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Week1              1


Week 2              7


Week 3              13


Week 4              19


Week5              26


Week6              32


Week7              40


Week8              46


Week9(Siksha seminar)              52


Check list for Module 1                            56






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Week 1

Ice breaker: 15 minutes


Welcome everyone and request them to be seated in a circle. Introduce yourself by your name, occupation, family members, your special interest (obviously Krishna Consciousness in a devotee’s case), etc. Speak for a minute.


Then move on to the person right beside you and ask them to introduce themselves making sure that they reveal their names, occupation, family, and any special interest.


Some of them may be too shy to say much and your friendly and gentle questioning may encourage them to reveal more about themselves.


Cover everyone in the circle going from one person to the next, being attentive and encouraging to whatever they say.


This sets a very warm, friendly and comfortable atmosphere.


This should take you 15 minutes.


Kirtan: 15 minutes


Set up a simple but attractive altar for Gaura Nitai Deities, if possible. If you do not have Deities, you can still have the photos of Radha Krishna, Jagannath, Baladeva and Shubhadra, Pancatattva and Narasimhadeva and the Guru Parampara photos in the altar. With lamps, flowers and incense offered to Them, the ambience and mood will be perfect for devotion to be cultivated in the members.

Tell them that you are going to have a short Kirtan or singing the names of the Lord for 15 minutes. Explain how this involves their responsive singing to that of the lead singer. Tell them that we first sing a brief invocation to the spiritual master or Guru, followed by taking shelter of the Panca tattva forms of the Lord. Show them the Panca Tattva photos and say that They are the mercy forms to facilitate our spiritual understanding.

Then introduce them to the main mantra, the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and say that this will form the main content of the Kirtan.

Distribute the sheets having the Srila Prabhupada’s Pranam Mantra, Panca tattva mantra Hare Krishna Mahamantra and the Mangala Archana.

Start a soft Kirtana with a simple tune (ideally Srila Prabhupada’s dhun), so that it is easy for everyone to follow.

You can invite every member to come and offer incense sticks to the photos in the altar, even while the Kirtan is going on.







Japa: 15 minutes


Read out first, the following passage:


                                  The Nectar of the Holy Name


Chanting of the holy names of the Lord is the common platform for the universal religion of mankind in the Kali-yuga:


In this present age quarrels take place even over trifles, and therefore the shastras have recommended for this age a common platform for realization, namely chanting the holy names of the Lord. People can hold meetings to glorify the Lord in their respective languages and with melodious songs, and if such performances are executed in an offenseless manner, it is certain that the participants will gradually attain spiritual perfection without having to undergo more rigorous methods.


At such meetings everyone, the learned and the foolish, the rich and the poor, the Hindus and the Muslims, the Englishmen and the Indians, and the chandalas and the brahmanas, can all hear the transcendental sounds and thus cleanse the dust of material association from the mirror of the heart. To confirm the Lord's mission, all the people of the world will accept the holy name of the Lord as the common platform for the universal religion of mankind.


Srimad Bhagvatam canto1, Intro.



If they express any doubts regarding what was being read, you can explain it to them. You could also summarize what was read in a few sentences so that the message remains clear in their minds. Enquire from them if they would like to try chanting together now. If they sound open or positive, distribute japa malas to everyone and explain to them how the japa mala is held in the hand while chanting. Chant one round of japa or just half a round, together. Encourage the members to chant by maintaining eye contact with them and by smiling, so that they feel enthused to chant. You can stop with half a round if you want.

If the majority of them seem a little reluctant or hesitate to take to chanting right away, you can wait for a few more weeks before chanting with them. You have to be interactive with them and gauge their mood and decide on how much you can get them to do. People are different and therefore, require different approaches for being enticed to Krishna Consciousness.



Discussion - 45 minutes


Please read out the passage and start asking the questions. (Do not explain it to them.)  Let the people assembled find out the answers from the passage themselves. Please engage everyone in answering. You can ask two, three people to add to the same answer. Move from one person to the next and give them sufficient time to think. You could ask leading questions for them to go deeper and getting a clearer understanding of the subject matter and in giving relevant replies.


The application question ideally has to be answered by everyone. This will give you a good idea about how well each one has understood the philosophy, how serious they are about spiritual life and any practical problems or obstacles that they may be facing.


Nevertheless in the first few weeks, some of them may be too shy to open up especially during the application session, as it is quite personal, and so you can just gently encourage them to answer it without applying too much pressure. As the weeks go by they will get the enthusiasm to participate.

This is the most important part of the discussion and so you must provide sufficient time of at least 15 to 20 minutes for it.

You should at last sum up all the points and give more points that you have prepared.


Passage for discussion:

Krishna consciousness is meant to save human society from spiritual death. At present human society is being misled by leaders who are blind, for they do not know the aim and objective of human life, which is self-realization and the re-establishment of our lost relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the missing point.  Krishna consciousness can enlighten human society in this important matter.

