Colossal Adventure.pdf

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Colossal Cavern is a name of power, whispered in dark corners,
embodying incredible riches and untold danger. Sensible folk hold
this cave to be a myth, the product of fevered imaginations - but every
year a handful of people set out to find it, driven by necessity or by
overw helm ing greed.
M ost return empty-handed with tales of fruitless wanderings, or lies
about the dangers faced: volcanos, dragons, gigantic snakes and the
like. But some have never returned, and speculation holds that they
are the successful ones who have found the cave and perished - or
maybe used the enormous w ealth from it to found great empires in
far-off lands w here they live in luxury.
Thus it is a unique event when a travel-stained w arrior enters the
tavern w here you are sitting one evening, pays the inn-keeper with an
absurdly high value gold coin, and over his drink claims that he has
visited Colossal Cavern - and escaped with his life!
T he other drinkers flatly disbelieve him, “thief” and “m ercenary” are
two of their more flattering suggestions to explain his wealth, but you
are not so sure - for he has a haunted look and refuses to discuss his
exploits. Thus, when you realise that an ambush is being planned to
deprive the stranger of his money (and life], you lead him out to safety
by a back route.
“A thousand thanks!”, he exclaim s when the sounds of pursuit finally
die away, “M ay the Gods sm ile upon you for your deed tonight! But I
fear that your friends may seek revenge if you return.”
“Thus, to reward you for your valour, 1 w ill give you the most val­
uable treasure that I own... the location of Colossal Cavern!”, and he
presses a crumpled scrap of paper into your palm. Frankly, you were
expecting hard cash - and a lot of it - but he looks like a good man in a
fight, so you accept the meagre reward and even manage to shake his
hand warmly.
Despite your natural suspicions that the map may be a fake, it would
be foolish to stay and face the w rath of your fellow s, so you set out to
follow it. And the map turns out to be genuine! It leads you through
uncharted lands: over m ountains, through forests and skirting deserts
- alw ays avoiding the inhabited places of the earth - until one day’s
journey would bring you to Colossal Cavern itself.
Then disaster strikes. You are leaning on the wall of a building from
w hich a river em erges and follow s the road south. To the north is
open country and all around is dense forest. As you attempt to de­
cipher the n ext part of the map, a freak gust of wind lifts it from your
hand - and carries it into the water. R escu e is not possible for the river
sucks it down instantly, and in any case you cannot swim.
The next part is up to you: to find the Cavern, enter it, and return with
its treasure. And, as you stand thinking, you rem em ber a scraw led
lote on the m argin of the map:
“W arning, M agic w orks in the Cavern!”
T h e Gam e
Colossal Adventure is a complete, full scale version of the original
classic m ainfram e game “Adventure”, possibly the most popular and
addictive computer game ever produced. You will encounter all of the
creatures, treasures and locations that you w ill have seen hinted at in
readers’ letters to computer magazines.
Just to keep you on your toes if you have played another such advent­
ure, one of the treasures has been moved and a vitally needed object
has been hidden, but it is an entirely faithful implementation apart
from this.
But when you qualify for the end-game by finding all of the treasures,
it is another m atter entirely. The standard end-game is rather limited,
w ith only two locations, so we have added a complete new, unique
end-game to Colossal Adventure: with over 70 locations! Don’t feel let
down when you’ve solved the first part of the game - the play cont­
To play Colossal Adventure you simply enter English phrases to tell
the computer what you want to do (e.g. MOVE NORTH, FILL THE
BOTTLE, or LOOK AROUND), and it acts as your eyes and ears to
d escribe your surroundings.
In fact, Colossal Adventure is amazingly easy to play - you don’t need
to be able to find the cursor keys blindfold, or hammer the space-bar
for hours. But it may take w eeks to solve - and, be warned, you could
get so absorbed in the game that you just do not notice time passing!
How to Load and Start
Colossal Adventure is a 32K program w hich uses much of the
com puter’s memory. Everything needed is included on the cassette
enclosed. (Use either side).
To use the game, hold down SH IFT and press the RUN/STOP key.
Then play the cassette in your recorder, using either side, and
Colossal Adventure w ill load into m em ory and start automatically.
Loading w ill take several m inutes, so don’t w orry if the computer
seem s to be doing nothing for quite a w hile as the cassette plays.
Finally, w hen the game has started, rewind the cassette and return it
to its case.
In stru ctio n s
Unlike our other games, Level 9 adventure?: contain no instructions
within the program. W e felt that this type of game was very easy to
play - and that the space would be better used for more rooms and
The program asks you "W h at n ext?” w henever it expects you to enter
another command. Sim ply type an English phrase to tell it what you
want to do and press R ETU RN . The program will then act on your
request, ask you for the next command, and so on.
Now. at this point, w e must admit that the program does not really
understand English (no program does, despite claim s in press adverts)
but it does have a large vocabulary of English words. Thus it can
behave as if it know s the language by analysing each entered phrase,
picking out the words that it knows, and guessing the meaning of the
phrase from these. W ords that it does not understand are ignored.
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