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Table of Contents
Applying the Rosicrucian Principles
Prosperity-An Expansion of Awareness 2
Two Practical Principles 5
A Triangle of Love 11
Mystical Prayer 17
How Thoughts Project 19
Rosicrucian Ritual 23
Rosicrucian Code of Life 31
The Practical Application of Mysticism 33
Applying the
Rosicrucian Principles
had the good fortune as a new Rosicrucian student to have a mentor, Soror
Emma Buford, who introduced me to the Order. She would frequently ask me
how my studies were going. Usually I would reply that all was well, however
sometimes I reported that I was having trouble with a particular experiment, I
was behind in my studies, there were other challenges in my life, etc.
Soror Emma always gave the same reply – “Are you applying the
Rosicrucian principles?” I would think about the particular issue for a
moment and then realize that, once again, I had not applied the principles I
had learned in the Rosicrucian monographs. I could have used visualization
to help with the situation, or concentration, or my understanding of certain
cycles in life.
In addition to helping with the particular challenge, Emma did something
else that was equally important to my development – she directed me to go
within for answers, to seek guidance from my Master Within, rather than
relying on an outside source or authority to solve my challenges. This is at
the core of the Rosicrucian tradition.
Centuries ago, when our Rosicrucian forebears announced their presence
in Europe, it was to re-direct people to their inner authority for answers. The
cultural milieu of the time was authoritarian, intolerant, and superstitious. A
group of scholars and students in Germany, known as the Tubingen Circle,
wrote the first three Rosicrucian manifestoes – documents intended to
encourage people to learn to listen to the voice of their Master Within.
These early words of my Rosicrucian mentor still influence me today.
When faced with a challenge, I sometimes hear her voice in my mind saying,
“Did you remember to apply the Rosicrucian principles?” It’s a stopgap that
gives me a moment to pause to consider my options. We use this method at
Rosicrucian Park. We are committed to basing our decisions on how this
particular action, policy, or proposal resonates with the Rosicrucian
In this issue of the
Rosicrucian members share some of their stories
of how they have applied the Rosicrucian principles in their lives, thus
attuning with their Master Within.
Julie Scott, SRC
Grand Master
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