Mahabharata Contents.doc

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A Chapter by Chapter summary of the great Indian epic, as an aid to finding

passages within the original 18 Volumes.

Written by Duncan Watson.



Translations by Kisari Mohan Ganguli and Pratap Chandra Roy. The Pratap Chandra Roy version published by

Munshiram Monoharlal, New Delhi, India (Post Box 5715, 54 Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi-55): Third edition,

September 1972.

Mahabharata was written down by the great sage Krishna Dvaipayana (Vyasa) about 5000 years ago. It records

events that occurred at the transition from the Bronze (Dwapara Yuga) to Iron Age (Kali Yuga). It tells of a battle

between two great Indian ruling families, brought about through a game of dice, which resulted in great destruction.

There are 18 Volumes or Parva's (there are 18 Chapters in the Bhagavad Gita, the battle last 18 days):

Book Volume Part

I I Adi Parva Introduction of characters, including birth and lineage.

II II Sabha Parva Dicing and exile of the Pandava's.

III I Vana Parva Adventures of Pandava's in the forest. (Includes the Ramayana.)

III IV II Virata Parva Pandava's 13th year of exile.

IV V Udyoga Parva Declaration of war.

V VI Bhishma Parva Battle begins. First ten days, until Bishma (Generalissimo of Kuru

army) falls. The Bhagavad-Geeta occurs at the start of this part.

VI VII Drona Parva Next five days, until Drona is slain.

VII VIII Karna Parva Two more days, until death of Karna.

IX Salya Parva Salya falls after half a day. End of battle with most of hero's slain,

including Duryodhana.

X Sauptika Parva Aswatthaman destroys remaining Pandava army.

XI Stree Parva Reuniting of Pandava's with king Dhritarashtra after battle.

VIII XII I Shanti Parva The dying Bhisma speaks on all aspects knowledge.

IX II Shanti Parva (ctnd)

X III Shant Parva (ctnd)

XIII I Anusasana Parva (ctnd)

XI II Anusasana Parva (ctnd)

XII XIV Aswamedhika Parva Counselling of grief stricken Yudhishthira. Pandava's return


XV Asramavasika Parva Dhritarashtra retires into woods and dies after three years.

Vyasa's boon recalling troops from battle for one night.

XVI Mausala Parva 36 years after battle, death of Krishna and other hero's.

XVII Mahaprasthanika Parva Pandava's die successively.

XVIII Swargarohnika Parva Yudhishthira attains heaven. Completion of story.

[Book=one of 12 physical books; Volume=one of 18 major chapters/volumes; Part=major divisions]

The story is related by Sauti at a sacrifice of Saunaka. Sauti repeats the story given in full by Vaisampayana, a

student of Vyasa, to Janamejaya, the great-grandson of Arjuna, at a Snake-sacrifice. Much of the battle is related to

Dhritarashtra as seen by Sanjaya through divine in-site.



I Summary, Dhritarashtra's lament "no hope of success".

II Overview of Chapters and contents

III Janamejaya, son of Parikshit, Brahman trials, story of Utanka and earings.

Leads to snake sacrifice.

IV Sauti makes ready to begin.

V Bhrigu, Rakshasa designs to take his wife Puloma. Birth of Chyavanna.

VI Curse on Agni (for informing the Rakshasa).

VII Resolution of Agni's curse by Bhrahma.

VIII Ruru, and maiden Pramadvara. Her death.

IX Pramadvara restored to life.

X Ruru does not kill a snake who was once a Brahman, now cursed.

XI Snakes' story - comes back to human form.

XII Ruru asks why Janamejaya wants to destroy snakes.

XIII Jaratkaru, Astika's Father - told he must beget a child.

XIV Is offered a daughter, sister of king of snakes.

XV Astika left by Jaratkaru.

XVI Daughters of Prajapati in Golden Age - thousand sons and two sons.

XVII Saunaka asks re churning of the milk ocean.

XVIII Churning of the ocean.

XIX Battle with Asuras over Amrita.

XX Kadru and Vinata bet.

XXI Description of ocean.

XXII Description of ocean.

XXIII Vinata loses bet, and becomes a slave. Garuda becomes a huge bird.

XXIV Surya's resolve to burn the worlds.

XXV Garuda and his mother, Vinata. Divisions of time.

XXVI Indra causes rain to fall on Nagas.

XXVII Garuda's questions bidding of snakes.

XXVIII Garuda attacks the Nishadas for the Amrita.

XXIX Garuda hears tale of Elephant and Tortoise.

XXX Garuda devours elephant and tortoise. Gods prepare to defend Soma.

XXXI Indra's act of carelessness.

XXXII Garuda battles with the Gods.

