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No. 1 - 2013
Vol. 91 - No. 1
Introduction to Alchemy
Frater Albertus, FRC
The Sun Invincible
Timothy J. O’Neill, FRC
Ralph M. Lewis, FRC
The Philosopher’s Stone
Dennis William Hauck, Ph.D., FRC
Ars Magica
Peter Marshall
The Chymical Wedding
Christian Rebisse, FRC
Michael Maier’s Maria Prophetissa
Peter Bindon, FRC
Michael Maier’s
Atalanta Fugiens
Peter Bindon, FRC
Robert Fludd’s Rose and Cross
Peter Bindon, FRC
Sir Isaac Newton — Mystic and Alchemist
Staff of the Rosicrucian Research Library
Spiritual Alchemy
Christian Bernard, FRC
Official Magazine of the Worldwide Rosicrucian Order
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Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191.
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Introduction to Alchemy
Frater Albertus, FRC
Frater Albertus (1911 - 1984) was a long time member of the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC, the founder of the Paracelsus Research Society, and an
eminent Alchemist who, through his many workshops and books, served as a
mentor to some of the most important Alchemists of today.
The article below is the Introduction to his book,
The Alchemist’s Handbook
(Manual for Practical Laboratory Alchemy),
an invaluable guide for aspiring
hat is Alchemy? This is the first and most vital question to be answered
before a study of the following pages should be undertaken. This question
can be answered to the satisfaction of the inquiring mind, but all careless
paging through this book will be to no avail. If the reader has no previous
knowledge of Alchemy and, moreover, no knowledge through conscientious
study concerning mysticism, occultism, or related subjects, the answer to the
above question will have little meaning. What, then, is Alchemy? It is “the
raising of vibrations.”
For this reason it is wise not to attempt to experiment with the laboratory
outlines that follow. These experiments are only for those who have spent
considerable time in spagyric research and who have proven to themselves
that an honest endeavor has prevailed and that this same endeavor still
motivates their true search for the highest Arcana, the
lapis philosophorum.
As all students of alchemistical literature have come to realize that the exact
process for the opus magnum has never been completely revealed in simple
language or put into print, they will appreciate the fact that here is given a
detailed description of the lesser circulation.
In Alchemy there are the lesser and greater circulations. The former
pertains to the herbal kingdom and the latter to the most coveted of them all,
the mineral (metallic) realm. A correct understanding, and not just
knowledge, of the herbal process will open the gate to the great Arcanum.
Months and years of experimentation in your alchemical laboratory will
prove the truth of this statement. The fact that Alchemy is a life’s work will
be accepted by those who have spent months and years behind books and
retorts. It is this significant fact which provides our spagyric art with such an
armor that no materialist can pierce it. If it were not for the cleansing,
purging, and aging of the alchemist-to-be over a great length of time, like the
subjectum he is working with, how could it be kept from the profane and the
unworthy? Only that which has stood the test of fire has been purified. That
there is still a cloak of secrecy covering alchemical processes, and that this
must yet remain so will have to be accepted by all aspiring alchemists. For
personal greed has no place in Alchemy. The aim of all true Adepts is to help
relieve a suffering humankind in its physical and spiritual misery. A non-
acceptance of this excludes one automatically from the circle of Adepts.
My friends of the medical profession, as well as the pharmaceutical
chemists, will readily disagree with me when reading what follows. This
must be taken for granted and, in fact, has been so since what is presented
here is so foreign to the standardized teachings in present day medical
colleges. Since I agree with them, on their terms, it is only fair to ask that
they think of the contents of this book in the terms of an alchemist. If this is
impossible, then the book should be laid aside for the time being and
forgotten until it can be examined by an open mind free from prejudice.
No attempt is being made here to write on allopathic therapeutics. This
shall be left to those versed in this particular branch of healing. I am writing
here about Alchemy because of the years of studies and experiments that
have preceded this book, and because of the work that shall in all likelihood
continue to follow. Since the scope of Alchemy is so immense, one earthly
incarnation in many, if not most, cases is an insufficient time for the full
completion of the work. In climbing the alchemist’s ladder, there are many
tribulations to consider involving time, money, heartaches—to mention only
a few of the difficult steps. The aspirant then should think long and well
before undertaking such an ordeal, for if he is not prepared all will prove
The process in both the lesser and greater circulation is basically not
expensive. In fact, it is relatively insignificant. But before this state can be
reached much money, time, and effort can and, most likely, will be spent. It is
for these reasons that an urgent appeal is made not to venture rashly into
Alchemy, not to see oneself sitting in perfect personal health at the end of a
rainbow with the world at one’s feet and with full pots of glistening gold.
These are only illusions and will prove to be but sensational and glamorous
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