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The day of reckoning has come—don’t go
down without a fight!
By 3 Man Publishing
7th Seal
Armageddon RPG
“For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to survive?” Revelations 6:17
Joshua F Ely
Summer 2013
7th Seal is a cinematic role playing game based on post-apocalyptic anime. 7th Seal reveals a world in
chaos, ravaged by the Last War, Armageddon, a viral contagion and an alien invasion. From this
disastrous beginning, though, emerges a new breed of heroes. Forged in the fire of war, fueled with Old
Testament faith, alien technology and psionic mutations these heroes fight to bring order out of chaos,
to rebuild and protect their world, and to defeat the Leviathan. So don you power suit, say your
prayers, grab your lucky plasma rifle and your psionic friend, too, and let’s kick some mutant-demon-
Seal: Armageddon RPG
©2012 by Joshua F Ely
All rights reserved.
Written By
Joshua F Ely
Game Testers
Justin Goodman, Don King, Jeremy Piles, Trey Lee, Steve Roy, Trey
Sleeper, Brian Weihausen, Wade Weihausen and Nat Wilganowski
Barbarians of Lemuria
Barbarians of Lemuria role playing game written and owned by Simon
Washbourne is the fantastic sword and sorcery game from which many
of the mechanics of 7
Seal were derived. Thank you for adding crunch
to my fluff.
Barbarians of the Aftermath
Barbarian of the Aftermath role playing game supplement written and
owned by Nathaniel Torson is the fantastic post apocalypse rules
expansion for Barbarians of Lemuria. While many of the rules differ in
Seal, thank you for being an authoritative genre resource.
QAGS role playing game written and owned by Steve Johnson and
Leighton Connor is the outstanding rules lite generic game for which 7
Seal was originally written. While the project was eventually set aside
for the book you now hold QAGS inspired much of the writing style here
in. Thank you for being an inspiration to an old gamer like me.
3 Man Publishing
Seal is a publication of 3 Man Publishing wholly owned by Joshua F Ely.
For questions, comments or clarification contact me at
Author’s Note..................................................... 6
Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................... 7
History of the World: Part 3 ............................. 7
The Time Between Time .................................... 7
And Now!.................................................................. 9
Cinematic Role Playing ....................................... 9
Post-Apocalyptic Anime .................................. 10
Barbarians of Lemuria Rules ........................ 10
Chapter 2: Character Creation ......................... 11
Name ....................................................................... 11
Character Concept ............................................. 12
Tag Line & Clip Art ............................................ 12
Origin ...................................................................... 12
Attributes .............................................................. 13
Combat Abilities ................................................. 14
Careers ................................................................... 15
Calculate Points .................................................. 16
Team........................................................................ 16
Weapons & Gear ................................................. 17
Chapter 3: Origins ............................................ 17
Blasted .................................................................... 17
Charismatic .......................................................... 18
Elri............................................................................ 19
Mule ......................................................................... 20
Norker .................................................................... 21
Remnant ................................................................ 22
Chapter 4: Careers ........................................... 23
Career Rules ......................................................... 23
Origins and Careers .......................................... 23
Character Concept and Careers ................... 24
Big List of Careers .............................................. 24
Chapter 5: Weapons & Gear ............................ 30
Fighting Weapons .............................................. 30
Shooting Weapons ............................................. 31
Gear .......................................................................... 31
Chapter 6: Game Mechanics ........................... 32
Simple Roll ............................................................ 32
Resisted Roll ......................................................... 32
Target Numbers .................................................. 32
Advantage & Disadvantage ............................ 32
Default Rolls ......................................................... 33
Action Points & Specials .................................. 33
Hero Points ........................................................... 34
Experience Points .............................................. 35
Chapter 7: Combat Mechanics ........................ 36
The Combat Round ............................................ 36
Initiative ................................................................. 36
Combat Advantage & Disadvantage ........... 36
Combat Attacks ................................................... 37
Combat Action Points & Specials ................. 37
Damage ................................................................... 38
Hero Points ........................................................... 39
Combat Stunts...................................................... 39
Chapter 8: Power Mechanics ........................... 41
Spheres of Power................................................ 41
Power Attacks ...................................................... 42
Power Action Points & Specials.................... 42
Damage ................................................................... 43
Hero Points ........................................................... 43
Power Stunts ........................................................ 43
Sample Divine Powers...................................... 45
Sample Psionic Powers .................................... 46
Sample Darkness Powers................................ 46
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