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Cryptocurrencies and Political Finance
International IDEA Discussion Paper 2/2019
Cryptocurrencies and Political
International IDEA Discussion Paper 2/2019
Catalina Uribe Burcher
© 2019 International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
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Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................................
1. Introduction 
2. Using cryptocurrencies to finance politics 
3. Conclusions and recommendations 
About the author 
About International IDEA 
This discussion paper was developed by International IDEA in close cooperation
with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The paper
benefited from valuable input and feedback from a number of colleagues at
International IDEA and UNODC. Special thanks to William Sjöstedt who
contributed an important part of the original research that informed this paper. Our
appreciation also goes to Sahra Daar, Oleksiy Feshchenko, Yukihiko Hamada,
Rumbidzai Kandawasvika-Nhundu, Keboitse Machangana, Coline Mechinaud and
Sam Van der Staak. Importantly, the editorial guidance and input we received from
Kelley Friel, Lisa Hagman and David Prater helped us improve the paper during the
entire production process.
International IDEA  5
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