Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton.pdf

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"A breakthrough book. Dr. Brad Blanton shocks you, makes
you laugh, and, above all, makes you think."
Jones, Ph.D.,
author of
Negotiating Love
and founder of the Network for Empowered Women
"The truth really is 'the light of the world.'
Radical Honesty
helped me remove a few more mental shackles." —Wally
("the cookie man") Amos,
author of
Man with No Name: Turn Lemons into Lemonade
"Brad Blanton's approach in
Radical Honesty
is at once shocking
and healing. The subtitle of the book,
How to Transform Your Life
by Telling the Truth,
is just the tip of the iceberg."
Age Retailer
"Cuts through the bullshit of'normal everyday life.' Honesty is
the most rad policy of all!"
—Stuart Chapman,
Whole Earth Review
Please turn the page for more extraordinary acclaim.
. . .
"A delightfully refreshing look at being honest . . . I loved
—Rita Mae Brown,
author of
Rubyfivit Jungle,
Venus Envy,
Southern Discomfort
"Brad Blanton's wisdom changed my life. Read this book and
it will change yours."
—Johanna Neuman,
Chief Diplomatic Correspondent,
USA Today
"I use Brad's approach to expressing resentment and apprecia-
tion all the time with the kids I counsel in school. What it
opens up in their relating to each other is amazing to watch! A
great conflict-resolution tool."
—Kathy Sheridan, elementary school counselor
"Before you read this book, be forewarned, it will upset your
mental apple cart. But don't just read it, talk about it and pass it
along . . . because for a world that's drowning in lies and hid-
ing, it's the right message at the right time."
—Mike Casey, Communications Director,
Democractic Congressional Campaign Committee
■ ■
"If my students could be more like this, we'd revolutionize the
business world."
—Howard Borck, Ph.D.,
professor of Human Resource Management
Brad Blanton, Ph.D.
A Dell Trade Paperback
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I WISH TO THANK the copyright holders for permission to quote from the following
poems and sources:
"Loving Arms," words and music by Tom Jans. Copyright © 1972 Almo Music Corp.
(ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
"When I Loved Her" by Kris KristofFerson. © 1968 Careers-BMG Music Publishing, inc.
All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.
The Grapes ofWtath
by John Steinbeck. Copyright 1939, renewed © 1967 by John Steinbeck.
Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.
"A New Heaven and a New Earth," from
Tiie Complete Poems o/D.H. Lawrence
by D.H.
Lawrence. Copyright © 1964, 1971 by Angelo Ravagli and CM. Weekley, Executors of the
Estate of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of
Penguin Books USA Inc.
Excerpts from "The Downward Path to Wisdom" in
Tlie Leaning Tower and Other Stories,
copyright 1939 and renewed 1969 by [Catherine Anne Porter, reprinted by permission of
Harcourt Brace Jovanovkh, Inc.
"Lament" by Dylan Thomas, from
Poems of Dylan Tlwmas.
Copyright 1952 by Dylan
Thomas. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
"Testament (or Homage to Walt Whitman)" from
by Erica Jong. Copyright
1969, 1973, 1974, 1975 by Erica Mann Jong. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and
Company, Inc.
I and Thou,
by Martin Buber, translated by Ronald Gregor Smith. Copyright
1958 Charles
Scribner's Sons; copyright renewed. Reprinted with permission of Charles Scnbner's Sons,
an imprint of Macmillan Publishing Company.
Awareness: Exploring, Experimenting, Experiencing,
by John Stevens, © 1971 Real People Press.
Reprinted by Permission.
"The Song of the Blue Unicorn" by Carol Mason. Copyright © Carol Mason.
Reprinted by permission.
The Inner Game of Coif,
by W. Timothy Gallwey. Copyright 1979, 1981, by W. Timothy
GauVey. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
Copyright © 1994, 1996 by Brad Blanton
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
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The trademark Dell® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
ISBN: 0-440-50754-5
Printed in the United States of America
Published simultaneously in Canada
May 1996
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Dedicated to my Clients—Past, Present & Future
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