According to Vedic civilization, the perfection of life is to realize one's relationship with Krishna or God. In the Bhagavad-gita, which is accepted by all authorities in transcendental science as the basis of all Vedic knowledge, we understand that not only human beings but also all living entities are parts and parcels of God. The parts are meant for serving the whole, just as the legs, hands, fingers, and ears are meant for serving the total body. We living entities, being parts and parcels of God, are duty-bound to serve Him.

Actually our position is that we are always rendering service to someone, either to our family, country, or society. If we have no one to serve, sometimes we keep a pet cat or dog and render service to it. All these factors prove that we are constitutionally meant to render service, yet in spite of serving to the best of our ability, we are not satisfied. Nor is the person to whom we are rendering that service satisfied. On the material platform, everyone is frustrated. The reason for this is that the service being rendered is not properly directed. For example, if we want to render service to a tree, we must water the root. If we pour water on the leaves, branches, and twigs, there is little benefit. If the Supreme Personality of Godhead is served, all other parts and parcels will be automatically satisfied. Consequently all welfare activities as well as service to society, family, and nation are realized by serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

It is the duty of every human being to understand his constitutional position with God and to act accordingly. If this is possible, then our lives become successful. Sometimes, however, we feel challenging and say, "There is no God," or "I am God," or even, "I don't care for God." But in actuality this challenging spirit will not save us. God is there, and we can see Him at every moment. If we refuse to see God in our life, then He will be present before us as cruel death. If we do not choose to see Him in one feature, we will see Him in another. There are different features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead because He is the original root of the entire cosmic manifestation. In one sense, it is not possible for us to escape Him.

Krishna Consciousness is not blind religious fanaticism, but an authorized, scientific approach to the matter of our eternal necessity in relation with the Absolute Personality of Godhead, the Supreme Enjoyer. Krishna Consciousness simply deals with our eternal relationship with Him and the process of discharging our relative duties to Him. Thus, Krishna Consciousness enables us to achieve the highest perfection of life attainable in the present human form of existence.

Srila Prabhupada, The Science of Self realization


1.      What really is the aim of life?

2.      How does Krsna consciousness help us achieve this goal?


1.      What is wrong with our materialistic society?

2. What does the Vedic civilization say about the perfection of life?

3.      How can we perfectly serve and satisfy everyone in this world? Why is it not possible to do so in any other way? Illustrate with an example/s.

4.      Why is it necessary to learn about God?


1. Share about what you are looking for in life.

Preaching Session:  15 minutes


Read the passage below:



Krishna Consciousness is the highest gift to human society:



Srila Rupa Goswami has given a definition of auspiciousness. He says that actual auspiciousness means welfare activities for all the people of the world. At the present moment groups of people are engaged in welfare activities in terms of society, community or nation. There is even an attempt in the form of the United Nations for world-help activities. But due to the shortcomings of limited national activities, such a general mass welfare program for the whole world is not practically possible.



Krishna Consciousness  however, is so nice that it can render the highest benefit to the entire human race. This movement can attract everyone and everyone can feel the result. Therefore, Rupa Goswami and other learned scholars agree that a broad propaganda programme of devotional service all over the world is the highest humanitarian welfare activity.

Nectar of Devotion


You could again summarize the passage briefly in two minutes, so that the main point remains in their minds. In the weeks to come there will be discussions on preaching plans and strategies with the members. But for now, you can utilize the time to show them briefly any Krsna conscious videocassette or DVD.


Prasadam: 20 minutes

Depending on what part of the day your programme is conducted, you will have to plan your menu. If it is night time and people have to travel long distances to reach your home, then a simple, attractive and a light dinner with a cereal, a vegetable dish and a simple sweet or fruit will be appreciated. If you plan too elaborate a meal, the difficulties are that it will be difficult to maintain the standard. You are promoting their expectations. Also people may hesitate to ever have the program in their homes, if they think this is the standard to be followed regularly.  Also it may make them uncomfortable especially in the beginning stages to accept an elaborate dinner without inviting you in return.

If it is in the morning or early evening hours, then a light snack &/or a drink will suffice. If it is lunch time, then too a meal is required.

So depending on what is convenient to you, you can decide the time of the day for conducting the programme.

If they are all your neighbourhood people, then the prasadam can be very simple and informal.

Making prasadam and serving it to the guests is the best investment we do for making devotees. It is also a very satisfying service. So one should approach it in a positive and enthusiastic mood. Very soon the members will pick up your serving mood and will want to share in the nectar you are experiencing and will request you if they could help you.

You can then engage them in whatever way their spiritual practices will allow. If they are still eating meat or have other sinful habits, you can ask them to bring fruits or help you in cutting vegetables or cleaning up, etc or they could sponsor the prasadam so we can avoid the risk by being careful.

The whole attitude to prasadam is going to be systematically built up in their minds as the succeeding lessons will tell you, and so it will then be easy for you engage them in services in the right attitude and mood.


Immediately after the members have left the programme, kindly fill in the following report:


Please enter the details about your members attending this week:




Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5















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