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Welcome to the Conquering
Cockblocks Bible!
The most advanced guys in game still obsess over logistics. Dealing with
external obstacles effectively (timing, place, and people) is what separates
an attractive man who constantly pulls and closes from an attractive man
who allows obstacles to get in his way and never seems to get it done. Out
of all of these obstacles, dealing with people is the most complex. Here
we delve deep into how to handle obnoxious friends, overzealous family
members, and rival men. By the end of this essay, you will no longer ever
be able to use the excuse “her friends just dragged her way”. You will be
well prepared to overcome these obstacles with much greater frequency,
and got on to having the intimacy that you and many of the women you
speak to would really want!
Much to men’s chagrin, a large portion of the women they talk to in a social
setting will at some point be pulled away by a friend or family member.
More frustratingly, this seems to happen even when the woman is just as
invested and attracted as you are. Why does this happen? Women, like
men, feel attraction for a lot of different people over a month or year-
long period. For men, it’s usually in their best reproductive interest to
pursue each woman they are attracted to. Biologically, he’s risking very
little. There’s no chance of him becoming pregnant, no chance of him
losing his reproductive ability for 9 months, and no chance of him dying in
childbirth. Sex for women on the other hand can be extremely biologically
and socially expensive. She risks not only her body and financial resources,
but also her reputation and thus her social status. A man who sleeps with
many women is often revered. A woman who sleeps with many men is
often scorned (often this scorn comes more from other women than it
does from men). A key that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that can
be opened by many keys is a bad lock.
Because of these costs, women cannot sleep with every man they find
attractive, even though they may feel attraction fairly often. This makes
women more inclined to set up barriers between themselves and sex.
One of these barriers is the increased pickiness women have compared
to men when choosing a sexual partner. However, it behooves them to
create significantly more robust barriers than this. By allowing friends,
family members, and other men to pull them away from men they are
attracted to, they ensure that any man they sleep with has to not only be
impressive to them, but also impressive or influential to their social circle,
and dominant or influential enough to win out over other competitive men
as well.
Now the vetting process is not only on the female. Any potential mate
has to have very real, impossible to fake, social attunement and social
dominance. This is a micro version of how dating and marriage used to
transpire: the man would have to impress the women’s parents, siblings,
and friends before he ever got a chance to date her. Of course, there are
other reasons why friends may try to ruin your interaction. Sometimes the
friends are jealous. Sometimes they are simply very selfish and don’t want
to be left alone. But realize that these feelings from the friends are part of
the “test” as well. If you can’t mitigate her friend’s emotions and ulterior
motives, or be compelling enough to distract her from her ex-boyfriend or
current fuck-buddy, you probably aren’t worth her taking the reproductive
risk with. She’ll just stick to her current default plan until a significantly
better option presents itself. She doesn’t care which man she ends up
having sex with and is not particularly bought in to any one specific man.
She knows another compelling man will be around very soon. If you aren’t
100% sure that she should be with you, and if you can’t solve some basic
logistical problems to make that happen, she’ll just go with someone else.
It makes no difference to her. To the victor go the spoils!
What women are looking for in those moments are social ingenuity from
you and social proof from you in front of people they trust. However, on a
much deeper level they are looking to you to see if you are the same man
in the world at large as you presented yourself to be with her alone. In
other words, she is looking for consistency in your personality over time
and across situations. If you act like a champ when it’s just you alone, but
act like a bitch when meeting her family or friends, it creates cognitive
dissonance. She can no longer be sure that you are the man you say you
are, since she now has to reconcile these two very different personalities.
If she has to be confused if you are a champ or a chump, she’ll just go find
another man who doesn’t create this ambiguity.
In no other situation is it more pertinent to show this consistency than
when meeting her family members. Here’s a little secret: every woman on
earth creates their model of what a man should be based on her father
and older brothers. This is where the stereotype of the girl with daddy
issues dating terrible men comes from. Here’s another secret: nearly
every girl on earth feels bitterness towards her father - whether in small
part or in large. If her father was ambitious and successful, she feels bitter
towards him for not being there at some special moment because he was
working. If he was loving and attentive, she feels bitterness towards him
for smothering her and not working harder and focusing on his success
and independence away from his family. Every girl has a bit of resentment
towards her father. If you think the girl you just met is different, it’s you
who are delusional.
Reality is can be harsh and disappointing, and both men and women look
at their fathers as a proxy for reality due to the authority he holds in their
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