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Hands on Hacking
Matthew Hickey
Jennifer Arcuri
Copyright © 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-119-56145-3
ISBN: 978-1-119-56148-4 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-1-119-56151-4 (ebk)
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This book is dedicated to all those who seek knowledge and understanding of
computer hacking. It is our hope that this book helps guide you, future and present
hackers, in achieving your goals and aspirations.
About the Authors
Matthew Hickey
is a professional hacker with more than
20 years of experience and the cofounder of cybersecurity
company Hacker House. He has obtained a variety of CESG
CHECK and CREST certifications during his career and
awarded a fellowship by CREST for his technical skills. He
has been frequently sought to lead long-term assessments
that accurately reflect real-world security challenges, sim-
ulating attacks on global businesses and high-risk environments. Predomi-
nantly, he specializes in offensive security testing, highlighting vulnerabilities
leveraged by malicious attacker’s so that appropriate remediation can be sought
and implemented. He develops bespoke exploits and security tools for use in
cybersecurity testing engagements.
Matthew spends most of his time hacking computers, conducting penetra-
tion tests, creating training material, writing exploits, and developing hacking
tools. During 2019, he published instructions for hacking U.S. electronic voting
machines to play the video game classic DooM as well as details of surveillance
software used in North Korean smartphones. He has presented at security
conferences on his research into security of embedded systems, cryptography,
software exploitation, mobility solutions, and wireless technologies.
Matthew has an online following from his work and regularly comments in the
press on cybersecurity topics such as when critical flaws are found in operating
systems, attacks involving cryptocurrency, North Korean cybersecurity, the NSA’s
leaked hacking tools, and security of the UK’s National Health Service. He has
developed and published zero-day exploits and security testing tools against
product vendors including Microsoft, Apple, NetBSD, Cisco, Linux, Hewlett
Packard, SCO, Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, IBM, SAGEM, OpenBSD,
and NetGear to name just a few. Matthew is from Manchester, England, a city
famous for its football teams, art, musicians, and hackers.
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