XXXIII Garuda takes Amrita. Narayana grants him boons. Indra asks for friendship.

XXXIV Garuda frees his mother from curse. Soma taken back to heaven. Snakes tongues divided by

licking Kusa grass.

XXXV Names of snakes are recited.

XXXVI Eldest snake, Sesha, supports the world.

XXXVII Vasuki consults with the snakes how to avoid their curse.

XXXVIII Snakes are told how Astika will abort the sacrifice.

XXXIX Vasuki to bestow sister on Jaratkaru.

XL King Parikshit out hunting throws a snake on a Muni. He is cursed.

XLI The curse.

XLII Parikshit prepares to avoid the snake bite.

XLIII Parikshit is bitten.

XLIV Janamejaya is crowned.

XLV Jaratkaru told to beget children by his ancestors.

XLVI Jaratkaru is offered Vasuki's sister.

XLVII Jaratkaru's wife conceives. Jaratkaru leaves her.

XLVIII Astika grows up.

XLIX Janamejaya asks re his Father's death.

L Repeat of Parikshit's death; Janamejaya's resolve to destroy snakes.

LI Preparations for the sacrifice.

LII Sacrifice - snakes burn.

LIII Rishi's at the sacrifice.

LIV Astika is advised of his mission, and sent.

LV Praise of the sacrifice.

LVI Astika is granted a boon to stop the sacrifice.

LVII Names of the snakes taken by the sacrifice.

LVIII Snake sacrifice ends.

LIX Saunaka asks for the Mahabharata to be narrated.

LX Krishna-Dvaipayana comes to Janamejaya after the sacrifice, and is asked to relate story of Kuru's

and Pandavas.

LXI Summary of story.

LXII Summary of story.

LXIII King Vasu, birth of Satyavati, birth of Vyasa. Birth summary of other major characters.

LXIV Creation from Parasurama. Krita Age. Earth goes to Brahma as becoming overcrowded. Brahma

promises incarnations.

LXV Birth of all creatures.

LXVI Genealogy of Gods and creatures.

LXVII Account of deities incarnation of earth, including five Pandavas.

LXVIII Dushmanta, founder of Paurava line.

LXIX Life of Dushmanta, hunting.

LXX Dushmanta enters forest of ascetics.

LXXI Rishi's daughter, Sakuntala, relates her birth.

LXXII Completes story of Sakuntala's birth.

LXXIII Dushmanta wed's Sakuntala. Rishi returns. Eight types of marriage.

LXXIV Sakuntala presents son to Dushmanta, who refuses her. She talks on the wife, the son, truth.

Voice from heaven confirms her words. Dushmanta accepts her and names the child Bharata.

LXXV Genealogy from Daksha. Yati exchanges age with Puru.

LXXVI Sukra, Kacha, Devayani. Eaten and restored to life.

LXXVII Kacha refuses Devayani, who asks him to marry her.

LXXVIII Devayani is thrown in the well.

LXXIX Sukra to Devayani.

LXXX Sarmishtha is made to wait on Devayani.

LXXXI Yayati marries Devayani.

LXXXII Yayati causes Sarmishtha to conceive.

LXXXIII Yayati is cursed to Sukra. To avoid decreptitude, Yayati may transfer it to another, who will be

the successive rules.

LXXXIV Puru is the only son to accept Yayati's old age.

LXXXV Puru receives back his youth, and the kingdom.

LXXXVI Yayati in the forest.

LXXXVII Asked by Indra, Yayati relates what he told Puru.

LXXXVIII Yayati is cast down from heaven.

LXXXIX Yayati questioned by Ashtaka.

XC Yayati relates birth.

XCI Ashtaka asks re Grihasthas, Bhikshus, Brahmacharins, Vanaprashthas and Muni ways of living.

XCII Ashtaka and Pratardana offer Yayati gifts - Yayati refuses.

XCIII Vasumat and Sivi also offer to Yayati - they all ascend to heaven.

XCIV Lineage from Puru to Santanu.

XCV Further lineage in greater detail.

XCVI Ganga and Mahabhisha are cursed to be born on Earth.

XCVII Pratipa promises Santanu to Ganga.

XCVIII Ganga drowns first 7 children, leaves when eighth is born.

XCIX Explanation of sin (cow of plenty) which caused their birth.

C Santanu, Bhishma, and Satyavati married to Santanu.

CI Santanu dies. Chitranganda dies in battle with Ghandharvas.

CII Bhishma steals three daughters of King of Kasi. Bestows two on Vichitravirya, who dies

childless soon after. Eight types of marriage.


CIV Bhishma relates story of Vali.

CV Vyasa is called to Father children by Ambika, Ambalika.

