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A Beginner’s Pact With Lucifuge Rofocale – V.K.
V.K. Jehannum
Rituals, Satanism
July 29, 2020 395 Words
I have channeled instructions for a pact that a black magickian can
make with Lucifuge Rofocale, otherwise known as Lucifage. The
purpose of this simple pact, the Pact of Sinistral Majesty, is to
accelerate the witch’s development as a practitioner of demon
magick and help them make the breakthrough they need in their
Craft. The pact lasts six weeks and requires three things of the
The Nightly Prayer
There is a prayer to Lucifuge Rofocale that the witch is required to
recite once a night. If, for some reason, a night is skipped, make an
offering to Lucifuge Rofocale (recommendations: nag champa,
lavender oil, grape juice, a quarter, red sage, blood), apologize, and
resume the pact as normal. The prayer is as follows:
Agios o Lucifage!
[Translation: Numinous/Divine is Lucifage/Lucifuge]
Spirit of Blackness, Lord Over Archfiends, bestow your darksome
blessing upon my spiritual path. Help me develop as a sorcerer and
psychic. Grace me with the communion of the Infernal Divine. Bless
me with possession and demonic might.
Salve Lucifuge Rofocale (x3)
[Translation: Hail Lucifuge Rofocale]
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia!
[Translation: Numinous Is the Underlying Force of All Demon
The Weekly Invocation
The second requirement of this pact is rites of invocation. You  must
perform a ritual to invoke one demon every week. It does not matter
whether this invocation was written by me, some other author,
yourself, or Jenny from the block. The catch is that the demons you
invoke must all be demons whom you have never attempted to
evoke, invoke, or otherwise work with before.
The Weekly Offering
You must burn one black candle as an offering to Lucifuge Rofocale
every week. Specifically black, and specifically a candle. While I
myself regularly use tealight candles in my magick, a tealight candle
will not suffice for this weekly offering.
Initializing the Pact
While I channeled the instructions for this pact with the intention of
providing it to the masses, I encourage you to conduct some type of
divination to ensure that this pact is appropriate for you.
To initialize this process, recite the Nightly Prayer on a Saturday and
then ask Lucifuge Rofocale to strike the Pact of Sinistral Majesty with
you. He will make sure you know that the pact has been initialized
To be clear, starting the pact on a Saturday is mandatory.
-V.K. Jehannum
Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia
A Black Rite to Three Great Magickal Initiators –
V.K. Jehannum
V.K. Jehannum
January 2, 2017 236 Words
Salve Qayin! Ave Agia! Io Mephisto! Zodamran! Zodamran!
[Hail Qayin! Hail Agia/Hecate! Hail Mephisto! (word of power to
open the Qliphoth)]
Qayin is the Resplendent and Merciless Immortal who reduced his
sibling to the sustenance of the Earth. Hail to the Djinn-Worshipper
and Slaughterous Initiator, the Firstborn Son of the Prince of
Agios ischyros Ka-In Arotrios! Veni, veni Mephistophile!
[Numinous and Mighty is Cain of the Plow! Come, come
Melus de Quo Magma! Liftoach Qliphoth! Zodamran!
[Reality emanates from the demonic! Open the Qliphoth! Zodamran]
Io Hecate Io Ho! Veni Hecate!
[(words of power)! Come Hecate!]
Beyond the Adamantine Gateway to the Other Side, the pyrogenic
enchantments of Mephastophilis subject humankind unto black
machinations. I call unto him, the Prince of Negation, to saturate the
subtle atmosphere with the energies of Sitra Achara!
Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas!
[(words of power to open the Qliphoth)]
Anana Hecate Ayer!
[(Hecate’s enn)]
I call upon Hekate the Thrice-Manifested! Empress of Corpses and
the Sea! From her throne in the Acausal Necropolis, Hecate watches
over the initiates of the Craft and begets guidance and support
wherever her name is called!
Aperiatur stella, et germinet Agia!
[Open the sky, and bring forth Hecate!]
Qayin Mahan Diaphotos Qabeel Barekhooh!
[(names of Qayin)]
Melus de Quo Magma!
[Reality emanates from the demonic!]
 Et revertetur ad tenebras!
[And all returns to darkness!]
As I have spoken, so let it be done.
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