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Welcome to the Elite
Lifestyle Bible!
We’re going to cover a lot of topics here, that will not only improve your
game, but will take your life in general to a level usually only enjoyed by
celebrities and billionaires. If you follow this guide exactly, there will be
very little in your life that is not 100% handled. Realize though, that this
much change can be
scary and daunting.
Your brain is likely to reject this
much change in its quest for homeostasis. This means it’s important to
take on each of the sections one at a time, and to make sure that each
habit is ingrained before concentrating on the next one. We are looking
for lasting change here, not feel good mental masturbation. Keep in mind
that these are the exact steps that my assistants and I have followed, and
that nothing is put in here arbitrarily. This is not “Ten Steps for Better Abs”.
Its information that has been painstakingly gathered and tested by men
who live the most desirable lifestyles in the world. Experiment with the
information yourself, but also realize that the more discipline you have in
following these steps, the better your life will become.
I have divided this guide into two parts: Inner Lifestyle, and Outer
Lifestyle. Inner Lifestyle does not mean inner game, which is covered
in detail in the Inner Game Secrets Guidebook. Inner lifestyle, instead,
means the part of your lifestyle that is concerned with self-improvement
and keeping your own metaphorical (and literal) house in order. I have
put this section first because without getting your inner lifestyle handled,
your outer lifestyle will collapse. It’s hard to go to Maxim parties when
you can’t even dress yourself properly or finance an Uber ride. Outer
lifestyle is concerned with what you do out in the world. This means travel,
building a social circle, throwing parties, etc. This is the fun stuff. The type
of information that will make your friends jealous and keep your Instagram
looking like a museum of clinical depression. You should start building your
outer lifestyle in concert with your inner lifestyle habits, as long as you are
giving each habit enough time to be ingrained correctly. Just remember,
you can’t build a house without a good foundation.
Speaking of foundations… One of the core features of this guide is an
emphasis on foundations and fundamentals. If your familiar with the
Pareto principle, you know that 20% of your actions create 80% of your
results. In fact, it is estimated that this might even understate the case.
Most likely, 10% or more of your actions are what causes 90% or
your positive results in life. A weight lifter who has a disciplined focus only
on Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Presses, and Rows will often get more results
then the guy who uses a separate machine for every muscle he has. This
is true in EVERY area of lifestyle. If you get focus on the fundamentals,
and get those absolutely perfect, you will absolutely get better results
than the guy trying to balance every possible habit in that realm. Get the
fundamentals perfect and see if you can hold that for 6 months.
adding in the small stuff that will get you 1% more gains, as long as they
don’t interfere with the big stuff.
So, let’s begin...
Section 1: Inner Lifestyle: Grooming,
Hygiene, and Fashion
I started with this section because it’s the easiest to fix, and will have
the biggest returns per unit time. This does not mean it has the biggest
returns in general. What it means rather is that this is a project that will
dramatically improve your life, while only taking a week or so to complete.
For instance, I have seen guys that are charismatic as hell that get no
results in life simply because they have bad breath. This is no exaggeration.
Grooming, Hygiene and Fashion are some of the most ignored areas by
men, with disastrous results.
“But Derek! I heard that it doesn’t matter what you look like to get girls.
Now you’re saying that it does. I’m confused and scared.”
What we have said at RSD from the beginning is that good game
overcomes good looks and good fashion every time. And this is true. You
can look like a homeless person and bang models on occasion if your game
is entirely on point. However, why put up any obstacles to your success
at all!? Especially obstacles that are so easy to not only fix, but perfect.
It’s not even about becoming “better looking”, it’s about conveying that
you have your life handled, that you know who you are, and that you
know how to express that in a positive way. A guy with mediocre physical
genetics who has a good haircut, good breath, and a congruent style is
more attractive than a male model who looks like he recovered his clothes
from a crashed Greyhound bus. Secondly and more importantly, you
have to understand that while style and grooming don’t matter as much
to the women you are attracted to, it does matter to other people. More
specifically, it matters to her friends (who in a loud club can often only
see you and not hear what you are saying), it matters to your potential
business partners, it matters to the bouncers who decide whether or
not you get to come into the best clubs, etc. And again, considering how
easy to fix these things are, the real question is: If you’re not a complete
fucktard, why wouldn’t you do it?
Grooming and Hygiene:
Grooming for men is much easier than it is for women. We don’t have to
worry about make-up, eye lashes, or any of that crap. What we do have to
worry about falls into three categories. They are: Skin, Hair, and Mouth.
(This is assuming you already shower, wash your body with soap, and put
on deodorant every day. If you don’t, start doing that immediately)!
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