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Technical English Test Masters Level 2 (Pre-Intermediate)

Exit Test

Sections 1 – 5 have a total of 60 marks. Try to answer all questions.

Section 6 (Speaking) has a further 20 marks.


Section 1: Vocabulary

1              Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, c or d in each space.

1              John is studying _____ engineering at college.

              a) mechanism              b) mechanic              c) mechanical              d) mechanics

2              The hard drive of your computer has automatically switched off. You can _____ it again by touching any key.

              a) adjust              b) activate              c) detect              d) select

3              This four-wheel-drive has high _____ , and as a result the rocks on the road will not damage the chassis.

              a) clearance                            b) emission             

              c) cab                                          d) consumption

4              The sensor on the wall _____ all changes of temperature, and switches on the alarm bell if the temperature rises above 60°C.

              a) extracts              b) operates              c) converts              d) monitors

5              The electrical _____ in this large factory consists of thousands of metres of cables and wires, thousands of fuses and switches and hundreds of appliances.

              a) system              b) device              c) process              d) instrument

6              The tail of the aeroplane has a vertical fin and two horizontal fins. These act as _____ for the plane and prevent the rear of the plane from moving around.

              a) generators              b) conductors              c) containers              d) stabilisers

7              As the temperature of the liquid is reduced, it _____ into a block of ice.

              a) evaporates              b) melts                            c) solidifies              d) condenses

8              A mixture of air and petrol is sucked into the internal combustion cylinder through an opening called the _____.

              a) intake valve                            b) exhaust port             

              c) intake port                            d) exhaust valve

9              If you bend an iron bar into a U shape, the outside surface of the U is under _____ as it stretches.

              a) shearing              b) tension              c) torsion              d) compression

10              To prevent fires from spreading in the warehouse, all shelves and counters must be made of _____ materials.

              a) non-combustible                            b) non-portable                           

              c) inaudible                                          d) unbreakable

11              The aeroplane’s forward _____ is controlled by the power of the plane’s engine.

              a) drag                            b) friction              c) thrust              d) lift

12              In modern oil drilling, a drill _____, usually made of steel and diamond, is used for breaking the rock under the surface of the earth.

              a) tripod              b) bit                            c) derrick              d) pulley




Section 2: Language

2              Choose the correct answer. Write a, b, c or d in each space.

13               Please dismantle this engine, clean all the parts carefully, and then put _____ again.

              a) them together              b) them                            c) together them              d) together

14              The voice-activated computer works _____ recognising the pattern of a human voice.

              a) for                            b) with                            c) by                            d) via

15               “Have you written your safety inspection report yet? “No, not yet. _____ it.”

              a) I now write                                          b) I’m still writing             

              c) I’ve written                                           d) I’m plan to write

16               “What’s the _____ speed for cruising, if I want to consume the least amount of fuel?” “About 95 km/ h is the best speed for a long journey. You’ll use much less petrol.”

              a) efficienter                            b) more efficient                           

              c) efficientest                            d) most efficient

17               The sub-sea engineers _____ down to the seabed tomorrow to examine the oil pipes.

              a) are will dive                            b) will to dive                             c) are diving               d) will diving

18               The motorbikes _____ by robots, but hand-painted by craftsmen.

              a) are assembled              b) assemble             

              c) assembled                            d) are assembling

19               _____ you mind sending me a copy of your latest brochure, please?

              a) Shall                            b) When              c) Are                            d) Would

20               More than 30 million working days _____ in this country last year because of staff illness.

              a) lost                                          b) were lost              

              c) were losing                            d) have lost

21               The racing driver pulled the visor down over his face _____ shield his eyes from dust and sand.

              a) for                            b) wanted to                            c) to                            d) for to

22               A digital sound metre is an instrument _____ measures sound levels digitally in decibels (dB).

              a) what                            b) which it              c) that                            d) that is

23               In a warehouse, hand trucks must never _____ behind you if you are walking down a ramp. The truck might roll down the ramp and injure you.

              a) to pull              b) be pulling              c) pull                             d) be pulled


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