Angielski Pytanie o droge.pdf
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Reading & speaking 1
In the heart of London
Przeczytaj dialog i odegraj go z podziałem na role, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania w ramkach.
Co mogą oznaczać wyrażenia zaznaczone na żółto?
Hello, excuse me sir!
Good morning young lady, how can I help you?
I’ve been trying to figure out where I should go to get to the Parliament Square. I’m looking
at this map, but to be honest, I don’t know where I am. It would be easier to use the Internet, but it’s
too expensive for me.
Oh, don’t worry, it gets confusing sometimes. Especially now with all the road work
around. Can I take a look at your map?
Here you are. Could you show me where we are? Is it far from here?
No, it’s a 10-minute walk, you only need to figure out what the right direction is. We are
right here, at the corner of Victoria Street and B323.
Oh, so this road leads straight to the point!
That’s what I’m trying to tell you – it’s a piece of cake to find your destination. Just go
down the street until you see Westminster Abbey on your right. From that point, you will see
London’s most famous landmark, Big Ben, which is just behind the Parliament Square.
Thank you very much sir, you’ve been very helpful.
The pleasure is mine. Don’t forget to take a walk by the Thames! It’s a beautiful day
today to explore the city on foot.
I will and the London Eye, too!
1. Where does Anna want to go?
2. Why can’t she use her phone to find the way?
3. What is she planning to see on this day?
1. Have you ever been to any English-speaking country? Where? What
were your impressions? Was it difficult to speak English?
2. Have you ever got lost on holiday? How did you manage
this situation?
3. Do you always plan your trips yourself or do you prefer
package holiday? Provide some pros and cons of both.
Reading & speaking 2
On the way to the station
Przeczytaj dialog i odegraj go z podziałem na role, a następnie zdecyduj czy zdania z ramki są
prawdziwe czy fałszywe. Popraw błędne informacje. Odnajdź na obrazkach wyrażenia zaznaczone
na szaro.
Hurry up, Johan. We should leave home earlier in case we get lost or stuck in the traffic.
Why are you always worried in advance? We have 2 hours to go.
I’m not worried, I just have a bit more common sense than you. We’re in a foreign country,
we don’t know the way and we cannot be late for our flight.
If we get lost then we ask somebody for help.
We could, but I’d rather avoid such a situation.
So, are we going to catch a cab?
Are you crazy? This would cost us a fortune. We’re going to the station. There’s a direct train
to the airport and we’re going to take it.
Kup książkę
Oh, it would take ages to get there…
We don’t have any better option considering we’ve spent almost all the money we had.
Fair enough. Which way should we go now?
I think we must go down that bridge and get to this red brick building. Excuse me, hello!
Could you help us?
Hi, what seems to be the problem?
We want to get to the train station, are we going in the right direction?
Not really, you should go up the bridge, pass it and turn right at the first intersection.
Perfect, thanks! Do you know how long we will be travelling to the airport by train?
What train? There’s no train to the airport from this station.
How come? We found such information in this travel guide.
Oh, it was issued 3 years ago, things have changed a little bit, but don’t worry. You can take
a bus, it’s a bit more expensive, but you’ll reach the airport in an hour.
How much is it going to cost?
13$ per person.
We have exactly 26, what a luck!
Yeah, but we won’t even be able to buy a bottle of water.
Tough situation! Here you have 5 dollars, it should be enough for some drinks.
Thank you, you’re a life saver!
1. Rita and Johan are looking for an airport.
2. They have enough money to buy tickets and lunch.
3. Sarah showed them the right direction.
4. They are going to take a train to get to the airport.
5. Sarah gave them some money for beverages.
Kup książkę
Kup książkę
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