CVI Vyasa Fathers three sons.

CVII Story of how Dharma came to be born. Impaling of Mandavya.

CVIII God of Justice is cursed. No sin for first 14 years of childs life.

CIX Growth of three sons. Pandu becomes king.

CX Dhritarashtra receives a wife.

CXI Kunti receives boon to invoke Gods. Karna is born.

CXII Kunti chooses Pandu.

CXIII Pandu receives Madri. Pandu starts conquering the world.


CXV Hundred sons for Dhritarashtra. He is advised to abandon Duryodhana.

CXVI Daughter of Dhritarashtra.

CXVII Dhritarashtra's sons.

CXVIII Pandu is cursed for killing a deer.

CXIX Pandu becomes an ascetic.

CXX Four debts we have in this world. Six kinds of sons. Pandu commands Kunti to bring forth


CXXI Kunti begs children from Pandu.

CXXII Pandu relates how women were once free, but must now adhere to one man. Kunti is commanded

to call the God of Justice.

CXXIII First three sons are born to Kunti. Adorations when Arjuna born.

CXXIV Madri bears the Aswins: Nakula, Sahadeva.

CXXV Pandu dies in intercourse with Madri. Madri ascends funeral pyre.

CXXVI Rest of family return to Kurujungala.

CXXVII Funeral.

CXXVIII Vyasa advises Satyavati of the annihilation of the race. Duryodhana plots against the Pandavas.

Tries to kill Bhima.

CXXIX Bhima returns after drinking nectar of strength. All boys sent to study under Gautama (Kripa).

CXXX Birth of Kripa and Kripi.

CXXXI Birth of Drona, Aswatthaman. Drona receives weapon knowledge.

CXXXII Drupada refuses friendship with Drona.

CXXXIII Drona is accepted by Bhisma for training the Kurus.

CXXXIV Kurus learn from Drona. Nishada prince practices in forest, but gives right thumb when asked.

Test with bird in tree.

CXXXV Arjuna rescues Drona from Alligator. Receives Brahmasira weapon.

CXXXVI Tournament to show feats of the Princes.

CXXXVII Tournament.

CXXXVIII Karna enters ring. Arjuna and Karna make ready for combat.

CXXXIX Karna, crowned King of Anga.

CXL Drupada is brought to Drona as preceptor's fee.


CXLII Speech from Kanika to Dhritarashtra on how to deal with foes (bad!).


CXLIII Summary of plot to burn Pandavas in house of lac.

CXLIV Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra plot to exile Pandavas.

CXLV Pandavas decide to go to Varanavata.

CXLVI Duryodhana arranges for house of lac to be constructed.

CXLVII Pandavas set out for Varanavata, having been warned by Vidura.

CXLVIII Pandavas in house of lac.

CXLIX Miner comes to the Pandavas.

CL Pandavas set fire to house, burning a Nishada woman. They escape.

CLI Pandavas escape in a boat.


CLIII Bhima gets water for brothers. They sleep out on the ground.


CLIV Rakshasas sister falls in love with Bhima.

CLV Bhima fights Hidimva (Rakshasa).

CLVI Bhima kills the Rakshasa.

CLVII Bhima marries Hidimva; birth of Ghatotkacha.

CLVIII Vyasa directs them to Ekachakra.


CLIX Pandavas dwell in Brahmana's house.

CLX Brahmana family give moralistic speeches of who should be sacrificed.

CLXI Daughter and son beg to be sacrificed.

CLXII Brahmana tells Kunti of Vaka.

CLXIII Kunti promises Bhima will deliver food.


CLXV Fight with Vaka.



CLXVII Summary of Draupadi story to come.

CLXVIII Review of Drona and Drupada (and lineage).

CLXIX Draupadi (Krishna) and Dhrishtadyumna are born for Drupada.


CLXXI Pandavas set out for Panchala.

CLXXII Arjuna defeats King of Gandharvas.

CLXXIII Story of Tapati.

CLXXIV Story of Tapati.

CLXXV Story of Tapati.

CLXXVI Legend of Viswamitra and Vasishtha (lineage).

CLXXVII .. continued.

CLXXVIII Vasishtha unable to kill himself.

CLXXIX Reconciled with Kalmashapada.

CLXXX Vasishtha consoles son with story of Kshatriyas destroying Bhrigu's.

CLXXXI Aurva becomes set on destruction of all creatures.

CLXXXII Aurva is appeased by the Pitris.

CLXXXIII Parasara's Rakshasa destroying sacrifice is stopped.

CLXXXIV Kalmashapada is cursed for devouring a Brahmana.

CLXXXV Pandavas select Dhaumya for their priest.


