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The following commentary is intended to complement
the Blackstone Fortress rulebooks. It is presented as a
series of questions and answers; the questions are based
on ones that have been asked by players, and the answers
are provided by the rules writing team and explain how
the rules are intended to be used. The commentaries help
provide a default setting for your games, but players should
always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and
change things as they see fit if everybody wants to do so
(changes like this are usually referred to as ‘house rules’).
Our commentaries are updated regularly; when changes
are made any changes from the previous version will be
highlighted in
Where the date has a note, e.g.
‘Revision 2’, this means it has had a local update, only
in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
minor correction.
Can I move an explorer into a hex adjacent to a hostile
as part of one move, and then move them again in the
same activation?
A: Yes – when you move an explorer into a hex adjacent
to a hostile, this ends that explorer’s move and it must
halt. If an explorer starts a move in a hex adjacent to a
hostile, they can move normally (unless they move into
a hex adjacent to another hostile).’
Can an explorer use the Recuperate action while they are
out of action?
A: No.
Can I use overwatch dice to attack a hostile that deploys
in the event phase?
A: No, the overwatch dice are removed at the end of the
activation phase.
Does a combat end if all hostiles have been slain
while the explorers are not all in the maglev transport
escape chamber?
A: No.
If an explorer was inspired when they ended
an expedition, do they remain inspired on their
next expedition?
A: No.
Do the explorers need to discard four clue cards in order
to mount an expedition to the hidden vault?
A: No, the only requirement is that all four strongholds
have been conquered.
If my explorer is taken out of action during a combat,
can I make recovery rolls for them at the end of each
combat turn?
A: No, you must wait until after the combat has ended and
the expedition started again.
When the explorers return to Precipice, are all of their
wounds and grievous wounds healed?
A: Yes. However, you must still make recovery rolls for any
explorers that were out of action, to see if they die from
their wounds.
When Taddeus the Purifier uses his Rallying Cry or
Inspiring Speech actions, do explorers in adjacent hexes
have to be visible in order for him to heal them or for
them to re-roll attack rolls?
A: No.
When Pious Vorne uses an Inferno action, can I choose to
place only 1 inferno marker?
A: Yes.
When Pious Vorne uses an Inferno action, can I choose to
place both inferno markers in the same hex?
A: No.
When Rein & Raus take a Double Team action, do they
both have to perform the same action (i.e. do they both
have to move or both have to shoot)?
A: No.
Sometimes a maglev transport chamber is set up only
touching wall hexsides on an adjacent chamber. When
this is the case, are the walls ignored along the hexsides
where they connect with the maglev chamber?
A: Yes.
Must the explorers perform all covering fire before
attempting any gambits?
A: Yes.
The booby-trap marker for Dahyak Grekh is the same on
both sides. How can I tell which is the used side?
A: We recommend using the back of the counter as the
used side – you can tell which side is the back because it
is flatter than the front side.
The Thexian Perceptual Manipulator card from
makes the explorer invisible to hostiles. Does
this allow hostiles to move into the explorer’s hex and
vice versa?
A: No, hostiles can never enter a hex occupied by
an explorer.
Can I use the Demiurg Blasting Charge from
to place a blasted hex location tile in an obstructed hex
or a hex on the other side of a wall from the explorer, and
so on?
A: Yes.
If two or more of the columns on the behaviour table apply
to a hostile model, which one should I use?
A: Use the leftmost column that applies (or to put that
another way, start at the left-hand column and stop at
the first column that applies).
If a Rogue Psyker carries out a Disrupt action when there
isn’t a hostile player, who decides what happens?
A: The leader decides.
If an explorer is adjacent to two Chaos Beastmen, is the
cost of their actions increased by 2, etc?
A: No, it is only ever increased by 1 no matter how many
Chaos Beastmen are adjacent to the explorer.
With the Icefire challenge, do I roll once for each explorer
(in leader order) and then stop?
A: No, roll once for each explorer, in leader order, then start
with the first explorer again, and so on until you make
a roll that doesn’t include a 6. Once you make a roll that
doesn’t include a 6, stop rolling and inflict a grievous
wound on that explorer.
With the Shadow Ambush challenge, does each Ur-Ghul
attack three times when it attacks because of the Frenzied
rule on their card?
A: Yes.
Quite a few resource cards allow me to pick a model to
be affected by the card, but don’t say if the target has to
be visible to the explorer using the card. When this is the
case, does the target need to be visible?
A: No, the target only needs to be visible if this is
specifically stated on the resource card in question.
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