Monograph #309 - The Order of St Jerome - Cthulhu Dark Ages - Caligo Accedendum Tournament.pdf

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Caligo Accedendum Tournament 2004
Three Cthulhu Dark Ages Convention Adventures making up our 2004 Gen
Con Tournament.
For Chaosium's Cthulhu Dark Ages RPG
Copyright Chaosium Inc. 2004
The Caligo Accedendum Tournament Staff
Michael Patty- Island of the Damned (Round One)
Deane Goodwin- Risam Vellere (Round Two)
Bob Geis - The Innocent (Round Three)
Things, Scholars, and Support
Chad Boswer - Amazing Scholar
Tony Fragge - Super Thing
Mike MacKinnon - Lost Canadian
Doyle Tavener - Steadfast Catalyst
Next to the Last Minute Things
Rod Campbel, David Condon, Rob Booth, Bryan McCorkle
Last Minute Helpers
Unknown at the time of publication.
It's inevitable that someone pitched in on site and saved our bacon.
Thank you!
Playtesters & additional help
The Island of the Damned: Carl Bailey, Stephen Bailey, Ken Burton,
Jon DeeYoung, Matt Franzen, Chuck Heisler, Kelly Krane, Blair & Cathy
McMurtrey, Patrick Morgan, Daron & Holly Welch, and Michael's wife
for "tolerance and forbearance above and beyond the call of duty".
Risam Vellere: Kat Snyder, Joe Kellerman, Rodrick Campbell, Judy
Northwood, Ian Goodwin, Chad Bowser, Trevor Berghage, and Dave Noal.
The Innocent: David Condon, Frank Rausch, and Beeto.
Chaosium Is:
Charlie Krank, Dustin Wright, Fergie, Lynn Willis
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Island of the Damed (Round One) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Player CHaracter Backgrounds (Round One) . . . . .15
Risam Vellere (Round Two) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Player Handounts (Round Two) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
The Innocent (Round Three) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Character Information (Round Three) . . . . . . . . . . .58
Character Sheets for (sland of the Damned . . . . . .83
ou hold in your hands a monograph for Chaosium’s first annual Gen Con Caligo
Accedendum Tournament (CAT). The tournament showcases our Cthulhu Dark Ages
Roleplaying game in much the same way our hallowed Cthulhu Master’s Tournament has
showcased Call of Cthulhu for more than a decade. The inaugeral staffers chose the Latin name,
which translates to “the approaching darkness.” It also makes for a nifty acronym that fits in well
with the Lovecraft Mythos.
This year’s staff comprised of six fellows. Four of whom were able to physically make Gen Con.
These steadfast six began working on the tournament in November of 2003. They’ve put in a
tremendous amount of work over the last 10 months to make the first annual CAT a memorable
one. We also had the help of several volunteers who were wrangled in by their friends at the last
moment to act as assistant GM’s or “Things.” Without the tireless efforts of all these staffers, the
2004 CAT could not have taken place.
The CAT tournament allows 36 players to play through up to three rounds of well researched
Cthulhu Dark Ages Adventures. The tournament is run in an elimination style format. By the final
round on Sunday, only six players remain. A winner is chosen at the end of the final round by the
players and staff.
We hope that you take this monograph home with you. Whether to keep it as a memento of
your CAT 2004 experience or to share the adventures herein with friends at home or a local con-
vention. With this book, you could run your own mini-Cthulhu Dark Ages Tournament.
The CAT will be back again for Gen Con 2005. We hope to see you there as a player, or per-
haps as a new staffer.
Dustin Wright
Chaosium Dude
August 6, 2004
As you can see, a ‘monograph’ is simply put a limited publication from Chaosium. They
are works that we deem are interesting enough to a limited audience of hardcore
Chaosium gamers and keepers. Our monograph collection allows us to experiment with
all sorts of crazy ideas without having to risk the future of our company by printing them
as a full fledged book the first time around. They are cheap enough to print that we don’t
lose too much money if it turns out we were dead wrong. Because of the economies of
scale involved, they are only available directly from Chaosium. Some of these mono-
graphs, should they prove popular enough, may eventually see publication as a standard
Chaosium book. You can find a variety of Monographs at our website
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