CLXXXVI Pandavas set out to Draupadi's swayamvara.

CLXXXVII Ceremony begins: test is to shoot five arrows through a mark.

CLXXXVIII Names of those who will try.

CLXXXIX Tries at stringing bow. Karna is refused by Draupadi.

CLXL Arjuna shoots and wins Draupadi.

CLXLI Monarchs rush at Drupada with rage. Arjuna and Bhima stand to protect him.

CLXLII Battle stops. Krishna quietens crowd.

CLXLIII All five decide to wed Draupadi. Krishna comes to them.

CLXLIV Dhrishtadyumna follows Draupadi to Pandavas residence.


CLXLV .. continued.

CLXLVI Prepare for wedding.

CLXLVII Pandavas releal their identity. Confusion over how to marry five men!

CLXLVIII Vyasa turns up to explain five marriage to Drupada.

CLXLIX Vyasa explains about the five Indras, and Gods from whence Drupaudi and Pandavas sprung.

CC Drupada consents. Marriage takes place.

CCI .. continued.


CCII News carried to Duryodhana and Dhritarashtra.

CCIII Plot against the Pandavas.

CCIV Plot.

CCV Bhishma gives verdict - kingdom to be divided in half.

CCVI Drona and Karna speak.

CCVII Vidura speaks.

CCVIII Vidura invites Pandavas back to kingdom.

CCIX Pandavas are given half the kingdom. They build Indraprastha.


CCX Narada visits Pandavas.

CCXI Story of Sunda and Upasunda.

CCXII Asura brothers conquer world and heavens.

CCXIII Tilottama is created.

CCXIV Asura brothers destroy themselves in jealosy.


CCXV In order to catch robbers, Arjuna enters chamber where Yudhishthira was with Draupadi.

Arjuna has to go to woods.

CCXVI Ulupi takes Arjuna for one night.

CCXVII Arjuna has a son by Chitrangada.

CCXVIII Story of Vaga and four companions who were turned into crocodiles.

CCXIX .. continued.

CCXX Arjuna and Krishna meet.


CCXXI Arjuna falls in love with Bhada, Krishna's sister.

CCXXII Arjuna steals Bhadra.


CCXXIII Re-united. Drupadi's jealousy. Sons of all Pandavas.


CCXXIV Picnic and revelry.

CCXXV Agni comes to Krishna and Arjuna. Explanation of why Agni must burn forest.


CCXXVII Krishna and Arjuna receive car and weapons.

CCXXVIII Fire starts. Krishna and Arjuna prevent creatures escaping.

CCXXIX They battle with the celestials.

CCXXX Fire continues. Maya is protected.

CCXXXI Four birds, Mandapala's children, escaped.

CCXXXII Four infant birds and Mother.

CCXXXIII Mother bird leaves.

CCXXXIV Agni leaves the four birds who address him with a hymn.

CCXXXV Parent birds return. Father scolds Mother for rejecting him.

CCXXXVI Agni burns forest. Grant Arjuna and Krishna boons. Leaves Arjuna, Krishna and Maya on bank

of the river.



I Maya asked to build a Palace in return for safety from fire.

II Krishna leaves the Pandavas.

III Maya constructs the palace.

IV Yudhishthira enters the palace.

V Narada questions Yudhishthira on the actions/duties of a king.

VI Yudhishthira asks about celestial meeting-halls.

VII Pushkaramalini (Indra's) meeting-house.

VIII Yama's assembly house.

IX Varuna's assembly house.

X Kuvera's assembly house.

XI Sabha of Brahma.

XII Harischandra's deeds to get him to Sakra's hall. Yudhishthira hears of Rajasaya sacrifice.

XIII Yudhishthira consults about the sacrifice. He asks Krishna.

XIV Krishna warns him of the might of Jarasandha.

XV They discuss attaching Jarasandha.

XVI Arjuna speaks - opinion is to fight.

XVII Krishna relates birth of son of King Vrihadratha.

XVIII Story.

XIX Jarasandha attains throne.

XX Krishna, Arjuna, Bhima, set out to fight Jarasandha.

XXI Enter the city. Break down a peak. Are taken into the palace.

XXII Meeting with Jarasandha. Resolve to fight.

XXIII Fight begins. Jarasandha tires on the 14th day.

XXIV Jarasandha is killed. Imprisoned kings are freed. Presents made to Yudhishthira.

XXV Pandavas set out to subjugate world - North, South, East and West.

XXVI Arjuna goes north.

XXVII Arjuna.

XXVIII Bhima goes east.

XXIX Bhima.

XXX Sahadeva in the South. King Nila and Agni put up a fight.

XXXI Nakula in the West.


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