
one question, even on a miss.
5 Influence:
When you spend a Team to help someone who has Influence over you, it gives them +2.
6 Influence:
When you accept the words of someone who has Influence over you, mark potential, clear a
condition, or take +1 forward.
Once you’ve finished your backstory, introduce your character to the other players, and then
determine what happened when your team first came together, the relationships between you and
your teammates, and who has Influence over you.
When our team first came together...
We had to deal with a danger I’d met while traveling the farscapes. What was it, and how did we
send it away?
__________________ knows plenty that I don’t about this world, its people, and how to deal with
them; I should follow their lead while I’m here.
__________________ is...well...boring. But that’s okay! I’m going to make them more interesting.
You’re here, but not, and it’s going to take some time before you really commit. Give no one
Influence over you.
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