CODEX - Death Guard.pdf

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Introduction ........................3
The Death Guard .................6
The Wages of Heresy ................................8
The Plague Planet ...................................10
Legion Organisation ..............................12
Colours of Contagion ............................14
Outbreaks of War ...................................18
The Chronicle of Virulence ...................20
Mortarion ................................................26
Daemon Princes of Nurgle....................28
Lords of the Death Guard......................30
Death Guard Sorcerers ..........................31
Noxious Blightbringers..........................32
Foul Blightspawn ....................................33
Biologus Putrifiers..................................34
Plague Surgeons......................................35
Tallymen ..................................................36
Plague Marines .......................................38
Blightlord Terminators ..........................39
Deathshroud Terminators .....................40
Chaos Spawn...........................................41
Chaos Cultists .........................................42
Battle Tanks .............................................44
Helbrutes .................................................46
Possessed .................................................47
Myphitic Blight-hauler ..........................49
Foetid Bloat-drones................................50
Plagueburst Crawlers .............................51
Plaguebearers ..........................................52
Nurglings .................................................53
Beasts of Nurgle ......................................54
Plague Drones .........................................55
The XIV Legion .................56
Devotees of Nurgle .................................65
The Befouling Host.................................66
Lords of the Plague Planet .68
Death Guard Wargear Lists...................69
Daemon Prince of Nurgle .....................70
Lord of Contagion ..................................71
Chaos Lord ..............................................72
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour .....72
Sorcerer in Terminator Armour ...........73
Malignant Plaguecaster..........................74
Plague Marines .......................................75
Chaos Cultists .........................................76
Plaguebearers ..........................................77
Nurglings .................................................77
Noxious Blightbringer ...........................78
Foul Blightspawn ....................................78
Biologus Putrifier....................................79
Plague Surgeon .......................................79
Tallyman .................................................80
Deathshroud Terminators ....................80
Blightlord Terminators .........................81
Helbrute ..................................................82
Beasts of Nurgle .....................................83
Possessed ................................................83
Foetid Bloat-drone ................................84
Myphitic Blight-haulers........................84
Chaos Spawn..........................................85
Plague Drones ........................................85
Chaos Land Raider................................86
Plagueburst Crawler..............................86
Defiler .....................................................87
Chaos Predator ......................................88
Chaos Rhino...........................................88
Mortarion ...............................................89
Gifts of the Plague God.........................90
Scions of Mortarion...........96
Warlord Traits .........................................97
Stratagems ...............................................98
Relics of Decay.....................................100
Contagion Discipline ..........................101
Points Values ........................................102
Tactical Objectives...............................104
With thanks to the Mournival for their additional playtesting services
Codex: Death Guard © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2017. Codex: Death Guard, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine, 40K, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, the ‘Aquila’ Double-headed
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Beware this seeping tome of horrors, for it is the definitive guide to the depthless horrors of Nurgle’s chosen Legion – the
Death Guard. This book will help you to assemble your collection of Death Guard Citadel Miniatures into a powerful tabletop
army, unified by their diseased heraldry and the will of their pox-ridden lords.
The Death Guard are the Traitor Legion most favoured by Nurgle.
Utterly devoted to spreading the Plague God’s hideous diseases
across realspace, they are living plague vectors whose bloated
bodies and rusted war engines boast grotesque resilience and
devastating firepower. With a huge variety of characters, unit types
and daemonic war engines at their disposal, the Death Guard offer
any collector an exciting range of options to explore. Whether you
favour elite, ultra-resilient strike forces, grinding mass-infantry
offensives, saturating bombardments of artillery fire or the empyric
foulness of summoned Daemons and virulent psychic plagues, the
Death Guard have units and stratagems to suit your needs. Starting
with a small collection or even an individual – and gruesome
– champion, you will swiftly build up a tabletop army capable
of soaking up any amount of punishment from your foes, while
delivering one crushing blow after another until victory is yours.
Within this book you will find all the information you need to
collect a Death Guard army and field it upon the tabletop.
THE DEATH GUARD: This section gives a comprehensive account
of the Death Guard’s history, and their ongoing wars to spread
Nurgle’s plagues. It also provides an in-depth analysis of how their
armies organise themselves and fight in battle.
THE XIV LEGION: Here you will find a showcase of beautifully
painted Citadel Miniatures that display the iconography and
favoured plagues of the Death Guard, and example armies to
inspire your own collection.
LORDS OF THE PLAGUE PLANET: This section includes
datasheets, wargear lists and weapon rules for every Death Guard
unit, for use in your games.
SCIONS OF MORTARION: This section provides additional rules
– including Warlord Traits, Stratagems, Relics, psychic powers and
matched play points – that allow you to transform your collection
of Citadel Miniatures into a revolting Death Guard army.
Aside from being a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield,
the Death Guard are also a unique and enjoyable project for
any modeller and painter. Every kit in the range is replete with
disgusting details and foul flourishes, allowing you to craft a
truly horrible – yet extremely formidable – collection of painted
miniatures. From corroded armour plates to dripping pus and
slime, the Death Guard are a fantastic excuse to break out the
Citadel effects paints, utilising such colours as Ryza Rust and
Nurgle’s Rot to personalise your force quickly and effectively.
To play games with your army, you will need a copy of
the Warhammer 40,000 rules. To find out more about
Warhammer 40,000 or download the free core rules,
They are a walking pestilence, a living plague of destruction and horror. Their heavy tread heralds the end of hope, and the
damnation of all who oppose them. Their touch withers all, be it flesh, metal or faith, and spreads seething corruption that
swallows worlds. They are the Death Guard, the sons of Mortarion, the chosen warriors of Nurgle. Fear them, and despair.
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