Joseph Campbell, Bill Moyers - The Power of Myth.pdf

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The Power of Myth
(Anchor Edition, 1991)
by Joseph Campbell
with Bill Moyers
a.b.e-book v3.0 / Notes at EOF
© 1988
by Apostrophe
Productions, Inc., and
Alfred van der Marck Editions
All rights reserved under International and Pan-American
Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by
Anchor Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New
York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House
of Canada Limited, Toronto. The fully illustrated edition
The Power of Myth
was originally published in both
hardcover and paperback by Doubleday in 1988. The
Anchor Books edition is published by arrangement with
ANCHOR BOOKS and colophon are registered
trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to Barnes & Noble Books,
Totowa, New Jersey, for permission to quote from "The
Second Coming" by William Butler Yeats.
Campbell, Joseph, 1904-
The power of myth / Joseph Campbell, with Bill Moyers;
Betty Sue Flowers, editor. -- 1st Anchor Books ed.
1. Myth. 2. Campbell, Joseph, 1904- -- Interviews.
3. Religion historians -- United States -- Interviews.
I. Moyers, Bill D. II. Flowers, Betty S.
[BL304.C36 1990]
III. Title.
291.1'3 -- dc20
ISBN 0-385-41886-8
26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
To Judith, who has long heard the music
Editor's Note
Introduction by Bill Moyers
I Myth and the Modern World
II The Journey Inward
III The First Storytellers
IV Sacrifice and Bliss
V The Hero's Adventure
VI The Gift of the Goddess
VII Tales of Love and Marriage
VIII Masks of Eternity
Editor's Note
This conversation between Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell took place in 1985 and 1986 at
George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch and later at the Museum of Natural History in New York. Many of us
who read the original transcripts were struck by the rich abundance of material captured during the
twenty-four hours of filming -- much of which had to be cut in making the six-hour PBS series. The idea
for a book arose from the desire to make this material available not only to viewers of the series but also
to those who have long appreciated Campbell through reading his books.
In editing this book, I attempted to be faithful to the flow of the original conversation while at the
same time taking advantage of the opportunity to weave in additional material on the topic from
wherever it appeared in the transcripts. When I could, I followed the format of the TV series. But the
book has its own shape and spirit and is designed to be a companion to the series, not a replica of it. The
book exists, in part, because this is a conversation of ideas worth pondering as well as watching.
On a more profound level, of course, the book exists because Bill Moyers was willing to address
the fundamental and difficult subject of myth -- and because Joseph Campbell was willing to answer
Moyers' penetrating questions with self-revealing honesty, based on a lifetime of living with myth. I am
grateful to both of them for the opportunity to witness this encounter, and to Jacqueline Kennedy
Onassis, the Doubleday editor, whose interest in the ideas of Joseph Campbell was the prime mover in
the publication of this book. I am grateful, also, to Karen Bordelon, Alice Fisher, Lynn Cohea, Sonya
Haddad, Joan Konner, and John Flowers for their support, and especially to Maggie Keeshen for her
many retypings of the manuscript and for her keen editorial eye. For help with the manuscript, I am
grateful to Judy Doctoroff, Andie Tucher, Becky Berman, and Judy Sandman. The major task of
illustration research was done by Vera Aronow, Lynn Novick, Elizabeth Fischer, and Sabra Moore, with
help from Annmari Ronnberg. Both Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell read the manuscript and offered
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