Prayer before sleeping.doc

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Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11

Çrémad-Bhägavatam 11.2.36


käyena väcä manasendriyair vä

buddhyätmanä vänusåta-svabhävät

karoti yad yat sakalaà parasmai

näräyaëäyeti samarpayet tat


käyena—with the body; väcä—speech; manasä—mind; indriyaiù—senses; —or; buddhyä—with the intelligence; ätmanä—the purified consciousness; —or; anusåta—followed; svabhävät—according to one’s conditioned nature; karoti—one does; yat yat—whatever; sakalamall; parasmai—to the Supreme; näräyaëäya iti—thinking, “This is for Näräyaëa”; samarpayet—he should offer; tat—that.


In accordance with the particular nature one has acquired in conditioned life, whatever one does with body, words, mind, senses, intelligence or purified consciousness one should offer to the Supreme, thinking, “This is for the pleasure of Lord Näräyaëa.”

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