Necromunda - House of Artifice.pdf

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Like a great clock, Necromunda forever ticks
towards the grave, each motion of its hands, each
turn of its cogs, and each tolling of its bells,
another step towards its extinction.
Insects within the machine, the people of
Necromunda strive to keep this great clock
working. None are more diligent than the House
of Artifice – for them the grand machines of
their dying world are as gods before whom they
prostrate their withered forms. It is one of the
many great paradoxes of Necromunda that the
mechanisms that grant life also bring death, each
hive as much a tomb as it is a haven. It is another
that the inhabitants of the hives work tirelessly
to keep their tomb functioning, eager as they are to
strengthen the bars of the prison that holds them.
Only the House of Artifice sees their world for
what it is, a nightmare given form, a grave of ash,
iron and bone from which none may ever escape.
And yet the dream of their lost golden age
remains, a hope of a time long lost, a time long
dead, but a time that may yet come once more.
House Van Saar History & Background .......................................... 5
House Van Saar Gang List ............................................................ 33
- Campaign Play & Skirmish Play ............................................ 33
- Fighter Names, Categories and Types ................................. 33
- Gang Composition ................................................................ 33
- Weapons and Wargear ......................................................... 34
- Fighter Cards & Gang Roster................................................ 34
- Equipment Sets .................................................................... 35
- Death of a Leader ................................................................ 35
- Van Saar Prime..................................................................... 36
- Van Saar Augmek ................................................................. 38
- Van Saar Archeotek ..............................................................
- Van Saar Neotek...................................................................
- Van Saar Tek.........................................................................
- Van Saar Subtek...................................................................
- Exotic Beasts........................................................................
- Cyberachnid .........................................................................
Strong Alliances.............................................................................
- Making an Alliance ...............................................................
- Allies of House Van Saar ......................................................
- Promethium Guild.................................................................
- Imperial Imposters ...............................................................
- House Catallus .....................................................................
- Pyromantic Conclave ............................................................
- Master Charlatan .................................................................
- House Catallus Carnival ....................................................... 86
Additional Rules............................................................................. 88
- Van Saar House Favours ...................................................... 89
- Van Saar Sub-plots............................................................... 90
- Tech Skills............................................................................. 92
Van Saar Archaeo-cyberteknika ....................................................
- Cranial Cyberteknika ............................................................
- Ocular Cyberteknika.............................................................
- Sindextrous Cyberteknika.....................................................
- Motive Cyberteknika.............................................................
- Torsonic Cyberteknika..........................................................
- Vascular Cyberteknika..........................................................
Hangers-on and Brutes ................................................................. 50
- Cogitator Core Servitor ......................................................... 52
- Tech-merchant ...................................................................... 53
- Data-scrivener ...................................................................... 53
- Ammo-jacks .......................................................................... 54
- Rogue Docs .......................................................................... 55
- Dome Runner ....................................................................... 56
- Slopper ................................................................................. 56
- Gang Lookout ....................................................................... 57
- Van Saar ‘Arachni-rig’ Servo-suit.......................................... 58
- Luther Pattern Excavation Automata (‘Ambot’) .................... 60
- ‘Jotunn’ H-Grade Servitor Ogryn........................................... 62
Hired Guns ....................................................................................
- Hive Scum.............................................................................
- Bounty Hunters ....................................................................
- House Agents .......................................................................
Van Saar Terrain ............................................................................ 98
House Van Saar Scenarios ......................................................... 101
- Deus Ex Machina ............................................................... 102
- Last Rites for the Machine ................................................. 104
Van Saar Showcase..................................................................... 106
Weapon Reference Chart............................................................
- Armour ................................................................................
- Equipment ..........................................................................
- Weapon Accessories ..........................................................
- Weapon Traits .....................................................................
House Van Saar Gang Tactics ..................................................... 126
Dramatis Personae
- Arachnotek Golem ................................................................ 72
- Lisbeth the Iron Angel, Bounty Hunter.................................. 79
- Von Buren the Rogue Archeotek, Bounty Hunter ................. 84
Necromunda © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2020. Necromunda, GW, Games Workshop, Citadel and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names,
creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are either ® or TM, and/or
© Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely
coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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>>> Subject: Event log shift 956c of the year of Him of Terra 996.M41.
>>> Conduit Necro-vox NWM984.
>>> Thought for the Day: Progress is poison to the Omnissiah.
Subjects of Lord Helmawr, heed now the voice of Necromunda!
Praise be to the makers and the home of plasteel, lumens and theramite they have
gifted us with. All subjects of the Great Lord Helmawr are expected to honour the
workings of their domes and follow the example of the grand machines of the hive –
if they are making their contribution, so should you!
Subjects are reminded that a worker need not understand the function of a device
to produce it. You know precisely as much as you are required to know, and actively
seeking any additional knowledge is considered an affront not just to the overseers
but also Lord Helmawr himself and the great Omnissiah – be content in your
ignorance of the subject.
Neo-tech gangs are admonished for their participation in recent increases in gang
violence – the most beneficent Lord of Necromunda encourages his subjects to
work out their differences with the fine weaponry of our great world’s factoria, but
does not approve the use of excessive plasma, rad or exotic energy weaponry that
threatens the workings of the hive.
The Imperial House reminds its subjects that servitors are valuable members of the
hive – equal in function to any subject who serves beneath the great gaze of the
Master of Necromunda. The theft, vandalism or consumption of servitors is a serious
crime, and is punishable by mind-wipe and mono-task servitor bonding – never
forget that those who take from Lord Helmawr are expected to repay him in kind.
Glory to the Mercator Lux for the bounty of the Great Heat Sink and their tireless
efforts to extract +231% lumens from its fiery heart. It is by their grace that we do
not live in the perpetual darkness of a steel tomb, and through their knowledge that
our domes thrum with the power drawn up from the heart of Necromunda. Burns,
electrocution, blindness, deafness, catching fire and melting are all minor risks to pay
for these blessings.
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